Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1190 Dumbfounded

Chapter 1190 Dumbfounded (Third)

The old woman was startled. Little Irene actually ate ten of those candies. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.

No matter how strong little Irene was, she couldn't bear this new type of chemical anesthetic, but she was fine even if she fell asleep.

The old woman was thinking outside the box, when the little guy ran over, her eyes lit up again.

"Child, come here."

"Grandma, did you call me?" the little guy blinked and asked.

"Yeah, you are so cute, grandma wants to treat you to candy." The old woman showed a kind face.

"Sugar? For me?"

The little guy pointed at himself!

"Yes, it's delicious."

"Don't, my daddy told me, you can't take other people's things casually."

The little guy shook his head and pursed his lips.

The old woman was dumbfounded, this child is not easy to fool.

"But, this candy is really delicious. Grandma is not a bad person. Your parents must have said that you can't just take things from bad people."

"Yeah, yum!" The little guy nodded, there seemed to be nothing wrong with his words.

"Hey, by the way, grandma is not a bad person!"

"Well...but...but it's the first time I meet my grandma. Papa said that I can't ask for her things when we meet for the first time."

The little guy firmly remembered Ling Yun's words, unless they were acquaintances, acquaintances could ask for gifts.

The old woman's smile stopped abruptly again, and she was dumbfounded again, this child is still young, why is it so difficult to fool!

"Children, this is wrong, look!" The old woman turned her head, and then turned around after three seconds, looking at the little guy carefully!
She said seriously: "Is this the second meeting?"

The little guy blinked and scratched his head: "Yeah!"

"Since it's the second time, we're no strangers, I'll leave the candy for you, good boy!!"

"Then I'll eat it?"

The little guy asked uncertainly, his eyes turned gray!
"Hehe! Eat it, it's just for your lovely child."

There is nothing wrong with the old woman's words, and it can be said that she has exposed her purpose, but the little guy is too simple.


The little guy licked the candy, and then ate it. The blood dragon element between her eyebrows burst into a red light, invisible to the naked eye!

The old woman was stunned, won't she fall?The accident just now, could this be the same?
"Give you!"


You're welcome, little guy, one after another, a full twelve, she's fine, this time she doesn't want it.

"Thank you grandma, Sissy is going back, goodbye."

"let's go!"

The old woman was about to vomit blood, and if she didn't leave, her candy would be gone.

The little guy bouncing back to the Lingyun box, nothing happened, a hundred poisons are invulnerable, these pediatrics can't trouble the blood dragon yuan between her eyebrows.

The old woman woke up when she watched the little guy enter the box, is she stupid?Just take it away, it's a complete loss.

An Qing also needs to clean up, so Bei Bei will come out next!
The old woman's eyes lit up, did she step on shit tonight, so lucky, she met such lovely children.


The old woman's routine is coming again, Beibei is not easy to fool!
Beibei went straight away, what kind of candy is not candy?It is delicious to have Wangzai milk candy!
and also!

Most importantly, the packaging is too fake, I don't even want to eat it.

"Don't go! Boy, is this really delicious?"

Beibei scratched her head and asked curiously, "Really?"

"Really, don't lie to children." The old woman was suddenly pleasantly surprised, could she not fool a child?Is she still a famous trafficker?
"Then tell me, how delicious is it?" Beibei asked.

The old woman was dumbfounded, then smiled and said: "You can see how delicious it is just by watching me eat it."

mock up?

fight me?
She will eat it later, and if she behaves better, the child will be hooked. At that time, hehe... Another one will be done!
After thinking about it, the old woman was secretly proud, and gradually became excited in her heart!
"See, I ate it, um...delicious...delicious..."

Word down!

The old woman fell down, Beibei was dumbfounded!

what's the situation?
Fell asleep?
Beibei scratched her head and looked around, but couldn't see anyone coming.

"Amitabha, old benefactor, please continue to sleep, someone will come."

Beibei clasped his hands together and bowed towards the fainted old woman on the ground!
In the box!
An Qing came back from the other side, she was relieved to see Beibei, but what about little Irene?
Little guy: "Ma Ma, did she steal ice cream?"

An Qing said: "She is not you!"

"Hmph, I don't steal food, you all bought it for me." The little guy shook his head and said, but she just didn't admit it!

Beibei frowned slightly, Little Irene was really not here, so they all found a box.

"Handsome, where's little Irene?"

"Are you looking for it?"

Ling Yun specifically pointed to Beibei's forehead, indicating that she could use her spiritual sense.

"Oh... is she there, is she asleep?" Beibei immediately knew that little Irene was in a box nearby, and there were people around.

"Bebe, you go beat them up."

"Why oh, are they bad people, why beat them?"

"They catch children, do you think they are bad people?"

"Is it that bad? Will they catch Beibei? 555~ When they catch Beibei, Beibei won't be able to see Shuai Shuai, Aunt An, sister, and my parents."

Beibei rubbed her eyes and cried softly!

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what did he say?

"How could it be, Beibei is so powerful, whoever dares to arrest you, uncle will help you seek justice immediately."

"Hahaha, good."

Beibei burst into laughter instantly!

Hearing the words, the little guy slipped over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, you two quickly bring little Irene back."

Ling Yun patted their heads and gently pushed them out.

Beibei and the little guy went out immediately, and went back to the place where they met the old woman just now, but the latter was no longer there.

The little guy pursed his lips and said, "Are you leaving so soon? Are you reluctant to part with candies?"

"Candy?" Beibei blinked!

"Yeah, yum, it's not delicious at all, it's a lie to the children."

The little guy lied, that kind of candy is a bit addictive, it's not bad.

"Here...Little Irene is sleeping in it." Beibei pointed to the narration box, locking it with her spiritual sense.

"You pig-headed, why did you pass out so well? Are you hungry?" A middle-aged man pointed at the old woman and cursed.

The middle-aged man is the little leader of their gang, Deng Xingjun!


The old woman was speechless. Thinking of it, she always gritted her teeth, itching with hatred.

It's so funny to fight eagles all your life, but to be blinded by the eagles.

"It's getting late before going out to find the next target. It's going to be bad if their parents find out. People here are either rich or expensive. Let's keep a low profile." Deng Xingjun stared at the old woman and said!

(End of this chapter)

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