Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1191 Done

Chapter 1191 Done (Fourth)

The old woman said: "This is the territory of the Eighth Master, what are we afraid of!"

"Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, go out." Deng Xingjun waved his hand and dismissed the old woman, who didn't linger and went out immediately!
The old woman didn't care, who is the eighth master?He is the ruler of the underground world of the capital. The dragon sees the head but does not see the tail.

Century City KTV is the property under his name!

The little guy and Beibei heard it outside. Although they don't understand, they feel that they are not good people, and little Irene is inside!

As soon as the old woman opened the door of the box, she saw two little guys, the latter's eyes lit up, it took no effort at all!
"Children, why are you here?"

Little guy: "'s you!"

Beibei pushed the old woman away, trotted up to the body of little Irene, and stared blankly, how to wake her up.

Deng Xingjun stared at him, isn't this Long Beibei, probably not, how could Long Beibei be here.

The old woman generously invited the little guy into the box, with a smile on her face, such a cute and cute child, selling it in Europe would cost more money than extorting her parents.

"There's another one? Well... you guys are bad guys!" Beibei frowned slightly, she could clearly see the situation in the whole box.

Deng Xingjun laughed: "We are not bad people. These children are asleep and resting here."

The old woman said: "No, they are all asleep, don't disturb them, do you want to sleep?"

She thought of the little guy who ate so many candies, yet nothing happened, and she became speechless.

Beibei's eyes are round and round, do you think she is a child?She is small... but it doesn't mean she has no IQ. Deng Xingjun is clearly rubbing her IQ on the ground.

She ran over, knocked down the big guy Deng Xingjun with a hook of her little foot, and the other boys were shocked!
Where is their boss acting?
"What are you looking at, catch her!" Deng Xingjun already knew very well that she was Long Beibei, and he would die if he didn't catch her. He had no choice.

Hearing this, other people went up to catch Beibei one after another, and the latter used his body skills like Lingbo microsteps, how could they catch Beibei.

After 3 minutes, Deng Xingjun's younger brother was played around, lying on the ground weakly, and stopped playing...

Taking advantage of Beibei's stop, the old woman secretly thought it was a good opportunity, and tiptoed to Beibei's back, intending to hug her!


She seems to have forgotten the little one!
Seeing this situation, the little guy immediately understood, she also learned to tiptoe, and then took advantage of the old woman not paying attention, kicked her little foot, the latter fell a dog and was kicked quite far.


The little guy covered his mouth and laughed, so it was so fun!

Deng Xingjun was going crazy, he took out his mobile phone and made a few calls to add more people!
Beibei was listening, muttering, is this person so bad?Suddenly thought of paying attention.

She took out the poisonous elixir of the Six Guardians, immobilized Deng Xingjun first, and then fed him!
The little guy was still talking in a childish voice, taking the medicine, any illness would be cured, and seeing Deng Xingjun's pale face, she knew that he had kidney deficiency.

The other boys were not spared either, they were all fed one by Beibei, and after they were released, they clasped their throats repeatedly and induced them to vomit!

Beibei doesn't care, learning from the TV set, pinching someone for little Irene, embarrassing...the latter is awake, and still pinching someone?
"555~, I won't be greedy anymore." Little Irene shuddered when she recalled it.

The old woman lay on the ground, slowly running towards the door of the box. The little guy kept staring at her, suspecting that the latter could not stand up because of kidney deficiency, and was considering whether to give her one.

Since the three little guys didn't come back for a long time, Lin Qiuyan in the luxury box couldn't sit still, and clamored for Ling Rufeng to take her out to look for them.

In the end, she came to this box, and she was furious when she saw the situation. Her granddaughter was not injured, right?
Hearing Beibei's careless words, Ling Rufeng frowned, isn't this abduction, what he hates the most, he didn't expect to meet him today.

good good!
He immediately took out his mobile phone and notified Longzu to surround Century City KTV and sleepless tonight.

Those people in the private room had diarrhea because they had swallowed the rubbish elixir, Ling Rufeng locked the door of the private room, the stench was stinky, and shit spread all over the floor.

Ling Rufeng left the scene early, followed the clues, took down other dens in one fell swoop, and rescued five or six children.

Back in the luxurious box, the three little guys were bragging, roughly to An Qing about how the three of them beat the enemy to pieces and pissed on their asses.

With a babyish voice, and waving her little fists, she is really cute!
Tonight's little guy sang a birthday song to Lin Qiuyan, which moved the latter to tears!
"Grandma, I gave you this."

The little guy was holding a red envelope with a thick document bag inside, which was the transfer letter from Times Square.

It turns out that the little guy is going to give Times Square to Lin Qiuyan. He really has a heart at such a young age.

"Thank you my little granddaughter, she will be more obedient in the future."

Fortunately, Lin Qiuyan didn't open it, otherwise she would have been sick from fright, and gave such a big gift!
Beibei also has a gift, which is packed in a small gift box. It is a elixir, which prolongs life. She made it herself, and it was passed by Ling Yun!
And little Irene!

She didn't shy away from it at all, and took out her beloved pearl openly, which was as big as her fist, and it was the pearl of the endless sea, very seductive.

From Ling Yun's point of view, this pearl is at least thousands of years old, and it is considered a rare treasure. Lin Qiuyan is just like a toy, after all, he doesn't know the goods.


Ling Tianyang is different, he knows that little Irene is a dragon, maybe this is a dragon ball, get rich, get rich!

Ling Yun's gift is to thank Lin Qiuyan for her kindness in nurturing, it is very emotional, Lin Qiuyan cries again, and the little guy will comfort her!

An Qing's gift was selected early in the morning. It was a set of clothes designed by herself. It was very eye-catching, and Liu Qingcheng and Zhang Jiahui were envious.

Other people's gifts are nothing special, and it's getting late, Lin Qiuyan plans to leave.

Ling Rufeng dealt with the entire Century City ktv, and found the underground emperor Ba Ye, who received the news and slipped away!

Silent all night!
Ling Yun's family lived in Ling's mansion for four days. During these four days, they have never seen Ling Wensong appear in the public eye. Occasionally, Ling Yun would go to his study to chat with him to untie the latter's knot.

And today is China's New Year's Eve, and Mr. Ling had to show up. It was a beautiful reunion night, and Ling Yun was not trying to hide it. In Mr. Ling's study, he confessed everything.

Old Master Ling smiled, he seemed to have guessed it early in the morning, since the first day Ling Yun arrived and cast the illusion, he has been suspected.

(End of this chapter)

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