Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1193 Qin Lan is in Difficulty

Chapter 1193 Qin Lan is in Difficulty (Second Change)

In a moment!
The strength displayed by Ling Yun stunned Lin Qiuyan, making the latter believe it, it was too sci-fi.

The little guy proudly said that this was her father, which was awesome, and made Lin Qiuyan laugh out loud.

Ling Xiaoyu and her sisters missed everything after playing with snowballs.

When Ling Yun was chatting with Lin Qiuyan, the little guy stopped playing, she missed Qin Lan, asked for a mobile phone, and was contacting the latter to say Happy New Year.

The little guy turned around for a long time, where is Qin Lan's number?
She didn't know, that note was for Brother Qin! !

The little guy has been staring at it for a long time, wondering who this Qin buddy is, and the number is a little familiar.


"what happened?"

"Who is this?"

"You won't know until you call."


On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Qin Lan promised Mr. Qin that he would go to meet Mr. Qin's friend's son and have a meal by the way, probably a blind date.

In the private room of the Yuexia Hotel, Luo Shaoqiang stared at Qin Lan who was eating with his head down, his eyes bewitched!
"Xiao Lan, eat more." Luo Shaoqiang laughed!

Qin Lan frowned slightly, she was not happy to call her Xiao Lan when they first met, besides, it was just for a meal, whether or not they would see her later was another matter.

"I'm too full, you're welcome." Qin Lan smiled slightly.

"Uncle Qin told you everything?"

"I said it."

Qin Lan blinked, as Mr. Qin told her, just have a meal.

What Luo Shaoqiang meant was that this time it was a blind date!
"Then what do you think of me?" Luo Shaoqiang smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Qin Lan pursed her lips, then raised her eyes and smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, we are not suitable."

She would be a little silly if she didn't understand, and she blamed Mr. Qin in her heart.

A blind date is a blind date, and the reason is so high-sounding.

"No... We are talented and beautiful, why? I have no money? No power?" Luo Shaoqiang's eyes flickered coldly.

"I'm a prodigal girl. You come from a scholarly family. Seriously, don't look for my kind when looking for a wife." Qin Lan blinked her beautiful eyes and said.


If it's this kind of woman, he likes... Hehe!
It came out, isn't that how it is!

Qin Lan's scalp was numb from being stared at, and now he couldn't tell. He shouldn't have said that just now, and how it will end now.

Then she immediately walked out of the box!
But Luo Shaoqiang stopped her, and the two were arguing.

Hear it!

The waiter outside immediately opened the door, but Luo Shaoqiang was not an ordinary person, he stunned them with a backhand shock, and shattered their internal organs even if they didn't die.

Qin Lan was so frightened that she trembled all over, Luo Shaoqiang grabbed her hair and threw her to the side of the sofa, holding it down!

Chen Li came here in shock. It was the box she had arranged before. On the first day of the new year, did she have a bad luck!

"Notify the security, hurry up!!"

Qin Lan is still in pain, crying, being bullied for the first time, she misses Ling Yun, he was there last time, but what about him?

Qin Lan felt aggrieved, her beautiful red eyes made her feel affectionate.

Luo Shaoqiang suddenly stopped shouting, his eyes were bloodshot, and he smashed the table with his fist, none of the security guards could stop him.

A scream!
Chen Li pushed Qin Lan away, and the former was hit by the flying security guards, and the back of his head fell to the ground, bleeding from seven holes immediately.

Qin Lan covered her mouth, took a last look, and saw Luo Shaoqiang staring at her again, so she hurried down, shouting as she ran.

This time, she was chased from the upstairs to the street, and the security guards around her were almost dead.

If I don't abuse Qin Lan, I swear I won't be human!
Luo Shaoqiang swears fiercely in his heart that the damn woman actually kicked his lifeblood, so she must know how powerful it is.

Qin Lan looked back, his expression suddenly changed, he was about to catch up, what should he do?
There was a pleasant ringtone, and Qin Lan quickly took it out to have a look. Surprise appeared on his face, and the number showed Lingyun!

Even if Ling Yun called, she couldn't save her. She always knew that Ling Yun was in the capital, and far water could not save near fire!
Even if it was death, she would not let Luo Shaoqiang succeed. For some reason, she wanted to answer that call last, even if it was to hear Ling Yun's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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