Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1194 1 mess

Chapter 1194 A Mess (Third)

Luo Shaoqiang was about to arrive, Qin Lan immediately pressed the answer button!
"Ling Yun!!"

"Guess who I am?"

The little guy's baby voice is still so cute and funny.

Qin Lan's voice was bitter in desperation, but there was also a trace of expectation. The little guy frowned slightly, feeling that the opposite side was a bit noisy, and the voice was not right.

How could she be her daughter... This is a treasure!

It wasn't Ling Yun who was looking for her, and he lost all expectations in his heart.

Ling Yun was right next to him, and he immediately frowned when he heard Qin Lan's voice!

court death! !
He was so angry that his right hand went straight into the void!

Qin Lan stared at Luo Shaoqiang with wide eyes. She was waiting for Ling Yun to reply, and if she didn't reply, she would hit the wall. The little guy on the phone blinked.

"Damn it!"

Luo Shaoqiang laughed: "Run? Bitch, I'll let you see what a powerful man is tonight, and let you flirt!"

Tears dripped from the corners of Qin Lan's eyes...

A close call!
"court death!"

As soon as the sound came, the void trembled, the waves radiated, and a giant black hand suddenly appeared, instantly frightening Qin Lan and Luo Shaoqiang!
Luo Shaoqiang was so frightened that he trembled all over, he saw hell during the day!
Just when he was about to escape, a giant hand came in an instant, and a terrifying force pinched him!

What a miserable cry, the people around screamed in horror.

Anyone who sees it can be frightened. The giant hand that appears out of nowhere pinches a person. Are you afraid?

"It's not a pity to die!"

Ling Yun said viciously, death is easy, this damned ants actually messed up Yuexia Hotel, it is unforgivable!

Ling Yun kept pinching, Luo Shaoqiang's screams gradually weakened, he was dying, and there was a pool of blood dripping on the ground, it was terrible.

In the last scene, Luo Shaoqiang was crushed into scum, and his soul was taken by Ling Yun!

The disappearing giant hand, the blood residue on the ground, everyone vomited and had lingering fears.

"Papa, what is this?"

The little guy asked curiously, his eyes kept looking at the glowing ball of light in Ling Yun's hand, and that ball of light was Luo Shaoqiang's soul.

"This is the bad guy."

"Bad guy? Not like it." The little guy scratched his head, man?Where does it look like a human being!
Lin Qiuyan asked, "Little Yun'er, did something happen?"

She didn't know why, and she couldn't see anything. In the scene just now, she only saw that half of Ling Yun's right hand disappeared, and it just broke into the air, as if invisible.


Ling Yun smiled, then took out the glass beads that had previously sealed the zombies and prudish souls, pressed Luo Shaoqiang's soul again, and let them stay in pain forever.

"Papa, this is fun, give it to me." The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and she could see that there were three villains inside this thing, and there was a thunderbolt inside.

"I'll keep it for you, but remember to return it to me." Ling Yun smiled.


As soon as the little guy got it, he couldn't wait to study it.

Ling Yun said that something happened to leave and let Lin Qiuyan look at her. The latter knew that something must have happened, but she didn't ask, Ling Yun didn't tell her, because she just didn't want to.


The gates of Yuexia Hotel were all guarded, more than a dozen ambulances were waiting in line, Jiangbeilong team, Ma Rulong conducted on-site inspections, Lin Hao was also there, and the latter even called Xu Le who was far away at Jinlinglong's home.

Xu Le was slightly startled when he heard that, wondering who was tired of working.

Chen Li was seriously injured, with a massive brain hemorrhage, and had already been sent to the hospital. The Yuexia Hotel preliminarily calculated that five security guards and two waiters were killed. Many witnesses told about the giant black hand.

Ma Rulong was in a cold sweat. Isn't the giant hand the king of the underworld? It seems that the Yuexia Hotel has something to do with the king of the underworld. Ling Yun's identity in Huaxia is about to be revealed.

As long as Ma Rulong investigates a little bit, he can know that he has a bit of a brain to think of this.

Chen Li was sent to the hospital, and the Yuexia Hotel was almost without a leader. Ling Yun had no choice but to come forward, so he came from the capital.

As soon as Ling Yun came, Ma Rulong immediately stepped forward to question him!
"Hello, are you the big boss here?" Ma Rulong pointed to the Yuexia Hotel and said, and handed Ling Yun a cigarette.

Ling Yun smiled: "That's right, don't ask me anything you don't understand about things here, because I just arrived, and it's not good to smoke this cigarette."

Huaxia's kind of cigarettes, only that bastard Xin Zhao can smoke them. Ling Yun doesn't smoke his own soul-cultivating cards, but can he smoke this kind of rubbish?

Ma Rulong is polite, Ling Yun is polite, otherwise haha...

It's not the first time Lin Hao has seen Ling Yun. He saw Ling Yun once before at the Jinyang Ancient Tomb. The latter acted like an ordinary person, but he was curious about Ling Yun's property!
Did it come from tomb robbers!
"That's fine, we are also doing routine inspections, the murderer probably knows, but he is dead, this matter is difficult, you should go to comfort the staff, Yuexia Hotel is the leader in Jiangbei's food and beverage industry." Ma Rulong said truthfully.

Ling Yun nodded, then stepped across the cordon and entered the Yuexia Hotel!
The ground was stained with blood, Ling Yun sighed after seeing it, these security guards are too weak, most of them are gangsters from the daughter gang.

Ling Yun found a few frightened employees and asked them to go back first. Why are they still working on the first day of the new year? Really.

This can't be blamed on Chen Li, all the staff asked for it, and it was all for money if they said too much, who knew what happened.

Ling Yun went to the logistics department, that is, Liu Min who was in charge of the money. Although the latter was in the office, she was very dedicated and called the families of the injured employees one by one.

"Aunt Liu!"

"Little Yun'er? You've come." Seeing Ling Yun, Liu Min felt as if he had found a pillar, and the burden on his body was relieved a lot.

"Thank you."

Ling Yun smiled slightly!
"Why are you being polite? This is what I should do, but I still can't do it well. If this happened on the first day of the new year, will I be banned?" Liu Min looked worried. , everyone will not have this job.

"You did a good job, everything has accidents, isn't it!"

"You are the boss. The seriously injured security guards are still in the hospital. I have already confirmed that some waiters are also injured. I will record the list in the notebook."

Liu Min helped Ling Yun do everything well, and didn't need the latter to do anything. He really did his best.

Ling Yun nodded and asked Liu Min to take care of everything. For those who were killed, each security guard would pay 300 million yuan. Those who were injured were work-related injuries, and they would be subsidized until they were healed and discharged from the hospital.

at the same time!

All the employees of the Yuexia Hotel are given [-] days of paid leave, and they will be compensated for two months’ wages for work today, including all medical expenses.

Ling Yun was really willing, since he opened his mouth, Liu Min naturally wouldn't talk too much, she knew it might be Ling Yun's method.

After giving orders to Yuexia Hotel, as the boss, Ling Yun must go to the hospital to visit, whether it is to visit Qin Lan, Chen Li, or other injured and hospitalized employees.

(End of this chapter)

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