Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1195

Chapter 1195 Visiting (Fourth)

It was Ling Yun's first visit to Jiangbei People's Hospital. Relying on his strong spiritual sense, he went directly to Qin Lan's ward. The latter was fine, just a flesh injury.

After Mr. Qin got the news, he looked angry and called his friend to scold him. The latter shook his head and said it was impossible. Now that Luo Shaoqiang can't be contacted, they refused to admit it.

Instead, he bit his head and turned around, saying that it was Qin Lan who seduced Luo Shaoqiang. At that time, Mr. Qin fainted from anger and was hospitalized.

"Cough cough..."

Looking at Qin Lan's foot in plaster, unable to move and wanting to get a fruit, Ling Yun wanted to laugh when he saw that funny look!

"Ling Yun!!"

Qin Lan turned her head to look at the door, her eyes widened immediately!

All the fruits have fallen to the ground!
Ling Yun walked over and jokingly said, "He's such a big man, he still has hands and feet."

"How did you come?"

Qin Lan didn't answer, but directly changed the subject and asked, her beautiful eyes trembled, Ling Yun is in Jiangbei?Isn't it the capital?
"Can you not come? Something happened to my property. Let me tell you, Qin Lan, you don't know any good birds." Ling Yun squatted down to pick up the apple on the ground, speechless.

Qin Lan muttered angrily, then bit her lips lightly, and said, "That's right, neither of them are good birds."

Saying this, I kept looking at Ling Yun, who stood up after picking up the apples, only to realize that Qin Lan had also said him, isn't it a good bird?He also has his share?

"I'm an exception..."

"Why? I don't know you anymore? You're no better than them!" Qin Lan rolled her eyes.

"You are a patient, I won't quarrel with you." Ling Yun also rolled his eyes speechlessly, with a handsome face, Qin Lan immediately blushed and dared not look at it.

"I've said it all. I'm fine. They insisted on keeping me in the hospital for observation. Really, I can still move my hands. Don't believe me."

Qin Lan immediately stretched out his right hand, and then made a fist movement, Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, do you think he is a fool!

"Come on, I'm not a doctor, it's useless for you to tell me."

"Why is it useless? Your medical skills are obviously better than theirs."

Qin Lan frowned. She didn't understand why Ling Yun was keeping a low profile. She needed him right now, and her body still hurt a little. Need acupuncture, she really didn't want to be hospitalized.

"Miss Qin, you are wrong to say that. Although our hospital's medical skills are not first-class in the country, they are also second to none in Jiangbei."

Hearing this, the doctor at the door couldn't help but retort.

"Since it's top-notch, then you hurry up and prescribe me the medicine, and I'm going to be discharged from the hospital." Miss Qin was overjoyed!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, was this woman frightened out of her wits and prescribed medicine?What medicine to prescribe?Since you can leave the hospital, you don't need to prescribe medicine!
"Miss Qin, this won't work. First, you can't prescribe medicines indiscriminately. Second, you need to stay in the hospital for observation, and you will have a comprehensive examination later." The attending physician said thoughtfully, you can't joke about your body like this, and you must need it if you have any problems. Checked by instrument.

"Ling Yun, you just watch me suffer like this? Don't forget that I had an accident in your hotel." Miss Qin looked at Ling Yun aggrievedly, remembering that she was almost raped in the private room... her eyes began to turn red.

The attending physician said with a smile: "Miss Qin should take a good rest, there will be blood drawn later!"

Hearing this, Qin Lan shivered violently, most afraid of being drawn blood.

"Doctor, arrange for her to be discharged from the hospital." Ling Yun spoke this time, and he just took an apple to wash.

The attending physician shook his head and said in a deep voice, "No, what if something happens."

Qin Lan also said: "Did you hear that our genius doctor has spoken, please make arrangements for me!"

"Miraculous doctor? Just him! Don't joke about it." The attending physician shook his head. Ling Yun, who is so young, is good at medicine. He is also a miraculous doctor. Why don't you be so funny!
"Hey, hey, Ling Yun, if he doesn't believe you, why don't you show yourself?" Qin Lan laughed!
Ling Yun washed the apple and threw it to Qin Lan: "Dude, I've washed it for you. It's normal if you don't believe me. I don't know medical skills."

When Qin Lan heard this buddy, she pouted immediately!
"Ling Yun, call me buddy again, I'm in a hurry with you!"

Qin Lan purposely said that she spoke loudly to her old lady, and she straightened her body. Her heart vibrated and shook a few times, just to prove that she is a woman, don't call her buddy, she doesn't want to be brothers with Ling Yun!

"Dude, don't get excited! I saw it, don't shake it!" Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he's big enough, don't show off!

Qin Lan was furious...

The attending physician said: "I'll just say, how can there be such a young genius doctor who doesn't even know how to do medicine?"

Ling Yun said: "It's true that I don't know medical skills, but I have a way to cure her. Besides, she's fine, at most it's just something wrong."

"What do you say?"

Although Ling Yun was right, Qin Lan lowered her head and was still blushing.

"How can you say it's all right? Young man, what do you know? Go ahead. Chinese medicine's knowledge is just average." The attending physician became impatient.

Ling Yun frowned. Getting Qin Lan out of the hospital was a lot of trouble, and it was impossible to show his hands. As a Chinese, he still looked down on Chinese medicine.

"It's a bit of a grind, let you feel the charm of Chinese traditional Chinese medicine."

Word down!

Ling Yun pointed at a certain acupoint of the attending physician, and the latter was bouncing around like a zombie, uncontrollably.

"What did you do? How did this happen." The attending physician turned pale with shock. It was the first time he encountered this situation, and it would be a lie to say that he was not panicked.

"How? Is Chinese medicine okay? Your body is not good, you have been hollowed out long ago, you don't pay attention to your diet, you have three highs, and other functions gradually decline. It is normal at your age."

Ling Yun said a lot, which scared the attending physician into sweat, because what Ling Yun said was correct, and he had all the problems he said.

Qin Lan didn't even blink her beautiful eyes. I have to say that Ling Yun is so handsome at the moment, if she continues to look at it, her heart will be in turmoil!

"Young man, how do you know?"

"Study Chinese medicine well, you have some problems, which cannot be detected by those instruments."

"Chinese medicine?" The attending physician looked like you were kidding me. He studied Western medicine and was not interested in Chinese medicine.

"Can we arrange for her to be discharged from the hospital now?" Ling Yun asked again.

"This... this... if something happens, our hospital will not be responsible." The attending physician replied.

His body has not regained the initiative, and he is still bouncing around.

"If you stay here, something will happen." Ling Yun replied with a smile.

"If you are disobedient, just keep dancing. He is a genius doctor. I didn't lie to you!" Qin Lan pouted, leaving the hospital with a look of eyes, New Year's Day?Let her be hospitalized rather than let her die!

Hearing this, the attending physician's face turned livid and kept jumping?No way…

Ling Yun made up the knife: "Go for a full-body examination yourself, and see if Western medicine can save you."

(End of this chapter)

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