Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1197 Miracles

Chapter 1197 Miracles (Second Change)


It's time to go in and see his daughter for the last time, he doesn't believe Ling Yun's words!
Qin Lan supported Chen's mother who was absent-minded, and then the group walked into Chen Li's ward!

As soon as Chen's mother saw her daughter lying on the bed, she burst into tears again: "Sin, what did we do wrong in our previous life? If we insist on doing this to my daughter, it's our fault, and it's none of my daughter's business, why? To take her life."


Father Chen couldn't help it either!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, Chen Li was so tired?If you don't wake up under such a loud noise, you are really dead asleep.

"Ahem, Chen Li, wake up, late for work!"

As a last resort, Ling Yun can only use this trick!
"Late, damn it, my alarm clock won't go off!!"

Chen Li woke up from the bed immediately, only to realize that something was wrong. With so many medical equipment inserted in her hands, it occurred to her that she seemed to be injured, and her memory after that was gone.


Chen Ma's eyes widened, and then rushed over, no matter what happened, hug first before talking!

"This... daughter?"

Father Chen was dumbfounded, and it was not hard to see that a smile gradually appeared on his face.

Qin Lan smiled, Ling Yun did not disappoint her, she walked over gently and helped Chen Li remove the equipment on her body.

"Thank you Chen Li!"

"I'm dreaming, continue to sleep! Continue to sleep." How dare Chen Li believe this fact, she clearly remembers the injury, and now her body is intact.

"Yes, it's a dream, it's a dream, Mom will do it with you." Mother Chen cried, and hugged Chen Li tightly. She just thought it was a dream and declared that she couldn't be saved. It's nothing to talk to her at the moment, it's not a dream What is it!

Father Chen rubbed his eyes, this isn't a dream, it's reality, okay? He started to look at the smiling Ling Yun, thinking back to Ling Yun's words in his mind!

Don't worry, Chen Li will be fine with me in everything!

It's him!

"Miraculous doctor, miraculous doctor, thank you..." Father Chen came back to his senses, and was about to kowtow to Ling Yun immediately, miraculous doctor?He wanted to call a god, but in just a few minutes, his daughter's injury was healed, isn't it the way of a god!

"Uncle, why do this, please get up!" Ling Yun lifted Father Chen up with an invisible force, preventing him from kneeling down. It was his duty to save Chen Li.

"No, no, I must kneel down and thank you for saving my life." Father Chen was very persistent!

Ling Yun said: "It's better to say goodbye. You guys stay with Chen Li for a while, and I will deal with other things. When the doctor asks, you just say you met a genius doctor."

Word down!

Ling Yun then backed out, Father Chen couldn't kneel down, there was a force supporting him all the time, he was at a loss, is he really a fairy!

Qin Lan wanted to go out with him, but because of certain things, she continued to stay here.

Ling Yun is going to visit other injured employees!
in the hallway!
He was surprised to meet Brother Qiang, whose eyes lit up, then knelt down, and said, "Hello, my lord, my subordinates are not well supervised, please punish me."

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?" Ling Yun waved his hand, he has clear grievances, rewards and punishments, it's not Brother Qiang's fault, what is the punishment!
"I heard about it, so I came here to see if I need help. How can I say that the Yuexia Hotel is also my management site, and they are also my brothers."

"Yes, I didn't misread you at the beginning, then you can continue, manage Jiangbei well, and take Jiangnan down if you have a chance."

Ling Yun's words shocked Brother Qiang, and Jiang Nan also took it?Thinking of it, there was a little excitement in my heart! !

Saying goodbye to Ling Yun, Brother Qiang was very excited, he was much happier in doing things, and condoled all the security guards who were hospitalized, like a leader.

Ling Yun also took a general look at the specific situation of other employees, and found that there was nothing wrong, so he was ready to leave!
In Chen Li's ward!
Qin Lan's cell phone rang, and the number was Ling Yun!

"Just separated..."

As soon as Qin Lan opened her mouth, she realized that something was wrong, embarrassing, there was someone beside her!

"Guess who I am."

The little guy opposite was still pinching his nose. After confirming that Qin Lan was there, he passed the Thunder Gate and went outside the ward.

After playing in the snow for a while in the capital, she told Lin Qiuyan that she was going to sleep when she was sleepy, and her small eyes were turning gray.

In the end, this child just wanted to get rid of Lin Qiuyan's supervision and came here secretly!

"Who are you."

Qin Lan knowingly asked why the little guy was so cute, every time he wanted to laugh at her to death.

"It's necrotic, I'm just... just... you guess, I won't tell you if I don't guess."

The little guy had a childish voice, and his pouty mouth was always high.

Qin Lan smiled and said, "Then I'll guess, is there a reward for guessing right?"

"Um... aha, yes."

"You are my goddaughter, guess you are right!"

"Phew... so powerful."

The little guy's eyes widened, and he had some doubts in his heart. He secretly wondered if Qin Lan could also have consciousness, but the latter guessed it. She obviously used her father's mobile phone. How could she reveal her secrets? My little head can't figure it out.

"I'm sure I'm good, Sissy, I want to reward you."

" problem."

The little guy immediately hung up the phone, then tiptoed open the door of the ward, poking out a little head.

this kid!
As soon as the door opened, she was stared at by six pairs of eyes, embarrassing or not!

"you you……"

Qin Lan pointed at the little guy, hesitating and not knowing what to say, why is her goddaughter here!


After the little guy came in, he scratched his head, he was so cute!

"Come here!"

"Yeah, I'm the reward, what are you doing, are you happy!" The little guy threw himself into Qin Lan's arms in an instant, and he was so clingy.

This kid is so funny!
Qin Lan smiled so much that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, her beauty was almost bubbling, and Father Chen on the other side was almost dumbfounded.

"Cissy can't see me?" Chen Li blinked!

"Hey... Auntie!"

The little guy opened his eyes wide, only to realize that there was another acquaintance!
"Little boss has no conscience." Chen Li looked heartbroken.


Chen Ma said: "Isn't this child the little child star? Oh, it's so cute. Let me touch it..."


The little guy is very cute.

Father Chen said: "She is your daughter, why is there a dry word?"

Qin Lan's appearance is so beautiful, and the little guy is so cute and cute. People would believe her daughter, and Dad Chen believed it!

"She is my daughter!" Qin Lan smiled and lifted the little guy into his arms.


The little guy might be really tired. He piled snowballs early in the morning, and now he is nestled in Qin Lan's warm embrace. He was sleepy and closed his eyes several times.

Since Qianqian is here, Ling Yun must be here, maybe at the door. Qin Lan still looked at the door, but it was a long time before he saw the familiar figure.

Ling Yun is no longer in the hospital!
Luo Shaoqiang's Luo family doesn't need to exist anymore, if they admit their mistakes, it won't be like this, Ling Yun will still use one person to do things and one person to spare them!


Things backfired, the Luo family decided to die, and even slandered Qin Lan's reputation!
(End of this chapter)

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