Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1198 Luo Family

Chapter 1198 The Luo Family (Third Change)

The Luo family is in Yangcheng, which is quite far from Jiangbei City!


One of the most prosperous cities in southern China, no less than the magic capital!

The Luo family here is a local tyrant, a big landlord, the richest man in Yangcheng, and their family's ancestral hall covers an area of ​​[-] mu.

The Luo family also built a villa on the top of a hill, which is simply the pride of Yangcheng.


In the luxurious hall of the Luo family!

As the head of the family, Luo Baojun is also worried, why?It was his son Luo Shaoqiang who caused disaster in Jiangbei.

Where is Jiangbei? The Pluto's restricted area where everyone in Blue Star is frightened!
His son, Luo Shaoqiang, killed so many people in broad daylight. With evidence and evidence, he is really a cheating son!
Leaving aside whether Pluto would cause trouble for them, the Qin family alone would suffer for them. Qin Tiansheng is the head of the National Security Bureau!

No one knows the Qin family better than him. His good friend is Mr. Qin. He originally let his son marry Qin Lan. This woman has been very popular recently. As long as she is married, China's economy will change greatly.

I have to say that Luo Baojun has the same vision as Ling Yun, knowing that Qin Lan is a business queen.


He really couldn't figure out how his son would do such a stupid thing.

He can ignore the Qin family's affairs, and the next step is to deal with the dragon group. He has a good relationship with the dragon group in Yangcheng, so it will be fine if he gives more money, but he is afraid that the higher-ups will send someone down.

"Dad, I've said it all. A young man can't become a great weapon. You insist on letting him go to Jiangbei. Now it's all right. It caused a lot of headaches."

Luo Baojun's eldest son Luo Shili said angrily.

"Hmph, even if you are too young to become a great weapon, you are much stronger than you, the second generation ancestor."

Luo Baojun frowned, his eldest son disappointed him the most, let alone accomplishing nothing, he was also very gambler!
The main members of the Luo family are basically here. Ling Yun walked slowly from the gate, admiring the surrounding scenery along the way. I have to say that this villa is big and beautiful, second to none in China!
As expected of the richest man in Yangcheng!
"Who are you? How did you get in?"

An old servant looked at the unfamiliar Ling Yun and asked questions!
"Go to sleep!"

Ling Yun smiled evilly, blinked his eyes a few times, and the old servant fell down, his eyes darkened, as if he was in shock due to heat stroke.

This situation was immediately rushed over by bodyguards who heard the noise nearby. There are quite a few security guards here.

"There is a situation, come here quickly, come here quickly, and find unknown people."

Ling Yun waved his hand lightly, and a gust of wind blew in front of them, blowing them away in an instant.

Luo Baojun's eyes froze, his heart trembled, why did the sky suddenly darken, a terrible thought appeared in his mind!


Ling Yun walked into the living room step by step, and then smiled strangely in front of the frightened and pale-faced people!
"Are you ready?"

"You... who are you!" Luo Shili stared at Ling Yun, so twitching?The latter turned his head, his eyes widened, and this annoying ant spit out a mouthful of blood, and completely took the box lunch!


Everyone started to stay away from Ling Yun, what's the situation, is the look killing people?The Luo family, who didn't know why, suddenly trembled.

This young man is terrifying, is he Pluto?Didn't you say that Pluto is an old man, how could he be so young and handsome.

"It's not that the adults are coming here, it's too far to welcome!" Luo Baojun stepped down from his seat, and bowed to Ling Yun who was sitting on the air in front of him.

"I have some time, let's play with you guys." Ling Yun showed a death-like smile, which made the Luo family tremble.

"This... this... my lord, please spare me!" Luo Baojun immediately knelt down, what kind of game was he playing, his family could afford it!
Seeing the Luo family fall down again, everyone's faces were ashen, what happened, some of them didn't recover, why did another one die so well!
"You were the ones who did it, no wonder others, go at ease!"

"Wait, wait, I have money, I have money, I will give it to you, my lord, please let us go, it's all because of that evil son, we don't know about it!" Luo Baojun begged very humblely, His whole body was drenched with sweat, and he didn't even wipe off the drips of sweat on his face, and his heart became even more flustered.

He is an ant in front of Ling Yun, too small, he has nothing to do except to impress Ling Yun.

what's the situation!
Looking at Ling Yun sitting on the air, everyone was dumbfounded. Not everyone knew about Pluto, and it was normal for them to be dumbfounded.

A bodyguard rushed in from the door, he frowned, and raised a hot weapon!
"Boy, you are courting death!"

He didn't even pull the trigger, just like this a bloodline shot out, he couldn't die any more, he was just a natural bodyguard, and he dared to go crazy with the next hot martial arts!
No chance to show off!

"Ling Yun said: "Let me ask you, between women and children and you, are you willing to buy with money?" "

Luo Baojun's heart sank, the words were obvious, so what if they were rich, they still couldn't survive, the Pluto bullied people too much, didn't his son just cause trouble in Jiangbei.

But he didn't know that Luo Shaoqiang was making a fuss about Pluto's property, the little guy's godmother Qin Lan's. It's not a pity for such a person to die, but the Luo family committed suicide without apologizing. What can Ling Yun say!
"I'm willing to work like a horse for you!" Someone said!

"Me too, I don't know anything."

"I'm still a child, I haven't eaten meat yet."

A certain person's words were so false, Ling Yun asked him to get a lunch box, didn't he eat it?lie to him?Just looking at his body, you can tell that he has been hollowed out by wine and sex, and I don't know how many girls have been ruined.

Luo Baojun said: "I choose to let them live, the money doesn't matter!"

"Okay, donate your money to charity." Ling Yun nodded, he still sympathizes with those innocent children, because they are as cute as Sissy and at the same age.

After the deal is done!
Ling Yun was very trustworthy, and immediately released all the women and children, letting them go as far away as possible!

"I hope you all go well, because the Yuexia Hotel is mine, and the woman he hurt is also very important to me!"

Hearing this, Luo Baojun's eyes widened, and an unbelievable look suddenly appeared on his face!

They closed their eyes, quietly waiting for the arrival of despair!
Some people kill themselves by biting their tongues, for fear of being tortured, it is better to be more straightforward and die on both sides.

"You have no right to decide my life or death, neither he nor you!" A certain young man stood up, he was Luo Baojun's nephew, at this moment he pointed at Luo Baojun with a pale face, and then pointed at Ling Yun!


Luo Baojun knew that everything was caused by his son, and he was ashamed of the group of Luo family members who were left behind to die.

"Ha ha…"

Ling Yun smiled, no one has it, only he has it, because he is the sky!
With a loud noise, the entire main building of the villa exploded, and a mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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