Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1199 She Knows Magic

Chapter 1199 She Knows Magic (Fourth Change)

The sky in Yangcheng suddenly turned gray, and it was all affected, and a layer of black and numb things, mixed with dust, fell.

Ling Yun has already returned to the hospital, and he wants to take the little guy back to the capital, otherwise Lin Qiuyan will definitely blame himself for looking here and there when he finds out.


Qin Lan and the others are all discharged from the hospital, and they will still stay in the hospital there. Really, he can't do it without his divine sense!

Chen Li and her family also went back. The hospital was in a mess, because they didn't know that Chen Li was alive and could still go. They agreed that it was Chen's father and Chen mother who transported the body out.

in the car!

Qin Tiannan has nothing to do with his daughter Qin Lan!

She was hospitalized, but she ran out again. He didn't ask if there were too many, because the daughter couldn't control it when she was older!

Qin Lan was teasing the little guy in the back row, who woke up as soon as he got in the car and was very active.

"What are you doing, shall we go find my papa?"

"No, let's go home and let your father come to you. You are hungry too. I'll make you something to eat when I go back."

The little guy blinked, could her godmother not be as delicious as her father's cooking, she shook her head lightly, definitely not, her father's cooking is the most...delicious, no rebuttals are accepted !
Looking at the little guy's disbelieving eyes, Qin Lan coughed dryly: "I will do it, really, I guarantee you will not be disappointed."

Hear it!

Qin Tiannan came to a sudden stop, his daughter's cooking was unpalatable.

"Dad, can you drive well, you're going to kill her on the first day of the new year." Qin Lan cast a strange look!
"Is it okay to have my daddy do it?"


"Then I won't eat."

"You can't eat without eating. You need to eat more to grow taller at such a young age."

"Well... that's fine." The little guy agreed temporarily, and she didn't eat it if it didn't taste good at that time.

Qin Tiannan said: "Xiao Lan, you are not young anymore, look at Qian Qian, she is so cute, don't be so high-sighted, quickly find one and give birth to one."

"You still said, I'm not angry with you for today's incident. Really, blame me? Everyone looks like a dog. Don't worry about it. I have Sissy enough." Wen Yan , Qin Lan said a lot, she was so angry, she unconsciously hugged the little guy a little tighter.

"This... That Luo Shaoqiang is also true. You can't blame me for that. It's your grandfather's idea, so I didn't tell you."

"It's your fault!"

"Okay, okay, it's our fault, Xiaolan didn't say that her father said you, but now everyone outside is saying you..."

"I know, don't say this in front of her!"

"Hey, he's married, and you're so close to him."

"We are friends, buddies, and besides, she is my daughter, so outsiders can see it whatever they want!" Qin Lan replied nonchalantly!

The corner of Qin Tiannan's mouth twitched!
"Stop talking, hurry up and watch the road, I feel flustered seeing you driving."

Back to Qin Manor!
It was past four o'clock in the afternoon, and Mr. Qin was still in the hospital and hadn't come back. The family was not deserted at the beginning of the new year, and there were Qin Lan's younger brothers.

The little guy was sitting quietly on the sofa watching TV, beside Qin Hao and his younger brother Qin Wenliang, the two brothers.

Both of them had seen the little guy before, and they looked at the latter a little amusedly, and the little guy still stared at them.

Qin Lan really went to eat!

"Little friend, do you know who I am?" Qin Hao asked.

The little guy shook his head!

"Brother, this kid belongs to our villa group and plays with Beibei." Qin Wenliang said.

The little guy nods!

Qin Hao smiled and said, "What to drink?"

Little guy: "Wang Zai!"

"There is no Wangzai here, do you want juice or milk?" Qin Hao replied, he had never heard of Wangzai.

"No!" The little guy shook his head and replied in a childish voice.

"This child is quite picky." Qin Wenliang said speechlessly!
Taking advantage of Qin Hao's absence, the little guy's eyes turned gloomy!
"Shu Shu, how about I do a magic trick for you?"

"You can't call me uncle, you have to call me brother! Big brother!"

"Yeah, yum, big sorghum!"

"It's brother!"

"Big sorghum!"

Qin Wen's conscience is tired, he is fine, he has just grown up!
"You know magic?" Qin Wenliang had an expression of I believe you.


"Okay, show me a show."

"Look good."

The little guy turned around and took out her pocket, and when she turned around again, she had an extra apple in her hand!
She is smart, and she also knows that she can eat fruit in this way. She is a little hungry and wants to eat fruit.

Qin Wenliang's eyes widened!
It really came out, or it was fake. For this reason, he turned the little guy around to see if there were any fruits on her back, but he didn't find anything.

"Impossible!" Qin Wenliang muttered to himself!
Qin Hao came back with two bottles of beer and asked, "What are you muttering about?"

" you ever seen that magic can make apples come out?"

"Stupid you, magic tricks are fake." Qin Hao became speechless.

The little guy ate the apple by himself, not caring what the two brothers said, Qin Wenliang didn't give up, and looked around the little guy again!
The little guy rolled his eyes again, smiled, and threw away the half-eaten apple!

That's right!

It's just lost, what a waste, it's all cultivated by Ling Yun in the space.

When Qin Wenliang looked at the little guy again, he hesitated!

Seeing the little guy eating peaches, Qin Wenliang was stunned.

"Why are you so surprised?" Qin Hao rolled his eyes to his younger brother, who still had the same expression.

The little guy laughed!
Qin Wenliang checked the sofa again and found that there were no fruits, and was dumbfounded again!
"Shu Mi is so stupid."

Qin Wenliang "..."

Qin Hao didn't know what was going on, so he shook his head lightly, opened the beer and handed it to Qin Wenliang!
Qin Wenliang rubbed his eyes and said, "Brother, I'll go back to my room to rest, I guess I'm too tired."

He seriously suspected that he had a mental problem!

The little guy made up the knife: "It must be suffering from kidney deficiency!!"

Qin Hao laughed out loud, Qin Wenliang's face was turning pale, and this little fellow laughed too!

After working for more than half an hour, Qin Lan came out with two dishes in his hands!
The corner of Qin Hao's mouth twitched. Isn't her sister injured? How can she still do things? In my memory, his sister can't cook. Can this be eaten?

The little guy ran over: "Are you ready, are you ready!"

Qin Lan smiled and said, "Okay, sit down quickly, do you want me to feed you?"

"No, no!" The little guy shook his head and refused, she wanted to do it herself!
When Qin Lan opened the lid of the plate, the little guy instantly lost his desire to eat!
"I want to find my papa!"

She slipped away, she really slipped away, it wasn't that she hit Qin Lan, she didn't have any appetite just looking at it.

(End of this chapter)

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