Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1200 Generous Little Guy

Chapter 1200 Generous little guy (first update)
The corner of Qin Lan's mouth twitched!
"You little heartless, I have been busy in the kitchen for half an hour, just take a look? The taste is really good."

The little guy shook his head, knowing that he didn't need to eat it, it must be unpalatable, so she wouldn't be fooled, her little head turned into a wave drum!
Qin Hao said with a smile: "Sister, you should save yourself, don't spoil her, or his father and mother will never forgive you."

"I've tried it myself. There must be no problems. It won't spoil her."

"Don't eat, I want to find my papa!" The little guy immediately returned to the sofa, picked up Ling Yun's mobile phone and called Ling Yun!


How can it work like this, your father's mobile phone is in your hand!

Qin Lan picked her up and said, "Your father can't be reached, call your mother."

"Aha, call Mama!" The little guy laughed instantly!

An Qing is clear here, but when she heard that the little guy was in Jiangbei, she was dumbfounded!

She said it bluntly, let Ling Yun pick up Qianqian later, and let the latter play in Qin Manor first.

The little guy pouted, a little unhappy, she was hungry!
After hanging up the phone, Ling Yun came, and the little guy was so happy that he didn't want to. He kept saying that her mother was the best, and that she would come as soon as her father came!


"Let's go, go back!"

As soon as Ling Yun came, he didn't even sit down, just took the little guy's little hand and was about to leave.

Qin Lan chased after him, and said with a look full of anticipation: "I cooked, let's eat!"

Ling Yun shook his head!

The little guy stared blankly, and suddenly felt sorry for Qin Lan. He had been working for her for so long, and he didn't even taste it. Isn't it too much?


She didn't know what to do when she thought that it was not tasty, so she looked at Ling Yun with small eyes, waiting for the latter to speak!
Ling Yun still shook his head: "I accept your kindness, Qianqian hasn't eaten yet, this child is picky eater, I have to go back and make some for her."

"She doesn't love her," Qin Lan hesitated!

Qin Hao was dumbfounded, this is the first time he saw his sister like this, no good... Is this in love?It's too fucking bloody, no, he has to destroy it while it doesn't matter now!


Qin Hao went to the dinner table, ate all the food even if it was unpalatable, and even showed an unpalatable expression, even though it was not unpalatable!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
Qin Lan stomped her feet desperately, then gave the little guy a bite, and went back to the room angrily!
The little guy was dumbfounded. Looking at Qin Hao's expression, she thought to herself that it was really unpalatable, and she trembled all over.

Ling Yun took the little guy and left, but the latter wanted Ling Yun to be on her neck, and she wanted to ride, beeping and laughing!
Back to the capital!

Ling Yun breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Qiuyan didn't notice that the little guy wasn't there during this time, otherwise he would have to explain it again.

That night!

Ling Yun changed Ling Tianyang's spiritual root for Ling Tianyang, but Lin Qiuyan didn't need it. She had a very good physique, and Ling Yun also had a set of exercises that were very suitable for her.

In the end it was Zhang Jiahui. Of course she also had a part in cultivation. She was very excited and thanked Ling Yun all the time. The latter smiled, they are all a family, why are you so polite!

The others, Ling Yun, decided not to help them for the time being, let's talk about it later.

During the few days of Chinese New Year, Ling Yun was always with his family, shopping in the daytime, talking and laughing in the yard at night, what a wonderful day!
Fifth day!

On this day, Beibei's whole family came to Ling's house, and Beibei was clamoring to come to see her sister and little Irene!

At the same time, today is also the day when An Qing and Qin Lan agreed to take a cruise together, everything is planned, and they will set off tonight!
At noon, Beibei, the little guy and little Irene were locked in the room, mysteriously, not knowing what they were going to do.

Ling Yun has no interest in playing cruise ships, and can't bear the little guy acting like a baby!

The three of them turned out to clean up the storage ring again, which is really dumbfounding, and they didn't give out those gifts last time.

Now that they are ready to leave again, they must share it!


The little guy ran out first, his smiling eyes almost narrowed.

Lin Qiuyan said: "Did the little granddaughter find the money?"


"Then what are you laughing at, so happy?"

"Aha, grandma, I have a gift for you." The little guy covered his pockets and pouted, looking really cute.

"Oh, what is it?" Lin Qiuyan suddenly became curious.

"Hahaha, I have it too." Beibei also ran out full of joy, and in the end it was little Irene. This child liked treasures since childhood, and it was difficult to spit out in her hands.

"So caring, what exactly is it?" Zhang Jiahui on the side was equally curious.

The little guy took out the storage rings and shared one for each person. It was very generous. An Qing smiled and said nothing. It's rare for a small money fan to be generous!
"Could this be a storage ring that can hold things?" Ling Tianyang's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief!

"I don't know, it can hold a lot of rubbish, and there are things in it!" The little guy replied in a childish voice, and drew circles in the air with his little hands to express.

The little guy has some charms, martial arts, and kung fu in this storage ring. They think they don't need it, so they throw it in. There are also some beautiful silks!
This storage ring was given to Lin Qiuyan by her. The latter was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. This granddaughter must be too caring.

Although Ling Yun didn't give it to her, she didn't have anything. If Ling Yun didn't give it to her, she felt that it was rubbish, it was unnecessary!
An Qing didn't dare to assert without authorization, since the little guy gave a hand, she had to show something, she took out some spirit stones so that they could practice.

Beibei must send a lot, they are all weapons, each one is a sacred weapon, looking at Blue Star, it is the top existence.

Ling Tianyang smiled from ear to ear, this family is the strongest in Blue Star, there is no doubt that a congenital master holding a sacred weapon can fight a late Baodan master!
After the presents are distributed, the little guy is also exaggerated, and I feel very happy!


She pulled Lin Qiuyan to let the latter hug her, she turned on her phone, and told Lin Qiuyan all the pictures taken in the Twelve Domains and the God Realm!

This is to open a door for her. Just like Qin Xianglian back then, she was very curious, and Zhang Jiahui was also yearning for it.

"Look! This is a dragon. It's so big. Sissy can change too. It came out of the ground with a whoosh, aha."

The little guy had a childish voice, and his proud smile never stopped, and the ah-ha laughter spread throughout the house.

"This is the dragon!"

"It's incredible, it's really big."

Lin Qiuyan and Zhang Jiahui looked at the photos on the phone without blinking.

Afterwards, it was Beibei's turn to explain each photo. What this child said was very real and engaging, just like a natural orator.

(End of this chapter)

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