Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201 Bureau (Third)

This is a provocation coming, and Qin Lan is also a very unconvinced woman, so she immediately took everyone out.

An Qing came back from playing around and found three little guys playing dice. She was curious, but when she wanted to ask them what was going on, Ling Yun took them out!
Out of curiosity, An Qing followed suit, and gave the little ones the delicious food she bought on the cruise ship, pampering them especially.

"Thank you Mama!"


"Thank you."

"You're welcome." An Qing was a little amused and pinched them. This skin is no one else, and it probably really benefited from Wang Zai.

With Ling Yun leading the way, the group of them also came to the casino!

I saw a big table surrounded by the casino, Qin Lan and the four masters were facing each other.

Qin Lan said, "Who is your Excellency?"


"Bei Xuan!"


"Xi Niu!"

The four introduced themselves one after another. When the little guy heard about Xi Niu, he laughed out loud!
The person in charge of the cruise ship casino is the gambling king in southern China, Zuo Ning!

He has been fond of gambling since he was a child, and he has worshiped many casino masters as his teachers, and learned from the masters of hundreds of schools!
Zuo Ning still knows a lot about the gambling world. When the four of them introduced him, his pupils narrowed slightly. Did they want to make a fortune from his land?
The four of them are all masters in the gambling world, so this is a bit tricky!
"I'm the general manager of Yueyou Cruise, Qin Lan!" Qin Lan smiled!

Everyone who watched began to swallow their saliva, like an awesome goblin.

"I don't know what you want to do. If you want to gamble, I, Zuo Ning, will accompany you to the end, but if you want to make trouble, we won't let you mess around." Zuo Ning narrowed his eyes slightly.

Qin Sen: "Hmph!"

This sound, along with the aura he released, made the faces of the others turn pale, but Nancang and the others were fine and shook their heads with a smile on their faces!
Ling Yun took a look and found that the combined strength of the four of them was about the same as Qin Sen's. How could they be afraid!
"Opening a casino is just to make people relax and gamble. Of course we are here to relax and win a little casually. I have to say that the money comes too easily." ASEAN said.

Qin Lan was so angry that she even managed to force a smile: "Guys, why don't you spend $100 million each, and you can hang out at other places on the cruise ship?"

"Hehe, 100 million dollars? That's a lot, I've never seen it in my life." Nancang was laughing, who are they?Continue tonight, there will be tens of millions tomorrow morning, and I will care about a mere 100 million.

"Hey, if Lao Niu agrees, will Ms. Qin play with me?" Xi Niu said, staring at Qin Lan with that lustful look all the time!

Beibei muttered: "Oh, I hate it."

"Play? Can you play?" Qin Lan frowned. She arranged so many talents on the boat, but she was not afraid of the four of them!
I have to say that Qin Lan is so silly and cute, Ling Yun was speechless after hearing that, Qin Sen is really no match.

Beixuan laughed loudly, and directly said that he likes such a woman!
Qin Sen muttered: "Niece, they are not easy to deal with."

When Qin Lan thought that Ling Yun was here, she smiled: "Don't be afraid, they can't make big waves!"

"I don't know if Miss Qin is interested in playing a gamble!" Nancang said.

Qin Lan thought for a while, then looked at Zuo Ning, who nodded!

"Okay, let him accompany you to a plate first."

"Hahaha, him? I've heard of it, but he will only lose even worse." Nancang shook his head!

The other three laughed again, they clearly looked down on Zuo Ning!
Zuo Ning was also good-tempered, sat down and smiled, and made a gesture of asking first!

Nancang threw [-] chips out and shook the dice on the table gently!

Whoever shakes the most points wins!

This is the tacit understanding between the two game gambling masters.

Zuo Ning's ears moved when Nancang shook them!
The little guy was watching, and then said in a milky voice, "Papa, he moved, moved, really moved!"

After she finished speaking, her face was full of embarrassment, and a bunch of eyes stayed on her body. The little guy shyly clasped Ling Yun's neck, not daring to look!
Qin Lan smiled and went to the little guy from his arms, the latter laughed aloud, this time some play, as long as she acts like a baby to Qin Lan, she can watch it a little closer.

Beibei tugged at Qin Lan, and said in a childish voice, "Auntie, I want to give you a hug too."

"I can't hold it!"

"No, I want to hug too!" Beibei acted like a baby, shaking Qin Lan all the time!

Qin Lan had no choice but to sit down and hug Beibei up, and then the child burst out laughing, this time he should be near the table.

Little Irene went in directly, there was no need to hug her, she just stood by the table and watched.

After Zuo Ning waited for the scene to quiet down, he shook the dice vigorously!
"you guess!"

"Little trick!" Nancang's face was very calm, but he was slightly shocked in his heart. If he heard correctly, Zuo Ning was shaking three sixes, eighteen o'clock!

And he is also [-] points, a draw!

The little guy made a noise: "Papa, Papa, touch my head!"

She wants divine power, and only divine power can penetrate it, and see the points, just like a 3D see-through eye.

Ling Yun coughed twice and shrugged, where did he get the power?
"It's gone, Qianqian be obedient and don't move." Ling Yun reminded, pointing at the center of his own eyebrows, signaling the little guy to look with his divine sense!

The little guy suddenly smiled happily, aha, so it can still be like this.

She saw them all, they were all 666!

"Then 6!"

Qin Lan laughed in a childish voice, since Ling Yun didn't touch Qianqian's head, then she should!
Nan Cang opened his own first, then opened Zuo Ning's, and smiled!
"Next round, Dou Xiao!"

Beibei said: "There are so many 6s, I will too."

Qin Lan blinked, feeling a little strange about what Qianqian said just now.

Zuo Ning said with sweat on his forehead: "Come on, as much as you want!"

Nancang threw another pile of chips, and said, "Add one hundred thousand!"


Zuo Ning nodded, he started to shake it first, and after about 30 seconds, he smiled triumphantly!

The little guy saw it again with his spiritual sense, and said in a childish voice, "It's amazing."

Beibei curled her lips and said, "I will too. Can I win this way?"

Little Irene blinked and blinked!
Qin Lan whispered: "Don't talk, keep quiet, or I won't hug you."

"OK then!"

The little guy pursed his mouth, a little unhappy, why can't he talk here.

Nancang began to shake!

He was so pretentious, he gave another slight shake!
Zuo Ning's face was covered with sweat, and he felt like he couldn't finish wiping it off. This time, he should have lost. It's easy to lose with such a small amount of money, but people can't afford to lose.

Nancang said: "You lost, do you want to see it?"

"open it!"

"Miss Qin, let me save face for you. If you let me not open, I can treat the chips on the table as [-], how about it?"

Qin Lan said: "I can afford to lose!"

"Hahaha, I like your personality, let you give up."

Nan Cang lowered his handle and opened it. It was a point, a point on a straight line, lined up neatly.

Zuo Ning's face was pale, he really lost!

(End of this chapter)

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