Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1202

Chapter 1202 Settlement (Fourth)

Nancang smiled!
"Trash, your gambling skills are not good, I suggest you change."

ASEAN laughed and happily accepted the winning chips.

Nan Beixuan said: "No one in Huaxia can support the gambling world!"

All four of them are from Southeast Asia!

Xi Niu said: "It's all garbage, garbage, what are you looking at? The garbage is you!"

As he spoke, he stared at Zuo Ning, who turned pale with anger.

"Aren't you coming yet? Garbage, what are you talking about? Tell me!"

Nan Cang said with a smile, he is determined to eat this casino tonight.

The little guy said in a baby voice, "Mama, I want to play too."

Qin Lan shook her head, she acted like a baby to An Qing again!

Beibei said: "Let's play, Aunt An has so much money."

An Qing was speechless: "..."

Is this a hole?

Qin Lan turned to look at Ling Yun behind, and asked, "Ling Yun, can you?"

She also asked casually, and the little guy immediately spoke up: "It's amazing, my daddy is the best."

Beibei nodded and said, "Yeah, yum, Shuai Shushu is the God of Gamblers of the older generation!"

The kid, the older generation?Are they the new generation!

Nancang glanced at Ling Yun, who was very unfamiliar, and knew that he was not in the same circle, so he laughed out loud!
"God of Gamblers? Are you interested in playing a game? The premise is that the money must be seen."

Dongmeng sneered, if this person knows how to gamble, he will broadcast live, this is from his heart!


In order to pretend to be aggressive, he really said it: "If this kid can win, I will drink dung on the spot."

Everyone was looking at Ling Yun's statement, the little guy pinched his nose, with a look of disgust, her father won, so let the idiot opposite drink here?Smelly oh.

Beibei laughed loudly, and she flicked on Qin Lan's lap: "Okay, then you must be full."

ASEAN was so angry that it was said by a child, he didn't lose, okay!

Ling Yun walked over, sat next to Qin Lan, and said with a smile, "I'm just bored, let's play, there's no way, there's too much money."

Beixuan sneered again and again: "As long as you have money, I'm afraid you are a poor boy."

Qin Lan waved his hand, and the waiter immediately came up with hundreds of thousands of chips.

Ling Yun is in charge, so we have to play cards!
The little guy can do it too, it's all in her head, she climbed to Ling Yun's side, and kept saying she was playing!

An Qing was sitting next to her, she didn't make a sound, just watched Ling Yun play, there are a few scumbags on the opposite side, it's not enough to watch!

Just started…

"Do you know how?"

Ling Yun touched the little guy's head, the latter nodded, and then said: "This is one, aha!"

Nancang's eyes flickered, Dongmeng frowned, and then heard the little guy's baby voice: "This is also one!"

"Hahaha, my sister is amazing."

Beibei's eyes are round and round, Ling Yun's two cards are not one, the little guy is shouting.

Nancang's expression was a bit bad, Ling Yun smiled, and said, "Just now I remembered you said that I drank shit when I won, didn't you?"

ASEAN didn't answer, so the little guy said: "Yes, he said he was thirsty and had to drink it, it stinks."

"Let him drink to his full." Beibei blinked and said, "Hahaha, auntie, did the two handsome ones win?"

Qin Lan's expression changed, she lowered her head and covered Beibei's mouth, telling her not to speak, it was all exposed.

Ling Yun looked at Nan Cang who was a little flustered, with big hands in his hands, and said domineeringly: "Shuha, I will fulfill your request!!"

Nancang frowned: "So hard?"

He was not sure whether he should follow, what if Lingyun had three points and one?And he is a pair of ten, a bit unlucky.

ASEAN then whispered something in his ear, and the latter frowned even more after hearing this.

"Qin Lan, ask someone to increase the bet, why is this!" Ling Yun looked at the two cards again!

The little guy said again: "Papa, isn't this the biggest? Why didn't they lose?"

Ling Yun hissed!

Nancang smiled: "The first round, let me let you, I won't go!"

Ling Yun said: "You are right not to go, I am really afraid of you going!"

After finishing speaking, the little guy turned over two cards for Ling Yun, everyone was surprised!
Two cards, one three, one six, where did one come from! !
One too! !

Nan Cang beat his chest and stamped his feet angrily, his teeth itching with hatred!

"Are you kidding us?" Dongmeng stared at Lingyun with a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes!

Ling Yun asked Qin Lan who was in a daze to take back the [-] chips, and then said: "I don't know, I just messed up, and I didn't say what I have. You are not confident in yourself, who is to blame."

"you are vicious!"

Xi Niu curled his lips and said, his eyes were very unwilling.

"Again, you can win this time, I'm drinking dung!" Dongmeng said again, he didn't believe that Lingyun could be so lucky, and was tricked by the latter with a child, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Ling Yun said: "It's a bet, if I win, if you don't drink, hehe!"

In the end, the corner of his mouth raised into a smile, which made ASEAN flustered inexplicably.

Beixuan said: "Don't be afraid, let's be serious this time."

Xi Niu nodded: "Yes, can we be afraid of a kid who can't gamble?"

"It doesn't exist!" Nan Cang also agreed: "If we lose, he drank dung, what about you..."

Ling Yun laughed: "It's the same!"

Hearing this, Qin Lan tugged at Ling Yun's arm: "Don't, just play around."

This made many people around him jealous, An Qing laughed a lot: "Let him alone, he is the one who wants to bet anyway."

The two couples even played tricks, making Nancang and the others think that Ling Yun really doesn't know how to do it, and they are both veteran actors!

"bring it on."

"Aha!" The little guy took the first card and didn't show it to Ling Yun. The childish voice pushed Ling Yun down: "I want to play."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched: "Then you play, the cards are all the same anyway."

ASEAN laughed loudly: "That's right, it's not the same even if you touch it, can it change?"

The little guy curled his lips and said, "Another one!"


Nan Cang shook his head, the kid was yelling nonsense, he couldn't believe it, the second card was sent out, Nan Cang was secretly happy, he got two K's!
The little guy pouted: "Another one!"

ASEAN shook his head and said directly: "You lost, kid."

The little guy shook his head, she was just looking at the cards the whole time, no one could see, Ling Yun waited for Nancang to take the bait! !
Beibei said: "Sister is one-on-one again, you guys have to drink dung, hahaha."

Little Irene was lying on the edge of the table, and said in a childish voice: "Three six!"

Nan Cang smiled. It turned out to be the last hand. This time Ling Yun must have lost. He immediately increased his chips to 30!
"How about it, boy?"

"This..." Ling Yun pretended to be embarrassed!
The little guy immediately pushed the chip in front of her, and said in a childish voice, "Stud!"

"!" Ling Yun deliberately took it back, hesitating, but Dongmeng held Ling Yun's hand, and the chips pushed out could not be taken back.


Everyone was full of black lines, this child is really messy, many people said that Ling Yun, pointing at the latter, how could he make the child messy.

(End of this chapter)

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