Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1203 Silly

Chapter 1203 Are You Stupid (First Update)
Qin Lan was shocked, but it was too late, I was a little cautious and blamed Ling Yun's decision!
"Hahaha, okay, okay, I'll add more, ok let's deal the cards." Nan Cang got carried away, all four of them had smiles on their faces.

ASEAN is asking the waiter to prepare a bowl of dung water for Ling Yun, and he can't help laughing when he thinks it's not for him to drink it.

This time the little guy got another A, a total of three A's, but she muttered: "Papa, this is another one, Sissy knows."

She showed the last one to Ling Yun, and everyone else saw it too. Qin Lan was speechless!
An Qing smiled, the little guy is going to trick someone, and he is so cute.

Nan Cang laughed, only one was an ace, and the other two could not be aces. The kid would only show it if he got an ace. They must win this time, because he has three kings in his hand.

"Boy, you have a lot of money. If you don't want to bet, you still have to drink the dung." Beixuan sneered.

"You don't have to drink, but it will be different if Miss Qin is willing to have dinner with us." Xi Niu stared at Qin Lan closely, and Bei Bei hated that look.

Qin Lan sighed, if a meal can replace Ling Yun not having to drink dung, she would still be willing!

"How?" Nan Cang asked, and showed his three K's, everyone gave a thumbs up, no surprise, Nan Cang won the victory.

"Ahem, sir, are you too happy too early? We didn't even draw the cards." Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, and he had never seen such a pretentious one. It's just three kings, what are you talking about!
"You don't need to look at it, just show your cards, and you're not afraid to laugh at them." Dongmeng shook his head with disdain in his eyes!
Zuo Ning said: "Don't talk too much, and don't be too crazy!"

"Heavenly maniacs must have rain, and maniacs must have disasters. Those who come out to mess around will always have to pay back." Ling Yun said, he despises those who can't pretend to be coercive, and he doesn't even weigh how much he has.

The little guy laughed: "I have to pay it back."

Beibei pinched her nose, blinked and said, "Drink the dung!"

She saw a waiter coming over with a stinky bag, and the latter's expression betrayed him.

"Drink, kid!" Dongmeng pointed to the bowl of dung!
Ling Yun laughed loudly, and asked the little guy to show his cards, and the latter threw his cards fiercely!

Three Aces!

There was an uproar all of a sudden, the world is really unpredictable, Qin Lan excitedly gave Beibei a mouthful, the latter laughed out loud, kissing her neck, she was itchy...

Nancang's face was livid, Dongmeng's feet trembled in fright, did he really want to drink?

Beixuan didn't believe it, how could Lingyun have three aces!

Pointing at the little guy, he said angrily, "You guys are cheating."

Zuo Ning laughed and said: "Hey, hey, you can't afford to lose? Everyone is watching, who is cheating? You can't play with a child."

This time he was venting his anger. Although he didn't gamble, but this move was really beautiful. Of course, in his eyes, there was also an element of luck.

Others stood on the little guy's side one after another, how could this kid be so young, and accused the four of them of not being able to afford to lose.

The little guy was honest, every time she got one, she said it was one, what an honest child, the other party just didn't believe it, who is to blame.

What now?
Can't afford to lose?

Nan Cang didn't want to make things big, so he had to endure it, and he also knew that the other party had no chance of cheating! !

"ASEAN, drink!"

Beixuan sighed, their gambling skills are superb, why is this so?

Qin Lan said with a smile: "I'm sorry, everyone agrees, she is my daughter, it's her first time playing cards, she is very honest."

The last three words pierced into the hearts of the four of them like a knife, trying not to vomit blood.

The crowd laughed!

Xi Niu is so angry, I almost got Qin Lan, but this is the result. Although he didn't drink dung, he feels disgusted when he thinks about it!
ASEAN's face was pale, and he didn't want to drink: "Can you give me a chance?"

Ling Yun shook his head: "What about me?"

Nancang gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and remained silent!
Qin Sen waved his hand: "Let him drink while drinking, and drink if he doesn't cooperate. I think the three of you must be willing to admit defeat."

Nancang snorted coldly!

Although Dongmeng is strong, he is still forced to hold his shoulders, because Nancang said that he is willing to gamble and admit defeat, and he will avenge his revenge.

Isn't it just drinking dung...

He gritted his teeth, walked to the side, and couldn't drink any more, so a few waiters forced it!
Little Eileen asked for Anqing's mobile phone, took a video, and posted it on Moments. Anqing's Moments are so lively, full of comments.

"Aha, it's all mine!" The little guy lay on the table and took all the chips into his arms. Those chips combined were bigger than her small body!
Ling Yun smiled at Nancang: "Are you still playing?"

Nancang narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked Ling Yun up and down, but found nothing unusual. He still had 50 chips in his hand, which were all won tonight. If he didn't gamble, he couldn't justify it.

"Bet, but this time we take turns dealing the cards."

"It's fine if you like it." Ling Yun smiled slightly, he was so handsome, the little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he was still playing.

This time Beibei jumped down and stood next to the little guy, Ling Yun immediately understood what she meant, the little gambler was about to play.

An Qing whispered a few words, Ling Yun said: "You play, Qin Lan has a lot of money, just play whatever you want, I'll go out for a while."

The little guy and Beibei nodded and didn't follow. They were more attracted to gambling and tricking people.

Qin Lan's beautiful eyes widened, what is this, leaving them behind? ?

Nancang has no objection, as long as Qin Lan is here, and if they have someone to play with them, it doesn't matter whether they are children or the defeated Zuo Ning, it's all the same to them.

"Sissi is good, we don't play this, this is not fun." Qin Lan laughed and coaxed.

The little guy pursed his lips and shook his head: "Papa asked me to play, so I want to play."

"Auntie, let's go together. If we lose, we can ask grandpa for it." Beibei said in a childish voice.

Zuo Ning said at the same time: "Miss, are you really letting them play?"

Qin Sen's eyes flickered strangely, Ling Yun was calm and calm, it was impossible to do something he was not sure of, but it was too messy for two children to play, the first two can be said to be luck.

Nancang played a set of flying cards, which was fancy and pretty.

The little guy applauded on the spot: "It's amazing."

Qin Lan was standing behind them, feeling a headache. Has Ling Yun and An Qing gone on a date?So irresponsible.

"You can only look at the cards, and you can't shout or push the other things casually. You can wait for me to speak and make a decision, okay?"

The little guy shook his head and pouted!

Qin Lan's head was full of black lines: "If you can't, go to sleep, I don't love you anymore."

Beibei muttered: "Then... okay!"

"Children, there is no human rights."

Nancang's card shuffling technique is very handsome, attracting the attention of many women on the scene, even the little guy's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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