Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1207 Visit

Chapter 1207 Visit
She knew that Qin Lan was doing it for her own good!
After a few minutes of adaptation, Beibei can swim two meters, very proud.

"It's so simple."

Hearing this, Qin Lan was speechless!
"Well, I can give you a circle, and you can swim by yourself!"

After speaking, Qin Lan put a swimming ring on Beibei and pushed her deep.

An Qing carried the little guy, and said, "Sissy's here for you, I'll give you Wangzi after you learn it."


The little guy was listless at first, but it was different when he heard that there was Wang Zai, especially the little Irene, who asked An Qing directly because she knew how to do it.

The little guy is too stupid to learn at all. In the end, she was so angry that she stopped learning. After thinking about it, she is not afraid of water if she has been wearing an artifact skirt or using her strength. Why should she learn?
"Mama, let's go play with Papa."

"Go by yourself, his side is the boy's area, I can't go."


The little guy scratched his head with a stupid look on his face.

"Men and women are different, do you understand?"

"Oh, I do not know."

The little guy shook his head, An Qing couldn't laugh or cry, she is so small, if you tell her now, she probably will forget about it later, so there is no need.

An Qing and the others didn't go there, but Ling Yun was too thick-skinned, and when he heard the little guy calling him, he came straight over. Qin Lan blushed for a while, and basically stayed in the water, not daring to come out.

"Why did you call me?"

Ling Yun was so handsome that everyone looked at him, and suddenly there was a man in the swimming pool, which was quite eye-catching.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, I won't learn anymore, it's not fun."

"Well, don't study anymore, just have a skirt." Ling Yun nodded, there was nothing wrong with the little guy's thinking.

An Qing gave Ling Yun a strange look: "You dote on her too much."

"Don't you love me?"


A happy moment for a family of three is simply abusive.

One night!

The little guy secretly asked Ling Yun to do magic tricks, and she wanted to look at the starry sky, the kind where you can see countless stars when you look up.

It's a small thing, Ling Yun can do it with a wave of his hand, it's effortless, and watching the stars on the sea is also good.

"Wow, so beautiful." The little guy danced excitedly.

"Yeah yum, auntie... look at the shooting star, wow... another one."

"I see, your heads are sweaty, don't jump around."

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and then he acted like a baby with Ling Yun. This kid wants to watch the fireworks at sea, and Ling Yun has black lines all over his head.

An Qing said, by the way, she can do something to fool her, but is the little guy so easy to fool, she has seen fireworks before, so it's not easy to fool her.

Ling Yun directly used the star explosion, bright sparks filled the sky, the sound was like fireworks, the little guy was fooled.

Silent all night!
Demon God Sea, Xie Wang Wengui came into contact with Emperor Dragon Venerable, and the former figured out a problem, that is why Ling Yun was in the Twelve Realms, an ancient god, who was not restrained, it was simply irritating.

Since Ling Yun is so strong in the Twelve Realms, if he wants to kill him, he can only be killed by his close relatives, and the closest person to the latter is nothing more than her, the current empress, the daughter of the ancient god Yinfeng, Lu Xueyao!

one left!
Tantai Mingyue!

Now that one appears, the other will also appear, as long as you find her, it will be different!

Thinking of the evil king's questioning here, he was willing to trade with Emperor Longzun. After all, the latter is not subject to the mark of heaven, and can come and go between the twelve realms and the Demon God Sea.

Now that Yinfeng can't find it, he can only think of this way.

Emperor Dragon Venerable is not a fool either, he is an ancient figure in the Twelve Realms, he has heard of Hades since he was a child, and he knows the power of the latter, so he only helps the evil king to question his crimes and find people, and he doesn't care about other things.

The evil king gave Dilong Zun a painting, which was drawn by the former from his memory. If Ling Yun saw it, he would be shocked. The woman in the painting turned out to be Qin Lan in ancient style. She was so beautiful that he had to admire the evil king. painting skills.

"This woman is so beautiful, does she have enmity with Hades?" Di Longzun asked curiously, even though he was old, it was still unavoidable for him to dream.


" can kill Hades if you find her? I don't understand." Di Longzun frowned, not understanding how the evil king planned to punish him.

"Hahaha, you don't need to know about the ancient things, you just look for her, don't you?" Xie Wang asked, his eyes flashed a little funny, his appearance was very evil.

Emperor Longzun still didn't understand, why?
Blue Star!

The Yueyou cruise line started from Yangcheng, passed through Southeast Asia, circled Australia, and returned after a small half circle in the Pacific Ocean.

Back in Jiangbei, Ling Yun started weeding the front yard, An Qing was in charge of sanitation, the three little guys went to the aquarium to feed the fish, and they changed the name of the dolphin aquarium to Dolphin House! !

No matter how many pets the little guy has, the status of dolphins is very high, no one can bully it, little Irene curled her lips, she has never seen dolphins in Endless Sea, and she likes them very much.

At noon, Ling Yun's family was having dinner, and Song Yili came to visit.

"Sorry to bother you again."

Song Yili has been here many times, and every time the door is locked, this time she finally caught Ling Yun at home.

"Hello, Auntie Mei, aha!" The little guy still had an impression of Song Yili, he covered his eyes and took a peek, and greeted her in a childish voice!
This child is still so cute, Song Yili went up and gave the fruit in her hand to the little guy, who opened it and found that it was a dragon fruit, so he didn't dislike it and put it next to her!
Beibei said: "Sit down, this is for you!"

She gave Song Yili a pair of unused chopsticks. The latter smelled such delicious food and his stomach growled.

It's so rude, she's embarrassed herself!

However, she didn't eat it!

"I'll sit on the sofa for a while, and when you finish eating, I have something to talk about."

After speaking, Song Yili went straight to the sofa and turned on the TV to watch.

Ling Yun and An Qing blinked, indicating that he didn't know anything!
An Qing said: "Have you eaten?"

Song Yili knew that An Qing was asking her, so she shook her head lightly: "No need, you can eat."

The little guy held her job bowl, walked to the sofa, and met Song Yili's eyes!
"How did you come?"

"Aha, hello, Auntie Mei."

Song Yili: "..."

"I feed you?"


The little guy shook his head, sat next to her and continued eating!
The little guy couldn't be bothered to eat, so she took out a pill from her pocket, and said softly, "Auntie Mei, do you want this?"

How could this child know that Song Yili came here for the pill!


Ling Yun coughed twice, but it was too late, Song Yili's beautiful eyes widened, and she held the little guy's hand excitedly, causing the latter's job to fall to the ground.

"Where did it come from?"

"Aha, guess what."

Song Yili didn't guess, she took the elixir to confirm it repeatedly, and found that it was really, a strong elixir fragrance.

An Qing gave the little guy a strange look, and asked her if she was full. The latter nodded, not in the mood to eat, and rubbed her swollen belly, which was about the same.

(End of this chapter)

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