Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1208 Familiar with the Totem

Chapter 1208 Familiar with the Totem
Ling Yun sat on the sofa and asked Song Yili the purpose of her visit this time. He asked knowingly, and the latter was still shocked by the elixir.

"Mr. Ling is a noble person who forgets things. You said last time that you will be free in a while. It has been a few months now." Song Yili rolled her eyes repeatedly!
"You mean meeting your grandfather?" Ling Yun frowned!
"Yes, go to Medicine King Valley, my grandfather is the owner of the valley!"

"Where is there anything good, I don't want to go." Ling Yun shook his head and refused.

"This..." Song Yili was dumbfounded. Her grandfather is a well-known person in China, but Ling Yun looks down on her. But thinking about it, Ling Yun can make pills, and he is not inferior to her grandfather at all.

"Go back!"

Ling Yun immediately issued an order to evict the guest!
The little guy blinked and blinked, lying in Ling Yun's arms, and found a comfortable place to nest.

"No, it's fine if you don't want to see my grandfather, you can teach me alchemy."

"Teach you? Yes, but you don't have an alchemy furnace, so forget it!"

"Really? As long as you agree, it's just an alchemy furnace. Unfortunately, I met Yiding at the Jiangbei Antique Market last month."

Hearing this, Ling Yun was in a bad mood, and thought to himself that there really was an alchemy furnace.

The little guy said in a milky voice: "Really, I'm going to have a look to see whether Papa is better or someone else's."

Is this still a comparison?
Bei Bei curled her lips after finishing her meal and said, "It must be Shuai Shuai."

"You also have an alchemy furnace? Oh...I'm out of my mind, but not necessarily. I saw that alchemy furnace was unusual. The first time I saw it, I thought it was like a totem guarded by my family for generations. When I went back, it was indeed, it must be It was lost by my family."

Song Yili recalled, and repeated her words, her head still shaking.

"Totem? What kind?" Ling Yun asked subconsciously.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "I know, it must be Baba's, and there are Baba's too."

She has good eyesight, and all artifacts refined by Ling Yun will have a symbol, which is a shrine!
There's nothing wrong with the little guy taking that shrine symbol as a totem.

Then the little guy went to get the brush and paper, and drew the Jingu very vividly, and said to Song Yili: "Is it it!"

Song Yili shook her head amusedly, but her eyes were filled with admiration, this painting is too vivid, it doesn't look like a little guy's painting at all, she is only a few years old, so she shook her head and laughed.

After An Qing cleaned up the dining table, she walked over and imitated the little guy's baby voice and said, "Oh, this painting is not bad, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

Beibei laughed out loud!

The little guy counted his fingers: "A lot?"

She stretched out two fingers, but she didn't know what it meant, which made people dumbfounded.

Song Yili said: "It's not this totem, my family's totem is a tripod, that's it."

After speaking, she took the little guy's paintbrush and drew it on another piece of paper!
Beibei widened her beautiful eyes, pointed and said: " is it!!"

The little guy exclaimed and clapped his hands: "Wow...I found you!"

With her excited look, An Qing almost couldn't hold her.

Ling Yun blinked his eyes, the totem painted by Song Yili turned out to be the Medicine King Cauldron, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times! !
No wonder the two little guys are so excited!

Song Yili raised her eyebrows lightly, and said with a smile, "Isn't it beautiful!"

The little guy nodded wildly, of course the artifact looks good! !
Beibei said coquettishly: "Auntie Mei, it's there, we want to see it!"

Her eyes are round and rolling!
An Qing laughed and patted the heads of the two of them, and said carefully: "It should belong to someone else. You must not be impolite, and you must not ask for it. If you like it, buy it. If you don't agree with others, you can say otherwise."

She was afraid that the little guy would imitate Ling Yun's tricks and wouldn't sell it?die! !

Song Yili was a little amused: "This is the totem, how can there be anything there, do you understand the totem?"

Ling Yun frowned. Since the Medicine King Cauldron is the totem of Song Yili's family, its whereabouts should be in the Medicine King Valley.

Little guy: "Papa!"

"Handsome sorghum?"

Ling Yun coughed twice: "Let's go, go and see if you are qualified for me to teach you."

To put it bluntly, Ling Yun just wanted to see the alchemy furnace that Song Yili said had the imprint of the Yao Wang Ding. In short, he had a lot of doubts in his heart, how could the Yao Wang Ding have clues here.

"You guys go, I'm going to the company. I haven't released a record these days, and the fans are complaining."

An Qing stuffed the little guy into Ling Yun's arms, her star dream was still there, and the latter also helped her write a lot of songs, which needed to be recorded on the spot by herself, but she didn't have time to accompany the little guy and Ling Yun.

After finishing speaking, An Qing kissed Ling Yun secretly, but the little guy didn't notice it, but Song Yili saw it, and her face was red!
Beibei cast a glance and muttered: "It's necrotic, ashamed..."

Ling Yun said: "You are busy, you also saw it, it appeared."

An Qing smiled and nodded, she understood what Ling Yun was talking about.

"In this case, let's go now. I'm afraid it will be too late, and it will be bought by someone else."

Song Yili stood up, looking very happy, as long as she got the alchemy furnace, Ling Yun would fulfill her promise and teach her alchemy, how not excited!
Ling Yun said: "Go, go, go now!"

These words were all forced by the little guy, and his hands were almost broken.

Little Irene didn't go, because An Qing told her to buy ice cream for her, so she went to the company with An Qing.

At the same time, she said in her heart: "If Auntie An buys me ice cream and Wang Zai, I will follow her too."

If the little guy knows what Beibei is thinking, he must roll his eyes, don't want ancient artifacts, what kind of ice cream do you want, what Wangzi?Everything is not as important as Yao Wang Ding.

Song Yili came by car, Ling Yun carried the little guy and Beibei directly in, he didn't even bother to drive his own car, the former had no objection.

Jiangbei Antique Market will arrive in 10 minutes!
Song Yili walked around with the excited little guy and Beibei, not caring about Ling Yun behind.

The little guy and the others walked along the antique street all the way, looking at the various antique shops and pavements with all kinds of messy ancient pieces on both sides, her face was full of novelty, but everything in front of her gave her a feeling of deja vu.

This is Jiangbei!

It's not the Jiangnan antique market she's been to for the first time, but it's the same style, so the little guy is a little familiar.

The antique market is only one street away from the university town, so it is very lively on weekdays.

Not only because many students came to Taobao because of their hobby of collecting and luck, but also partly because the antique market in Jiangbei is huge, occupying several pedestrian streets with various shops and stalls.

Naturally, it has attracted many college students to come to work part-time.

It's not a weekend now, but it's very lively at noon.

There are so many people!
No wonder the little one is so excited!

(End of this chapter)

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