Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1209 Shocked

Chapter 1209 Shocked
Ling Yun, on the other hand, walked along the antique street by himself. After shopping for half a circle, he chose a relatively large store and walked in. There were all kinds of antiques in it.

He looked around, then sat beside him, silent!
The little guy's laughter sounded outside the door, it's just such a coincidence, this store is the one where Song Yili saw the alchemy furnace!

"Aha, why are you here?"

Seeing Ling Yun sitting there with a smile on his face, the little guy stared at him with wide eyes.

"Hey... why are you here?" Ling Yun joked with the little guy, pretending to be surprised!
Beibei said: "The handsome sorghum followed us secretly."

Song Yili: "..."

While they were chatting, Song Yili found that the alchemy furnace she found here before was missing, and she was flustered.

"Waiter, waiter!"

"What's the matter, lady?"

"Isn't there an alchemy furnace here before? Now?"

"Before? You read it wrong, there isn't one here."

"Impossible, it's obviously this one, I can't make a mistake, did you sell it, tell me, who did you sell it to, and I can buy it back at a high price." Song Yili was anxious to death, if there was no alchemy Furnace, Ling Yun will not teach her alchemy.

"Guest, calm down, there is really no alchemy furnace." The waiter was full of black lines.

At this time, several of them noticed that there was a child coming out of the office and bargaining with the boss here. The child was only fourteen or fifteen years old. He was wearing blue jeans, a loose white T-shirt, and a peaked cap. Whether it is a girl or a boy.

It's just that it wasn't this person who attracted Ling Yun, but a black alchemy stove and a picture scroll in his arms.

Dan furnace and picture scroll are not ordinary products!
Looking at the rough alchemy furnace, Ling Yun could feel a wave of aura faintly exuding from a distance, and the totem of the alchemy furnace was the Medicine King Cauldron.

The fluctuation was very weak, but Ling Yun could still sense it.

As for the picture scroll, there is a kind of breath, which can only be found in cultivators.

Song Yili stared at it with her beautiful eyes wide. Isn't that alchemy furnace the same as the cauldron she saw before? It was the symbol.

"Little guy, these two things of yours are quite old, but this pill furnace is very ordinary, and the workmanship is still very rough."

"The alchemy furnace is probably used for incense, and I will give you [-], and the picture scroll, I will give you [-], both of which are already the highest prices!"

The owner of the shop is a tall and thin man with gold-rimmed glasses, about 50 to [-] years old, with a pair of shrewd eyes showing a profiteering temperament. At this time, he shook his head at the child opposite him.

Obviously, the alchemy furnace and picture scroll in the child's hand were intended to be sold to him.

The waiter also saw the alchemy furnace, paused and then gave her boss a wink, but the shop owner didn't see it.

"Boss, the pill furnace is six thousand, and the picture scroll is fourteen thousand. Is it possible to make up the whole number?"

The child's voice is very pleasant, crisp and pleasing to the ear.

Easy to handle?
When Ling Yun opened his eyes, he could see through the child's disguise.

Out of curiosity, Ling Yun couldn't help but walked forward, and sure enough, he soon smelled the faint fragrance of the girl's body.

Looking at her attire and her handsome face, ordinary people really couldn't tell her gender.

What surprised Ling Yun slightly was that as he approached, he actually sensed the fluctuation of true energy from the girl, which was very weak, the kind that had just stepped into the late stage of Acquired Heaven.

However, it is truly infuriating!
This girl is a cultivator, the second one she found in Blue Star, and Xu Le was the first.

Ling Yun stared at the girl with burning eyes, and began to think secretly.

"Okay! Two, [-] together!"

At this time, the boss readily agreed, paid the girl, and put away the alchemy furnace and picture scroll.

Taking advantage of this moment, the little guy ran over excitedly, hugged the girl's leg, and said softly, "Sister...sell it to me, sell it to me..."

This child regards this alchemy furnace as a medicine king cauldron?It doesn't look like it at all, isn't it?She was so excited, Song Yili should be the one who should be worried, she would be miserable if she couldn't buy an alchemy furnace.

The girl in the peaked cap who was about to leave was suddenly startled, wondering how this child knew she was a girl.

The girl's eyes were big, very clear, and ethereal. She looked down at the little guy, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise and puzzlement, and finally she was tremblingly shocked, because the little guy in front of her was the person in that painting.

The boss didn't even look at the little guy, and just curled his lips and said, "Son, I sold her stuff, you are a step too late!"

Bei Bei ran over and said, "Uncle Boss, how much is this garbage stove?"


Hearing this, the corner of Song Yili's mouth twitched!
"How does the boss sell the stove?"

The boss looked at Song Yili, his eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, what a beautiful woman, but he just admired it, and he stretched out two fingers: "The stove is 20!"

"What? How could it be like this, you unscrupulous businessman!" After the girl in the peaked cap came back to her senses, she turned her head and stared at the shop owner angrily, her beautiful eyes widened, and she didn't care about the fact that the little guy was the person in the painting.

The alchemy furnace and picture scroll can sell for [-] yuan, which the girl in the peaked cap originally thought was already a very high price.

Unexpectedly, before she left, the boss would resell it for 20 yuan, which was more than ten times higher.

This time, the girl in the peaked cap quit, and shouted: "I won't sell it anymore, I'll refund the money to you, and you give me back my alchemy furnace and painting scroll!" "

Hearing this, Ling Yun looked stunned, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

It's really interesting, this little girl seems to have been practicing all the year round, she doesn't understand the world and the outside world at all, and she doesn't have any scheming, what she sold, she still wants to come back!

Song Yili also looked the little girl up and down, thinking it was amused, she secretly laughed.

"Unscrupulous businessman? What you said is wrong! I didn't force you to sell it to me. We bargained in advance, and the deal is fair!"

The boss's complexion darkened, and he continued with a displeased face: "Besides, in this business, you will pay for it and deliver the goods. Once the deal is completed, you will never regret it. You don't mean to play tricks on me, do you? "

Obviously, the boss didn't recognize the girl in front of him, and regarded it as a young man who came looking for trouble.


The girl in the peaked cap was obviously taken aback, she blinked her beautiful eyes, then looked at Ling Yun, and said, "This uncle, is what he said true?
Ling Yun's face was full of black lines, and he was going to say that he was only 22 years old in Blue Star, okay? Does he look so anxious?

Although, Ling Yun is already an old monster who does not know how many years, but now this body is a proper 22-year-old youth!

Ling Yun curled his lips, and said: "Accordingly, what he said is correct. Once the transaction is completed, you cannot go back on your word!"

"I bought it, you can't go back on it!" The little guy said in a childish voice.

The boss shook his head, and then he saw the little guy with a stupid look in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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