Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1210

Chapter 1210

"! That, no, no..."

The boss is breaking out in a cold sweat. He doesn't know how old the painting is, but the content is about a modern rental house. That's why he gave such a low price because of the quality of the paper and the skill of the painting.

Bebe jumped up and wanted to take the painting away!

Now that the girl in the peaked cap thought back, she was so shocked that her feet trembled: "Your name is Ling Yueqian?"

The little guy widened his beautiful eyes, and said in a childish voice, "Huh... how do you know, my sister is also a little bug in Sissi's stomach!"

Ling Yueqian?
Hearing this, the boss slumped on the ground, unable to stand still, because her name was written on the painting!
The girl in the peaked cap was also so shocked that her eyes went blank. No one knew the origin of the painting better than her. It was passed down from generation to generation by her master.

Ling Yun frowned, obviously he also knew the content of that painting, he was sure that it was from ancient times to extinct world, and he had never painted it before, so it could only be from ancient times.

Moreover, he confirmed that the painting and handwriting were from his own hands.

I really don't know why this painting flowed to the blue star in the poor land, and when it was there.

Song Yili said: "I bought the alchemy stove, it's only 20 yuan, the money is for you, and the stove is mine."

She threw down a black bank card very domineeringly, regardless of the boss's attitude, in short, the alchemy furnace is everything to her.

At this time Ling Yun smiled and said: "Don't be surprised, maybe it's all a coincidence."

The boss thought for a while, that's right, otherwise how would he explain it, then stood up, smiled and went through the formalities for Song Yili!

The girl in the peaked cap obviously didn't believe it, she kept staring at Ling Yun.

The little guy and Beibei acted like a baby, asking Song Yili to buy that painting too, and the latter seemed to like them both very much, so she agreed.

"Beautiful sister, why are you as stupid as me? He raised the price ten times, obviously blackmailing you!"

At this moment, the girl in the peaked cap beside her got anxious and pulled Song Yili's hand and said repeatedly.

The boss who was printing the invoice turned ugly, and shouted: "Young man, if you make trouble again, I will kick you out!"

'Hmph, you are obviously a profiteer, if you dare to drive me out, I will demolish your shop tomorrow! "The girl in the peaked cap got angry and said with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, little brat, you're trying to threaten my old king."

Boss Wang was obviously angry and wanted to call someone, but was stopped by Ling Yun.

"Boss, why did you match up with the kid? Didn't she buy both of your things?" Ling Yun said.

"Boy, don't talk so much in the future, be careful of getting into trouble." Boss Wang glared at the girl in the peaked cap and snorted coldly. Cutting off people's money is like killing their parents.

"Unscrupulous black businessman!" The girl in the peaked cap scolded fiercely, and Ling Yun motioned her to read on.

"Yeah, I got it, aha." The little guy jumped up, very excited, it seems that she really regarded the alchemy furnace as the ancient artifact, the medicine king cauldron.

Beibei curled her lips: "Garbage stoves, neither!!"

what's not?
The little guy blinked, confused.

"Boss, how much is this painting? Ben wants less."

At this time, two people walked in from the outside, and they immediately fell in love with the picture scroll in Song Yili's hand. They thought that the picture scroll had not been sold, so they asked Boss Wang directly.

The visitors were two men and one woman, both around 20 years old, wearing famous brands and stylishly dressed, they were probably college students nearby.

A certain man immediately swallowed his saliva when he saw Song Yili, this is too fucking beautiful.

"Sorry, this painting has already been sold to this beauty!"

Boss Wang looked at the painting in Song Yili's hand, his face twitched, and he said with some pain.

If I knew this painting was so easy to sell, I should have raised the price, at least 50!
It's a pity that the picture scroll has been sold, and Boss Wang can only watch it.

"Boy, you don't need the picture book in your hand, you have to pay a price."

The young man with light red curly hair on one side looked at Ling Yun and spoke directly.

Ling Yun's head is full of black lines, is he handsome enough to have a sense of presence?The painting is not in his hands, so ask him why.

Beibei's eyes were round and round, and she said in a childish voice, "Uncle, do you want to marry my aunt?"

The young man subconsciously smiled and nodded: "Think about it, it's so beautiful, anyone who doesn't think about it is stupid."

Beibei laughed loudly, clapped his hands and said, "Then think about it slowly."

Hearing this, Song Yili and the little guy laughed out loud!

After a moment of silence?
The shawl-haired girl wearing hollow denim on the side also looked at the painting, nodded and said: "Dean Zhong, the art professor, should like this painting. The paper looks ancient, it's old!"

"You want to buy?"

Glancing at the three of them, especially the girl with the shawl, her eyes were venomous, and she seemed to have a little research on antiques, Ling Yun then said silently: "We don't sell this picture scroll, but if you can afford the price for me to sell it , but I can give it to you."

The young man turned his eyes away from Song Yili, turned his head to look at the girl beside him, seemed to be asking, and then turned around and said, "One hundred thousand!"

One hundred thousand?

Boss Wang suppressed his heart, it's a loss, it's a loss...

Hearing this, Ling Yun smiled and shook his head, stretched out two fingers and said, "At least this!"

The little guy also imitated Ling Yun, stretched out two fingers, and said in a childlike voice, "Oh."

What, 200 million?
Why don't you grab it!! "The red-haired young man's face sank, and he shouted angrily.

"Two million. No, you misunderstood."

Ling Yun smiled and shook his head, making the two people on the opposite side stunned for a moment. They were about to say 20 and the deal was made, but Ling Yun said something astonishing: "It's [-] million!!"

[-] million? ?
The boss of the shop Wang was stunned, and the waiters in the shop also looked in shock.

The girl in the peaked cap on the side also opened her mouth wide: "Two hundred million?"

Enough for her to improve the village!
At this time, the young man on the opposite side laughed back angrily, and said with a sneer, "Boy, are you trying to blackmail me, Deng Dapeng? Be careful if you have money and spend it!"

"Hehe, blackmail you? If you can't afford it, you can leave in a mellow manner."

What Ling Yun said was very civilized, meaning let them go! !

Ling Yun was the most annoyed at those who threatened others and pretended to be coercive at every turn, and his direct tone was also cold.

"you wanna die!"

Deng Dapeng was still well-known in the university town, when he was scolded like this, he couldn't help being furious, and slapped Ling Yun directly.

However, Ling Yun's backhand slap came first, and slapped the opponent in a circle.

"Is this painting very precious?" The girl in the peaked cap was a little puzzled and asked in surprise.

"'Yes! Because it has my daughter in it." Ling Yun nodded solemnly.

The girl in the peaked cap showed a surprised expression. She is really messy. She knows that this painting is at least 1000 years old. Is it his daughter?is it possible?

(End of this chapter)

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