Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1211 2 million

Chapter 1211
If not, how can these coincidences be explained?

Boss Wang swallowed his saliva, his face turned pale, he knew it was not a coincidence, this painting is too weird, it has a modern background despite its age.

Song Yili blinked her beautiful eyes, she couldn't understand what was drawing her daughter.

"Aha, is it me? Bad papa, I must have drawn it secretly."

"that is true!"

Beibei knew immediately with a sweep of his consciousness, his eyes became big unconsciously.

Ling Yun turned around and took the painting from Song Yili's hand, ready to reveal the scroll for everyone to see! !

An old voice came, and an old man who looked like six or seven or eight years old walked into the shop and walked directly towards Ling Yun: "Young man, can you show the old man the picture scroll in your hand?"

"Ah, it's Master Zhou, one of the three great masters of antique appraising in Jiangbei, he's actually here."

Many people recognized the old man and exclaimed, Master Zhou?Master appraiser?It seems that this old man is quite famous.

Ling Yun nodded and hoped that someone would share his achievements, so he sent the scroll over and said, "Have you seen the clue?"

"Well, this scroll, just looking at the surface, is naturally not a famous painting, but if the old man is not mistaken, it probably dates back to 3000 years ago, maybe even longer!"

Master Zhou helped the non-existent beard on his chin and looked at the picture scroll in his hand, tsk-tsk praising
Then I opened it and saw that it is amazing to have such a painter in such an ancient age. More importantly, the traces on this painting can be found in history.

When he saw that it was a modern building, he was stunned! !

Just now this guy asked for [-] million, which is too much!Master Zhou is too young to be angry.

The artistry is top-notch, the quality of the paper is top-notch, but it is a modern background, he can't figure it out!

The little guy laughed loudly: "It's me, this is me..."

She remembered, isn't the background of the painting the rental house where they didn't move?
"Sure enough, my sister is so cute."

The little guy in the painting was so cute, Song Yili was shocked, recalling the conversation between Ling Yun and them just now, she was stunned.

Boss Wang heard that this painting has a history of more than 3000 years, his face was pale, his intestines were green with regret, and he was paralyzed... Look, it’s a big loss, a big loss!

Song Yili pointed at the painting and hesitated: "This...this..."

She really couldn't believe that the child in the painting was the little guy in front of her.

Master Zhou lowered his head when he heard the little guy's words, and immediately opened his mouth wide: "Why is it her?"

The shock in his tone was no less than that of others.

The little guy said in a baby voice, "It's me!"

The child was afraid that others would not know the same.

Ling Yun shook his head and put away the painting. Master Zhou was shocked. The calligraphy in that painting was very good, and he hadn't had time to appreciate it yet.

And the one who was slapped by Ling Yun... At this moment, he raised his head after making a phone call, his face was full of gloomyness, and he said coldly: "You poor man, just wait, I have to fix you today."

Master Zhou said anxiously, "Young man, let me have a look."

"It's worthless." Ling Yun smiled slightly, his eyes flickered with amusement, and he casually gave the painting to the excited little guy, who felt like he had found a treasure.

"I'll give you 100 million, and sell this painting to me immediately."

Ling Yun sensed Deng Dapeng's fierce gaze, but he didn't care. He sneered and said, "One million? You can save it to buy the coffin."

These words can basically sentence Deng Dapeng to death.

"Good! Good! Very good! If you don't sell it for 100 million yuan, you won't be able to buy your hands and feet back for 100 million yuan later." The red-haired young man laughed instead of anger, his eyes fierce.

"Handsome Shushu, he's so fierce." Beibei pouted while saying.

"Not afraid."

Ling Yun didn't speak, but Song Yili comforted Bei Bei.

Deng Dapeng's face was slightly ferocious, and he nodded along with the red-haired young man, and stood aside with a sneer on his face.

Ling Yun took a deep look at Deng Dapeng, and immediately raised the corner of his mouth. Although he got the alchemy furnace, he was not in a hurry to leave

"Young man, how about this, for your painting, the old man offered 1000 million, which is considered the highest price."

Now Master Zhou spoke again, obviously he was also very tempted by the picture scroll, and wanted to buy the research, and said: "1000 million, how about I owe you a favor?
Ignoring Deng Dapeng any more, Ling Yun turned around and said to Master Zhou: "Sorry, old man, this painting is not worth [-] million yuan, so I won't sell it."

The corner of Song Yili's mouth twitched, is this painting really worth so much?She doesn't believe it!

The girl in the peaked cap is speechless!
The little guy's eyes are dingy, and he never imagined that painting herself would be so valuable.

"This bastard is obviously going to fight against Master Zhou!"

"Hmph, if you offend Master Zhou, just wait for those rich and powerful people who want to ask him to trouble him. If you don't get the money by then, you may lose the painting!"

More and more customers gathered in the store, and most of them were watching the excitement. At this time, many people shook their heads and cast mocking or sympathetic glances at Ling Yun.

"Dapeng, who carelessly came to Antique Street to make trouble? How dare you argue with Master Gu?"

An angry word sounded, followed by a burst of noisy footsteps, a group of young people stepped into the shop, the young man at the head was tall and fair, obviously he was the one who said just now.

"Young Master Zhong, you are here. This poor man has driven away the dog... Shit... Lucky to find an ancient scroll, and actually wants to blackmail us for [-] million."

"How can you swallow this paralyzed breath!"

When Deng Dapeng saw the tall young man coming, his face was overjoyed, he hurried up to greet him, and said with a little respect.

A smile rose from the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, Beibei shuddered fiercely, the smile of the god of death...

"'Young Master Zhong, that's true!"

The girl with the shawl hair also nodded, walked forward, and said, "Master Zhou has already appraised it, and the value is at most 500 million. I gave him 1000 million, but he still wants [-] million."

"So it's Young Master Zhong!"

Master Zhou also raised his head at this time, looked at the tall young man, and said: "Your father invited me to appraise treasures last time. His collection is really good. Today's matter, everyone is kind, don't overdo it and hurt me." Make peace."

Obviously, Master Zhou is a good old man, and what he meant was to let Deng Dapeng and others stop when they were done.

Ling Yun could tell about this, and he had a good impression of the old man, and said, "Old man, this painting is indeed worth [-] million yuan, because it is worth it because it painted my daughter."

There is really nothing wrong with Ling Yun's words, the picture quality is ancient, these people don't know the goods, besides, if there are twelve domains in his paintings, tens of thousands of top-quality spirit stones will be indispensable.

The little guy pointed at herself, and said in a childish voice, "Aha, I'm worth a lot."

Song Yili smiled, and touched the little guy's head, she found that this child is really cute, no wonder so many young mothers like her and Beibei.

(End of this chapter)

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