Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1212 Go to

Chapter 1212 Go to
The girl in the peaked cap was trembling all over, just because of Ling Yun's words, did he draw it?Is that his daughter?

This painting has always been in the hands of her master. She has seen it since she was a child. Now she is 15 years old. She heard from her master that the painting was passed down to her by her master. So the person in front of her is so young, is she immortal?

and also!

Even if he is immortal, what about his daughter?So small, why is she in the painting, the time is wrong.

Song Yili was worried about Ling Yun. In her opinion, Ling Yun was blackmail. This painting was obviously not worth much, just because there were little guys in it. It probably took less than half a year to paint, and she didn't know how it was taken by such a peaked cap girl.

The little guy hugged Ling Yun's feet and arched them like a little piglet. Beibei looked at them with eyes blinking. Those people on the opposite side must be bad guys. I hate them. I was so speechless for her handsomeness...

Hearing this, Master Zhou frowned. He felt that the young man in front of him was too ignorant, and he couldn't help feeling a little displeased.

"Boy, come here and apologize, then give me the painting, and I'll give you some money, then hurry up and leave."

The tall young man looked at Ling Yun. Since Ling Yun had his back turned to him, he didn't notice it, and he didn't have the habit of looking at children, so he continued: "This antique street is my territory. The business here is so good. At least half of it is due to the students of our university town! Don't be ignorant!"

"Oh, I want to see how I can tell what is good and what is bad." Ling Yun turned around, looked at Young Master Zhong with a half-smile, and said with a light smile.

Holy shit! !
Seeing Ling Yun's appearance clearly, Young Master Zhong's face changed suddenly, showing panic, this is his boss's lord.

Looking down again, isn't that little guy the little leader of their daughter's gang!


This time it's dead, the person in front of him is a big shot, how could he be so unlucky to meet.

"Deng Dapeng, do your f*cking eyes grow from your head!"

Zhong Shao slapped Deng Dapeng on the face, then hurriedly walked up to Ling Yun and the little guy, and said cautiously: "My, sorry, we didn't know it was you!!"

Everyone was astonished!
Deng Dapeng covered his sore cheek with a dazed look on his face.

"You were still so majestic just now."

"Ha ha!"

Ling Yun smiled coldly, touching the little guy who was blinking under his feet.

"Ah, I dare not dare,... I'm just kidding."

Stared at by Ling Yun, Young Master Zhong didn't dare to address Ling Yun anymore, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he quickly bowed his head and said.

Deng Dapeng gritted his teeth, he could only touch his still red cheeks in embarrassment, he dared not speak out, it was obvious that Zhong Shao was afraid of Ling Yun, and he didn't know the identity of the other party.

The glamorous woman and the red-haired young man were at a loss, they didn't understand why Young Master Zhong beat his own people, and why did he treat Ling Yun like this?

Could it be that he fell in love with the stunning beauty across from him, and first made a compromise to please her?
Suspicions arose in the two of them...

"This stupid bastard, I don't want to miss it, remember, I don't want to." When Ling Yun spoke, he looked at Deng Dapeng, and the meaning was obvious.

Young Master Zhong was in a cold sweat from fright, then gritted his teeth, his eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and said cruelly: "Yes, I will handle it properly, and you will not see him in the future."

"The two of them, teach them a lesson so that they can remember." Ling Yun turned his head to look at the gorgeous woman and the red-haired young man.

Young master Zhong nodded with a pale face, and said to the little brother behind him: "Come on, push them away, they are all gone, gone."

He didn't dare to risk his life, he dared not obey Ling Yun's orders.

It's all about letting a person disappear, Jiang Bei is still very easy to do in the Daughter Gang's territory.

Deng Dapeng kept begging for mercy with a ashen face, but they had already been dragged out by Zhong Shao. Master Zhou found out that something was wrong and immediately followed them out.

Boss Wang was scared to death. Isn't this a disregard for human life? There is no law for the king, but he dare not talk too much, he is also afraid of Ling Yun!

"Little girl, don't you tell me about your background?" Ling Yun asked now, asking as he walked.

He hugged the little guy and led Beibei and walked out directly.

The girl in the peaked cap was startled, then went out with Song Yili, slowly behind Ling Yun.

The corner of Song Yili's mouth twitched, and she realized that it was the girl wearing the hat.

"She's a girl!!"

Beibei said: "Yes, sister."

"Aha, Sissy won't admit her mistake." The little guy responded in a childish voice.

The girl in the peaked cap said: "Let's find a place to talk, there are a lot of people here."

She seemed to be afraid of being seen by others, and she just bowed her head when she left the shop.

Ling Yun shook her head, really didn't know if she was shy or afraid, she knew how to use a mobile phone even though she had never seen the world, she didn't understand that she came from that backward village.

Ling Yun walked directly back into the car, the girl in the peaked cap paused, looked around and said, "Uncle, this stove belongs to my master, so does that painting, I have known it for 1000 years, but I have doubts .”


The little guy frowned slightly!
Her father is so handsome and young, why is he an uncle?
"Your question is also mine, sorry, I don't know."

Ling Yun shook his head, the girl in the peaked cap just wanted to ask Ling Yun where they came from and what they had to do with him, but he only knew that they were made by him, and he didn't know anything else.

"Ah...Impossible, and you said that the painting is your daughter?" The girl in the peaked cap looked confused, feeling that the uncle in front of her was playing tricks on her.

"Ahem, just to add, I did draw it, but how did it get into your hands, I guess you have to ask her." Ling Yun pointed awkwardly at Song Yili who was beside her, who blinked her eyes as if she was dumbfounded. Same.

what's the situation!
What did Song Yili hear?This painting belongs to the girl master, it has been 1000 years, and this painting is really painted by Ling Yun?messed up messed up...

Still ask her?
She doesn't know anything!
The little guy said in a baby voice: "Aunt Mei, are you stupid?"

Beibei made up the knife: "Kidney deficiency, you need to take medicine."

Ling Yun: "..."

Little guy: "Aha, sure enough."

She has a look that I can see through, which makes people dumbfounded.

Seeing the puzzled look of the girl in the peaked cap, Ling Yun said, "The totem of that stove belongs to her family, and it probably came from inside. I also guessed."

"Impossible, this is from my master's master..." The girl in the peaked cap shook her head and answered with a positive expression.

"Get in the car, let's go to Yaowang Valley, things are getting more and more interesting." Ling Yun smiled mysteriously, feeling that the Yaowangding would be a big secret.

The girl in the peaked cap didn't get in the car, Ling Yun said again: "Get in the car, we are not bad people, the power of cultivation in your body is true energy, it will be good for you to follow me."


The beautiful eyes of the girl in the peaked cap trembled, full of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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