Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1224 He came to be funny

Chapter 1224 He came to be funny (third)

With this knife slashing out, the scene in front of Ling Yun changed, and he was in an illusion again. Countless katana swords emitting bloody light blasted towards him.

As if to completely annihilate it, Ling Yun nodded slightly at the same time, Hattori Musashi's ninjutsu plus sword technique is not bad on Blue Star.

Ling Yun was not in a hurry, the branches danced quickly, and a set of sword techniques he didn't know was played out, and Hattori Musashi was defeated by himself!

Hattori Musashi with his dancing sword qi charged at Hattori Musashi with all his might!
Hattori Musashi spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale, and he stepped back again and again. The samurai sword in his hand was trembling slightly, and the light was dim.

"I lost, thank you Lord Pluto."

He was half kneeling on the ground, looking very pious, even if he improved his level of practicing sword skills, he still couldn't hurt Pluto at all!
"I hope it can help you improve your sword skills." Ling Yun threw a branch casually, as if he had done an insignificant thing!
"Thank you!"

Hattori Musashi smiled, and kowtowed to Ling Yun, he was upright, and the latter admired him quite a bit!
"It's really Pluto, you will die today!"

A sharp shout sounded suddenly.

A chunky man in a black suit with a small beard suddenly appeared on Qin Lan's back. As soon as he appeared, he used a samurai sword on the latter's neck!

"Elder Shigehide Suzuki!"

Looking at this man, a look of surprise and anger flashed in Hattori Musashi's eyes.


Qin Lan's face suddenly turned pale!

The little guy and Beibei are really interesting. Behind Qin Lan is Suzuki Shigehide, and the two of them are still holding Qin Lan's thigh tremblingly!

"Suzuki Shigehide! You are following me, unforgivable!" Hattori Musashi was very angry. Looking back now, he was used by the shrine!
"Don't move, stand Hattori Musashi properly, or I will kill you, this is the shrine's decision."

If it was Hattori Musashi in the past, he would not dare to say this, but now the latter has gone through a fight and is now seriously injured. He can kill Hattori Musashi with one move!
"In this case, I will kill you and exit the shrine."

Hattori Musashi didn't listen to the persuasion, and still rushed over with his sword in hand. The hand behind the shrine was not worth his life. In fact, he didn't do anything for the shrine.

Shigehide Suzuki shook his head, he knew ninjutsu, so Hattori Musashi hit the dart in his hand, and his body fell directly.

Ling Yun said: "As long as you have the heart, but if you can't do anything, you will die. You are still too young."

"What are you talking about, Pluto, I didn't expect you to be so young, hahaha, but I'm the strongest if I kill you." Suzuki Shigehide laughed loudly, with a look of being determined by Lingyun, and killing intent flashed in his eyes instantly .

"I said it, I'm not!" Ling Yun shook his head lightly!
Qin Lan is here, if he admits it, I don't know what will happen, it is the giant hand that saved Qin Lan's life, and she already knows that the giant hand belongs to Pluto, so the latter... Anyway, this woman might think wildly.

"Hmph, whether you admit it or not, you will definitely die today." Suzuki Shigehide's fierce look must be revealed, staring at Ling Yun with chills in his eyes!

"What do you want?" Ling Yun asked!
"You killed yourself immediately?"

"Suicide? Make me commit suicide?"

Ling Yun laughed, he really laughed, for so many years, he wanted to die, even if he blew himself up, his body and soul would be reunited!

Shigehide Suzuki laughed loudly: "Hurry up, or I'll kill her!"

She regarded Qin Lan as the little guy's mother.

Hearing this, Qin Lan's face turned pale, and she said softly, "Ling Yun can't do it!"

"Shut up, bitch!" Shigehide Suzuki's samurai sword approached Qin Lan's neck again!
Ling Yun blinked, with an indifferent attitude: "But how can I commit suicide now?"

Shigehide Suzuki frowned, looked around Ling Yun, there was indeed nothing that made him commit suicide, the only sword he had was Hattori Musashi, but the latter was too close to him to take risks.

"You shatter your whole body!" Suzuki Shigehide said.

"I can't do it, doctors can't heal themselves, I can't do it." Ling Yun shook his head!

Shigehide Suzuki had studied Chinese culture a little bit, and he frowned again, believing Ling Yun's words!

His IQ is not enough for Ling Yun to play with!
"This is a poisonous knife covered with a huge amount of poison. It has killed dozens of masters with poison. I will throw it to you later."

Shigehide Suzuki put the samurai sword on Qin Lan's neck with one hand, and the latter trembled slightly.

And his other hand took out a dagger, first waved it in front of his own eyes, then played around, subconsciously licked the blade of the dagger again!
"It's extremely poisonous, if you touch it, you'll die!" Suzuki Shigehide said shrilly!

Ling Yun had black lines all over his head, and he coughed dryly twice: "Ahem...Are you alright?"

"Ah..." Shigehide Suzuki reacted, and immediately dropped his samurai sword with a look of astonishment.

How to play now?He just licked the blade! !


poisoned! !

"I licked it?" Shigehide Suzuki didn't wait for Ling Yun to nod, his body fell down, foaming at the mouth, and then he died!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, is this islander an idiot, or is he a bit too smug, anyway, he is drunk!

Qin Lan covered her mouth in fright, and at the moment Shigehide Suzuki fell down, she yelled back, her eyes full of doubts!

"Huh... scare Beibei to death."

"What's wrong with him?" The little guy was very puzzled, scratching his head on the spot, with a cute and dumb look on his face, which was really cute.

"Ahem, he committed suicide by himself, it's none of my business, you've all seen it." Ling Yun shrugged and explained speechlessly.

Qin Lan nodded madly, not allowing the two little guys to see the fallen Shigehide Suzuki, for fear that the little guys would be frightened!
"Bei Bei, go and give that uncle over there a black eye." Ling Yun said, he admired the martial idiot Hattori Musashi more, although he is from the island country, he is still half a Chinese, his mother is a Chinese.

Heibuliuqiu is a pill, Beibei has always called it that!
Beibei said in a milky voice, "Is one enough?"

"Enough is enough, let's go!"

Seeing Ling Yun nodding, Qin Lan was at a loss, while Beibei, with Qin Lan on her back, clumsily took a pill from her pocket, and walked to Hattori Musashi.



Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, where can Hattori Musashi get it?The latter was seriously injured and fainted. Can Beibei be more funny? I want to laugh him to death!
Ling Yun shook his head and walked over, then crushed the elixir in Beibei's hand, and the traces of the medicine melted into Hattori Musashi's flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Hattori Musashi moved his finger, Beibei exclaimed: "It moved, it moved, he really moved."

Ling Yun hummed lightly, then pulled Beibei, greeted Qin Lan and the little guy, and went back to the villa.

Qin Lan looked at Hattori Musashi and the dead Suzuki Shigehide on the ground, and then looked confused. She was led away by the little guy, completely absent-minded!
(End of this chapter)

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