Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1225

Chapter 1225
Back at the villa, Ma Rulong from the Jiangbei Dragon Team received the news and rushed over. The woods were completely destroyed, and no one dared to approach them, so they had to call the police!
Hattori Musashi woke up tossing and turning, the first thing he did was to look at his own body, and then he was very surprised that his injury was healed, but it seemed that the old disease from before had also healed.

In the end, he looked at Shigehide Suzuki who was cold on the ground, and sighed, fighting against Hades is courting death, he has decided to quit the shrine, and practice sword skills from now on, regardless of world affairs.

As soon as he left, Ma Rulong rushed in with Lin Hao and the others!
When they found the corpse on the ground, they were shocked immediately, but after identifying their identities, they all laughed, good death, good death!

Now Ma Rulong began to suspect that Pluto lived in this villa, and everything he found here before was hindering the latter, so so many things happened.

"Director, what should we do now?" Lin Hao walked over and asked.

Ma Rulong smiled, and replied: "Just say that Pluto did it, report it to the higher-ups, and let them decide."

The corner of Lin Hao's mouth twitched, and he became a little speechless. If Hades didn't do it, it would be a frame-up, and unwarranted charges were placed on him, and the latter's anger was very serious.

"Director, do you really want to say it? What if it's not? Look at Shigehide Suzuki's body, the seven holes are bleeding, the blood is black, visually poisoned, Pluto is not so despicable, right?"

Lin Hao still told Ma Rulong what he found just now, the latter's eyes widened, and his words made sense, Nima, almost got into trouble!

"Then let's talk about accidental death. Anyway, it happened in our Jiangbei, and the islanders don't have the guts to question it." Ma Rulong finally decided to say that, Pluto's restricted area, this name is not for bragging.

Ling Yun who returned to the villa naturally didn't know what happened here, so he acted as if nothing happened!

"She went back?"

"Well, Mama is gone." The little guy said in a childish voice.

Qin Lan didn't ask anything, didn't say anything, sent the little guy to the gate of Lingyun Villa, and then went back.

"Alright, you guys go and play." Ling Yun nodded, and immediately let the little guy play to his heart's content.

As soon as he walked into the living room, his cell phone rang. It was his brother Liu Zhiyun. The latter asked Ling Yun if he was free tonight and wanted to go out together for a while.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he wanted to go out, but the little guy was staring at him, there was no way he wanted to drink, he had no choice but to push it away.

An Qing worked overtime tonight, and the little ones were clingy, how could she go out when she was free, even if she went out, she had to take them with her.

As soon as he hung up the phone, another good roommate of his called Fu Qing, but the result was the same, asking Ling Yun to go out for a drink!
This time Ling Yundui can't be dropped, so I can only agree!
At around nine o'clock, Ling Yun brought the children to the open-air barbecue stand arranged by Brother Qiang!
When we first met, Liu Zhiyun joked: "Our boss is busy, is he busy making love to the child's mother?"

"Having a family and a room is different from you." Ling Yun rolled his eyes and replied.

The little guy blinked and blinked!

"Good boy, call me Uncle! She is my daughter Cici, and she is my goddaughter Beibei!" Ling Yun stroked the hair of the two little guys, proudly introducing her.

Fu Qing said: "It's so cute, there is no gift for the first meeting, next time."

Liu Zhiyun is embarrassed!
"Next time, next time!"

Hearing this, the little guy doesn't care, he doesn't like Lanxing's garbage anymore!

"Hello, sorghum!"

"Hi, uncle."

Fu Qing didn't have much background, so he couldn't recognize Beibei, but Liu Zhiyun's eyes froze!
Long Beibei!
Even though the character who led to the strongest man in Blue Star, Pluto, is only three years old, almost everyone in the underground world knows about it.

He went back to his family and accepted an unusual training!
At first he resisted, but his sister Liu Qingcheng said that a man must be capable, the first is to have money, and the second is to have strength!

And he is useless, so he made up his mind to cultivate, he still doesn't want the management rights assigned by the family, and develops in Lingyun's company after planning.

"Why didn't you bring her out?" Liu Zhiyun said.

"Next time, she will work overtime tonight." Ling Yun shrugged, then sat down, subconsciously poured himself a glass of wine, and also poured wine for Liu Zhiyun and the others.

The little guy is sensible, when Ling Yun was pouring wine for Fu Qing, he poured Ling Yun's wine on the ground, and clumsily gave him a cup of tea.

"Papa, am I good or not?" The little guy's eyes rolled gloomyly.


Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry, this child was staring at him all the time!
"Handsome Shushu, this is yours, this is theirs." Beibei divided everything up, and all the tea went to Ling Yun, while the wine was pushed to Liu Zhiyun's side.

The corner of Fu Qing's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "That's fine too!"

Anyway, they just wanted to find Ling Yun to catch up on the old days, and then...cough cough...drinking, now there is one less person!

Seeing what they were thinking, Ling Yun called Brother Qiang over to drink with Liu Zhiyun. Brother Qiang was very happy.

"Big... cough cough!"

Brother Qiang doesn't call you an adult, what do you call him?
Ling Yun said: "He used to be the security captain of our company, you can drink with him and enjoy yourself."

"Hello boss, hello little princess!" Brother Qiang exhaled, feeling a bit depressed sitting with Ling Yun.

Liu Zhiyun and the others don't mind, anyway, it's fine if someone plays guessing numbers with them!

The little guy also learned from Beibei, which made Ling Yun dumbfounded, the key is that they also learned, Liu Zhiyun and Fu Qing were dumbfounded!
Brother Qiang has nothing to worry about, Pluto's daughter is definitely not an ordinary child.

Half an hour later, they were almost done drinking too much, Ling Yun thought that no one would bother them in the private outdoor place tonight!
who knows!
A voice sounded.

"Stop, you..."

Immediately, the face of the nearby Daughter Gang changed, and they spoke quickly, but before they finished speaking, two members of the Guoan team rushed up and subdued them.

Afterwards, Guoan and his party walked into Ling Yun's side in a big way, and immediately attracted a group of daughters to help them rush over.

They looked at the people in Guoan, their eyes full of vigilance.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

A certain gangster looked at the group of people and said solemnly.

"National security affairs, idlers are not allowed to intervene, otherwise they will all be arrested!" The leader, a middle-aged man, snorted coldly, his eyes gleaming with coldness.

"National Security?"

Hearing his words, Brother Qiang and Liu Zhiyun's expressions changed.

They are all people who have seen the world, and they have naturally heard of Guoan, especially Brother Qiang, who was a local snake in Jiangbei back then, and knew Guoan and Longzu quite well.

He used to invite Lin Hao of the Jiangbei Dragon Group to drink tea! !

And Liu Zhiyun understands a little bit, after all, his sister Liu Qingcheng was the chief of the dragon team in the capital city.

(End of this chapter)

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