Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1226

Chapter 1226
Guoan and Longzu, the latter is a foreigner, who specializes in dealing with those who are harmful to China.

On the surface, the former is in charge of the internal affairs, responsible for dealing with the things committed by those warriors, ensuring the stability and order of the society, and has great rights.

In fact, the Dragon Group is in charge of everything, and Guoan is in charge of the supernatural beings. Liu Zhiyun was slightly startled. Now Guoan is looking for him?

Not right!

What he cultivates is internal strength!

Longzu and Guoan are existences that no force or individual in China dare to provoke. He didn't expect Guoan to appear here today, which shocked him unceasingly.

"What do you want to do in Guoan?"

Fu Qing didn't know anything, he stared at Guoan and said in a low voice.

"I am their leader, Jiang Daru, here is my certificate!"

"What are you doing? Brother Qiang, right? Come out and walk with us!"

Jiang Daru said coldly, his face indifferent.

Hearing his words, Liu Zhiyun and Fu Qing looked at each other, the former let out a breath, so it was not looking for him, it scared him to death.

"What do you guys want from me?" Brother Qiang looked at the group of people and said in a deep voice, his face a little heavy.

He has always kept his own law and order, and the subordinates of the Daughter Gang also restrain their usual behavior, which is generally considered good.

"We were ordered to arrest you. Stand up and follow me?" Jiang Daru stared at Brother Qiang sharply, exuding a cold aura all over his body.

"Catch me?"

As soon as Jiang Daru's words came out, the faces of the daughter gang and Liu Zhiyun all changed, and they looked extremely shocked.

"May I ask what he committed?" Ling Yun smiled, arresting people in front of him, Guoan is also worthy!

The little guy and Beibei glared at the group of unkind people who came, and they ruined the good atmosphere just now, so they pouted angrily.

"Don't be too fussy, don't ask too much, knowing too much is not good, Zhang Ziqiang, do you need us to detain you?" Seeing that Brother Qiang was indifferent, Jiang Daru frowned.

Fu Qing drank too much, and he was very courageous. He said, "If he doesn't break the law, you can't take him away."

A daughter gangster said angrily: "You are acting recklessly, we don't accept it."

He was greeted by punches and kicks from a member of the National Security Bureau.

"How could you do this?" Liu Zhiyun and Fu Qing's expressions changed, they didn't expect Guoan to be so domineering, like a bandit.

"Grab it!"

Jiang Daru gave the order immediately, but at this time Ling Yun spoke again.

"Who allowed you to do it?"

Jiang Daru snorted coldly, and said word by word: "Catch Zhang Ziqiang!"

After the words fell, a terrifying aura spread rapidly, and that icy and bone-chilling aura enveloped the entire open-air barbecue booth.

The little guy frowned slightly, her divine power was released, and Wei Wei's strength was suppressed without any difference, and she messed up again.

However, the power was well controlled, except for Ling Yun and Bei Bei, everyone else suffered.

All the people present were enveloped, causing their bodies to tremble one after another, with serious expressions on their faces, and they quickly lay down on the ground.

The little guy's vicious expression is so cute!
The corner of Brother Qiang's mouth twitched, thinking that Ling Yun did it, and felt bitter!
Paying off is an ordinary person, and he can't bear it, so Ling Yun helped the little guy and transferred all his power to the members of the national security.

For a while, the daughter patted everyone's heart, with a look of lingering fear, they thought it was over.

Brother Qiang then dismissed the group of younger brothers and let them continue to watch over the surrounding area. As for the Guoan members lying on the ground, he shook his head as if he couldn't see them!
All the members of Guoan were ashamed, unable to speak under the pressure of divine power, especially Jiang Daru, whose nose was bleeding.

There was fine sweat on Liu Zhiyun's forehead, and Long Beibei was protected by strong people, at least he could feel it!
Fu Qing didn't know the reason, but he thought it was done by his brother Qiang, who acted calmly.

The little guy laughed this time and kept jumping up and down, saying in a childish voice, "Papa, it's's me!"

"Well... I see, stop jumping, I'm sweating again." Ling Yun was a little amused.

Qianqian was very proud to rub her hands in Ling Yun's arms!
Beibei, on the other hand, lay on the ground, looking at Jiang Daru with small eyes.

Liu Zhiyun shook his head, since Brother Qiang didn't speak, he simply ignored the group of people on the ground and let them continue to lie on their stomachs.


Jiang Daru was really speechless, looking very painful, this time he knew he was wrong, even if it wasn't against Long Beibei, as long as the latter appeared, they would not be presumptuous.

"Uncle, are you tired?" Beibei, a naughty boy, took a piece of grass to scratch Jiang Daru's itch, and the latter vomited blood.

"Sister, there are ants here, they are so big!" The little guy ran over in a childish voice.

Beibei looked at where the little guy was pointing, really big?
Ha ha…

It's just an ordinary ant, but Beibei's eyes are round and round, and while no one is paying attention to her, she uses affinity to make those ants obey her and all go to bite the people lying on the ground.

"Huh... so many..." The little guy had goosebumps all over his body, so densely packed, she was afraid.

Since the Guoan gang didn't come back, and their cell phones were blocked, some members of Guoan who were waiting in the car frowned and planned to come to the open-air barbecue stand to see the situation!

They found something was wrong all the way away, so they called the Jiangbei National Security Headquarters, and Ma Rulong from the Dragon Group also received the news.

Jiangbei's National Security Headquarters ** is no longer the former senior year, who was required to take a long vacation to recuperate!
"Who the hell? Pluto shouldn't be so boring, right? We just eliminated the Daughter Gang and didn't mess with him. I'm really mad at me. Is this Pluto lawless?"

Li Ziqing, who is currently in Jiangbei Guoan, heard about this, and started cursing, driving here while talking.

Ma Rulong here!
"Follow me and help Guoan eradicate the Daughter Gang. If Pluto is not here, it must be Zhang Ziqiang who did it. Let me know and come with me." Ma Rulong frowned and said to the landline phone in the office, his tone still very unhappy.

It's all over, and it's not easy for Guoan to do something.

Ling Yun frowned, what happened to them?All come to die?

Ha ha!

He snapped his fingers lightly, but didn't do anything, just to attract Brother Qiang's attention, and the latter said, "Boss?"

"Go and teach them a lesson, don't go too far." Ling Yun smiled playfully, full of evil spirits.

Liu Zhiyun raised his brows lightly, and asked puzzledly, "Where is he going?"

Ling Yun shrugged: "Who knows!"

Brother Qiang glanced casually at the people lying on the ground, then swallowed hard, there must be too many ants.

The little guy was quite kind, he didn't let the ants bite, but just climbed on them, Beibei curled his lips and didn't stop it, it was just for fun anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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