Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1228 There Are Meteors

Chapter 1228 There Are Meteors (Part [-])
"Get him up!" Li Ziqing gritted his teeth and said to Guoan's subordinates behind him.

Ma Rulong said: "Wait a minute, Zhang Ziqiang, this matter was really notified from above, so how about it, you disband the daughter gang, and then come to the bureau to sign and forget about it."

Brother Qiang let out a bah sound, the Daughter Gang belongs to Pluto, whoever dares to say goodbye will leave!

bell bell bell…

Liu Zhiyun answered a phone call, and then they bid farewell to Ling Yun. Anyway, Guoan was not looking for them or Ling Yun, so they didn't stay any longer!
He still wanted to stay, but he didn't like it. He recently chased a girl from the company, and now she agreed to date him.

"Zhang Ziqiang, according to my subordinates, you are only acting as the leader of the gang, so why don't you make a phone call and ask the leader of your gang, what does he mean?"

Brother Qiang said: "I don't need to fight, she said, it can't be dismissed."

"You really want to go your own way?" Ma Rulong frowned, his patience was limited, he was just a bastard, and he was still so dragging!
"It's not me, she really said it." Brother Qiang was speechless, seeing the little guy's expression, and talking about disbanding, I'm afraid she would be angry.

"Director, Director, I found it!"

At this time, a member of the dragon team ran over, his face was covered with sweat, and when he saw the little guy, he was trembling all over!

"Who is their gang leader?" Ma Rulong snatched the phone. This is who the daughter gang leader he sent to investigate secretly before he came. It is not a secret in the daughter gang, it has been made public long ago.


Ma Rulong was not calm when he saw it. A child is the boss, isn't it the child in front of him? Suddenly something came to his mind, and he was sweating profusely!


"Cough cough..."

Ling Yun coughed twice, and Ma Rulong took it up and changed his words: "Tomorrow... tomorrow, I have something to leave!"

After saying that, he prepared to slip away with the stunned and frightened member, wishing to have another leg, whoever wants to die can stay here!
After walking a few steps, Li Ziqing immediately stopped him: "Old horse!!"

Seeing Ma Rulong pause, he continued: "You will know the consequences if you retreat!"

"I...I won't play anymore." Ma Rulong looked back fearfully at Ling Yun, who was drinking tea very leisurely.

"Are you afraid of a Zhang Ziqiang? It's their leader, let me see which god his leader is." Li Ziqing smiled nonchalantly, and actually reached out to ask Ma Rulong for a cell phone.

Ma Rulong was covered in cold sweat, how dare he give it, he shook his head: "Let's go, there is nothing to see, the phone is dead."

Li Ziqing rolled his eyes, he thought he was an idiot, the phone was already powered!


However, Ma Rulong's cell phone rang, and the scene suddenly became cold!
"Director, mobile phone, your mobile phone is ringing!" a member said.

"Old horse!" Li Ziqing smiled!
Ma Rulong said: "You members of Guoan tell Zhang Ziqiang, I will answer the phone."

Li Ziqing nodded, and then said to Brother Qiang, "How are you thinking?"

Brother Qiang laughed, is the new director of Jiangbei Guoan an idiot!
"You don't understand. This is Jiangbei. Since our Daughter Gang exists, it must have been approved by Pluto. Are you sure you want us to disband?"

Li Ziqing was startled, and then laughed in his heart when he thought about it, Zhang Ziqiang, oh Zhang Ziqiang, actually moved Hades out.

The little guy in Ling Yun's arms yawned, and she said in a childish voice, "Papa, don't scatter..."

"Well, no, I'll watch it for you!" Ling Yun stroked the little guy in his arms, who yawned again, probably very sleepy, and it's getting late.

Brother Qiang heard Ling Yun's spiritual sense in his mind, and immediately said to them: "You are all gone, you stay with you, our leader has something to say to you."

Li Ziqing frowned, without any doubts, then turned his head and nodded to Guoan's subordinates, and they immediately withdrew to guard.

Ma Rulong was trembling, feeling terrified in his heart, this time it was over, he should have known that Ling Yun was the King of Hades long ago!
Ling Yun also untied Shenwei, and let those who were lying on their stomachs go away, they are probably dying, and they were all taken away by other people.

"The boss said that we can't disband. Now you can go back to sleep. If there is another time, you will be responsible for the consequences." Ling Yun stood up, picked up the two little guys, and prepared to go back.

Ma Rulong seemed to be pardoned, but Li Ziqing laughed out loud.

"Who are you, with such a loud voice? You have been here all this time. When did your leader say that? Get out of here. Tonight, there is no need for the Daughter's Gang to exist."

The little guy said: "Bad guy!"

heard the words.Ling Yun smiled, this kind of laughter made Ma Rulong swallow his saliva, it was a terrible smile, while Brother Qiang shook his head and smiled wryly!

"Sissy, it's so late, do you think there will be shooting stars?"

The little guy raised his head and frowned slightly: "It's dark, there's nothing there!"

"Then dad will show you a show, you have a good time!" Ling Yun pouted the little guy's neck, itching, and the latter smiled, not much sleepiness.

Beibei clapped her hands, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Okay, okay, there are shooting stars to watch!"

What do you mean? Seeing Ling Yun walking towards him, Li Ziqing looked astonished and his eyes were full of puzzlement.

Ma Rulong's legs are weak, could it be...

Ling Yun walked over and slapped Li Ziqing who was in a daze, and the latter was immediately slapped into the sky by a force!

"Have a nice trip, don't thank me." Ling Yun smiled and walked out without looking back.


The little guy laughed!
"It's beautiful." Beibei didn't even blink her eyes!

The moment Li Ziqing was shot flying, he felt severe pain, and after he figured it out thoroughly, he went to get a lunch box. It is estimated that not a single bone in his body is complete, and the rest of the body must travel into space.

Ma Rulong almost fainted, but he couldn't faint. He watched Ling Yun walk into the black hole with his own eyes, and he trembled when he stood up.

he's fine!Pluto spared him!

Brother Qiang came over and patted him on the shoulder, and sighed, "Hey... Ma Rulong, you are so lucky!"

"Yeah... let's go... lucky!" Ma Rulong wanted to lose his soul.

"You can't even beat me, and you still want to disband the Daughter Gang. If it weren't for Hades, you would never come back tonight, because I won't disband, I will only kill you." Brother Qiang said with condensed eyes, his tone full Chill, since Pluto's warehouse has dealt with it, he doesn't have to kill, so let it be.

Ma Rulong felt the oppression of brother Qiang's heaven and man realm, and his face turned pale again. The usually inconspicuous little gangster is so powerful. Such a strong dragon team leader.


What is the order above?
It's fine to move Pluto's power, but an acting gang leader is still so strong, just to cheat them Jiangbei, he doesn't want to do it anymore, he will resign tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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