Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1229 Hao Jian

Chapter 1229 Hao Jian (Second Change)

If he continues to work in Jiangbei, he will die sooner or later. Even if he doesn't mess with the people around Pluto, there will always be a few under him who don't open their eyes. As long as there is one more time, Pluto will definitely not be him!

The Luo family in Yangcheng is a vivid example. Anyway, he must resign tomorrow, even if he hurts himself, he must resign from this job.

"Papa, why are we coming out here?"

Ling Yun walked all the way back from the gate, the little guy scratched his head with a look of incomprehension, can't he just come out of the villa!
Beibei said: "Why?"

She had a can of Wangzai in each hand, and she felt very happy. Ling Yun had fulfilled his promise and gave them four cans.

"You will find out later." Ling Yun replied!
Lin Yueyan came outside the villa. Jiangbei University started school these days, and she didn't have a key to enter after she arrived, so she had to wait outside!

"Papa, guess what? Four cans!" The little guy's eyes are gray, as long as her father nods, she will immediately dig a hole and sweep it with her spiritual sense!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, he didn't want to be fooled, so he shook his head!

From far away, Lin Yueyan could hear the voice of the little guy and Ling Yun!

Lin Yueyan was at the entrance of the villa, and in such a cold weather, she waved her hands and shouted Ling Yun.

The little guy's eyes were wide open, and he said in a childish voice, "Aha, I knew it was the big fat girl and Xiao Cai!"

Beibei said: "Huh... the big fat girl is here!"

Lin Yueyan overheard the words of the two little guys. The latter has black lines all over her head. How is she getting fat!
Ling Yun responded with a cautious tone: "It's such a cold day, why don't you make a phone call."

"My phone is out of battery!" Lin Yueyan lowered her head and stuck out her tongue!

The little one immediately climbed down and started playing with the bird of paradise.

After Ling Yun opened the door, Lin Yueyan led Beibei in, and let the little guy play in the back for a while.

"Drinking tea, it's freezing you, your lips are turning purple." Ling Yun said!

"Thank you, cousin, why are Beibei and Qianqian wearing so little clothes?" Lin Yueyan frowned. In such a cold day, didn't this mean to make them catch a cold, this cousin is too good at taking care of others.

"Ahem... It's because you don't know much. The two of them are wearing golden velvet clothes given by the Monkey King."

"Cousin, do you think I'm stupid?" The corner of Lin Yue's mouth twitched, she was not a child, she was fooled casually!
Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, is it true?"

The little guy also ran over and said, "Isn't it, is it really Brother Monkey's?"

"Don't talk, drink Wangzai well." Ling Yun was speechless, Lin Yueyan couldn't be fooled, but the two little guys were fooled instantly.

Lin Yueyan asked: "Qiqian, are these clothes warm?"

"It's warm!" The little guy said proudly!
Ling Yun shook his head, and then kept the temperature of the entire villa at around [-] degrees, so that Lin Yueyan would not have any doubts.

When he went to take a bath, he let the little guy chat with Lin Yueyan, the little guy is not sleepy anymore, it really made him speechless.

Sitting on the sofa, Lin Yueyan joked to the little guy next to him sucking Yunwangzai: "Qi Qian, do you have a room?"

The little guy shook his head: "My daddy has it!"

"Do You have a Car?"

"I have a stroller! Papa has it!"

"Small strollers don't count!"

"Then I don't have it. My daddy has it, a lot." The little guy shook his head again.

Lin Yueyan asked again: "Is there any deposit in the bank?"

"My daddy has them, there are a lot of them."

"Then what do you have?" Lin Yueyan blinked her eyes!

"I have my papa!" The little guy said in a childish voice!

Lin Yueyan: "..."

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy: "Auntie, my dad said you were sold to the United States, did you sneak back here?"

This kid cheated on her father again...

"Hahaha, you want to lie to me, your father must be saying that I'm going to America!"

"Aha, no, my papa said it." The little guy put down Wang Zai and covered his eyes, cute and dazed.

"Speak ill of your father, and he will no longer want you." Lin Yueyan said.

"My papa loves me the most, so I won't, cousin, is it fun?"

"Not good, because you are missing a living treasure."


"You smile so cute." Lin Yueyan couldn't help but pinch the little guy's face. It's been a few months since I've seen him, and the latter is even more fun.

"Well, is my cousin really sold?" The little guy said it himself, and now he takes it seriously!
Lin Yueyan shook her head and said, "I'm here to study, there's everything there, I'm a good boy, I won't lie to you."

"Bragging, did you see that there is a cow on it!" The little guy rolled his eyes!

Beibei couldn't help but said: "My aunt is bragging, I've seen it all, there are cows flying."

Lin Yueyan couldn't laugh or cry!

There was nothing to say all night, Lin Yueyan went back to school the next day, and she couldn't even see An Qing in the morning, it was Ling Yun who made breakfast and sent her to school.

When I came out, on a small path, an old man was screaming, surrounded by several college students.

"Grandpa, hold on, I've already called your family, have you brought your medicine with you?" asked a college boy next to him.

"Oh, it hurts to death, ambulance, ambulance, I seem to have lost my medicine." The old man walked to the ground with a pale face.

The corner of the girl's mouth twitched, looking at the situation, she seemed to have lost it, was it lost? The pockets were turned upside down, where is the medicine!

"Let me go, I'm Hao Jian, a high-achieving medical student, let me take a look!" A rather handsome student knelt down and said.

Then he did some simple measures to save his life, and the old man continued to yell, and Hao Jian's forehead was already sweating a little.

Ling Yun passed by, glanced casually, and subconsciously said: "This will kill him."

Hao Jian raised his head, saw how handsome Ling Yun was, and said angrily, "Do you know medicine in your department? If you don't understand, just go and talk nonsense, I'm a brilliant student."

A girl was a nympho, she didn't look at Ling Yun, but looked at Hao Jian who was squatting: "I know the name of the senior, and I was named and praised by Professor Jiang twice."

Many boys were jealous of Ling Yun's handsomeness, and said with contempt: "Go away!!"

Ling Yun frowned, but seeing that the old man was in so much pain, he didn't care about it, but reminded him again: "He has a heart attack, if you press him again, he will really die."

Hao Jian was taken aback. Seeing that the old man's condition seemed to be getting worse, he glared at Ling Yun, "It's all your fault. If it wasn't for your nonsense, how could he be delayed."

Ling Yun was a little funny, he blamed others if he was not good at his studies, so he could be regarded as a high-achieving student?Do all the teachers in this university eat shit!

(End of this chapter)

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