Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1234 Concert

Chapter 1234 Concert

Beibei also came for a while, and the corner of Andy's mouth twitched, I had to believe it!

"You are really great, Auntie loves you so much."

"Papa is amazing."

The little guy doesn't dare to take credit!

Ling Yun carried the two of them outside, then looked at what the assistant director directed, and made a few mistakes, which the latter accepted humbly.

Everyone has seen the assistant director ask Ling Yun like a student before, so there is no fluctuation in their hearts!


This scene slapped Andy in the face again, he didn't dare to underestimate Ling Yun, after listening to those terms, he knew that he was a proper king, no wonder the assistant director looked excited!
She didn't understand why the president of Yuexia Entertainment was so powerful?Such a strong yet so low-key, obviously can rely on his face to make a living, but his talent is so outstanding!

"Sissy and Beibei, pay attention, don't make a mistake in your next move." Ling Yun said to them carefully.

"Yeah, yum."

The two little guys nodded childishly, repeatedly expressing that there is no problem!
Ling Yun was there to encourage them, and they didn't disappoint Ling Yun, they just passed the first pass of filming, and their lines were not wrong!
Andy stared at one side of his eyes, and said to himself: "They are so cute and smart!"

"Wow... the big and small princesses are not bad at acting." said an actor on the set.

Many people applauded them one after another!
Ling Yun was on the sidelines directing the filming, so the actors basically came at once, and the pace was very fast!
The progress of one day was compared to the three days of the previous director, and the deputy director gave a thumbs up at this speed!
For the next three days, Ling Yun led the little ones to shoot in the theater until An Qing's concert came!
The Jiangbei University Gymnasium is now crowded with people outside the gymnasium. At a glance, there are thousands of people, and the number is still increasing. There are a lot of security guards and traffic police around to maintain order.

The reason why so many people gathered here was precisely because An Qing was going to hold a concert here.

These people outside are all An Qing's fans from all over the country, some local, and some came from various cities, just to catch a glimpse of the goddess in their hearts.

As for tickets, it is also hard to find, and even many bright-minded students have started scalping.

These are An Qing's fans, including students and people from all walks of life in the society. Jiangbei University also rarely opened the door on this day, so that these people can go unimpeded.

From the grand occasion of the scene, it can be seen that An Qing is indeed a big star in the entertainment industry today, with such a huge number of fans.

"so many people!"

When Andy drove Ling Yun and the others here in a car, he was slightly surprised by the crowds of people in front of him.

"How do I find Miss Qing?"

Andy curled his lips. It is definitely not easy to find someone in such a situation. It is difficult to find someone without a mobile phone.


"There are so many people!"


The eyes of the three little guys are wide open!

Ling Yun didn't want the three little guys to be squeezed by the crowd, so they put them on their necks, one in the middle and one on each shoulder!
Andy is leading the way ahead, An Qing must go backstage, as long as she reaches the backstage smoothly!


The little guy was yelling in a baby voice, and she saw Qin Lan in front.

"Auntie, Beibei is here."

Beibei waved her small fist and made a posture of rushing forward.

At this time, Qin Lan in front was being squeezed together by such a large group of people. He wanted to go out to join Ling Yun, but he couldn't move at all.

At this time, a rogue-looking guy approached Qin Lan, and touched Qin Lan's bag with one hand.

"Hey, hey... you're not good at stealing, are you?"

Suddenly Ling Yun's figure came to Qin Lan's side, and grabbed the guy's hand, and Qin Lan also reacted, looked at the guy, and cursed: "You bastard, how dare you steal from my old lady."

"Go away! Otherwise, I will destroy you."

With a wave of Ling Yun's hand, that guy was thrown out. The latter glared at Ling Yun in pain, and then ran away in despair.

"Ling Yun, you came so timely." Qin Lan looked at Ling Yun's smiling face, and quickly patted her heart with her hands.


The little guy stretched out his little hand with a smile on his face, asking Qin Lan to hug her.


Qin Lan naturally would not refuse.


Bai Jingna's voice suddenly sounded, wearing a T-shirt with an exposed navel and denim shorts, Bai Jingna in cool attire appeared in front of Ling Yun.

"big sister…"


The little guy recognized it immediately.

"Why are you here, girl?" Ling Yun looked at the chick and couldn't help saying.

"I came to see An Daxing's concert. I didn't expect you to be here, uncle. It's great, so I have company."

Bai Jingna said with a smile, just now she felt the breath of the little guy, so she came here, she didn't expect it was them! !
"President! President!"

Andy couldn't see Ling Yun, and immediately shouted!
"This way."

Beibei's voice sounded, and her little hand waved vigorously towards Andy. The latter was covered with black lines. She led the way in front of her, but when she turned around, everyone disappeared.

"An Qing! An Qing! An Qing!"

Suddenly, one after another crazy shouts sounded, and three black Mercedes-Benz surrounded by a car in the distance slowly approached, apparently An Qing had arrived.

Immediately, a group of crazy fans rushed up. Fortunately, a group of security guards rushed over to block the enthusiastic fans.

More than 20 bodyguards in suits came down from the three Mercedes-Benz cars and stood around the caravan. The battle was very big!

The corner of Andy's mouth twitched, and he muttered in his heart: "It turns out that Sister Qing is only here now."

One of An Qing's bodyguards opened the door of the RV, and Han Xiaoai walked down first, followed by An Qing.

Looking at An Qing, a group of fans shouted enthusiastically.

An Qing waved her hand with a smile, and quickly entered the gym from the special passage.

Then it was time for all the audience to get tickets and enter the stadium. People who came to watch the concert entered the stadium one after another.

"Ma Ma is so beautiful, and Aunt Ai, aha!"

"so beautiful."

"Yeah, yum."

The three little guys stared at An Qing not far away with their beautiful eyes wide open.

Suddenly, Ling Yun's eyes narrowed, and he glanced at several figures in the distance. They were all dressed in black and walked into the gymnasium with masks on. They looked very ordinary.

But Ling Yun felt a faint murderous aura from them. This murderous aura was very faint, but Ling Yun felt it keenly. It seems that this concert will not be too smooth.

Just don't know who the target is?
Then he followed the three women into the Jiangbei University gymnasium, and there were figures everywhere at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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