Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1235 Start

Chapter 1235 Start

Qin Lan carried the little guy to the row of seats closest to the stage. These are all VIP seats, and the price is several times more expensive than ordinary seats.

And it's not something that can be bought with money, sitting here can most directly see An Qing performing on the stage.

Ling Yun said speechlessly: "Why do you have this ticket?"

Qin Lan flicked her hair, then said with a smile: "An Qing gave it to me, I can buy it if I have the ability."

"Huh... did I give it to you?" The little guy said with gloomy eyes, "That must be a lot of money."

"Yes, your mother is the richest, how much do you plan to cheat her?" Qin Lan joked.

The little guy said: "Who has more?"

She meant that Qin Lan and An Qing were richer than anyone else.

Qin Lan didn't answer, Ling Yun muttered something to the little guy!

"Why so much money?" After hearing this, the little guy's eyes widened.

Qin Lan's head was full of black lines, and she knew it without asking. Ling Yun must have said that she had the most money, otherwise Qian Qian, a little money fan, would not have asked such a question.

"Little money fan, I don't have much." Qin Lan pampered the little guy's hair!
Beibei said at the same time: "My aunt is rich, she is the fifth son of a diamond!"


Ling Yun couldn't bear it anymore!

Qin Lan laughed to herself, and was speechless to Bei Bei.


Bai Jingna pouted and shook the ticket in her hand. Hers was ordinary.

Ling Yun knew that she wanted to sit here, but there were no seats left. An Qing gave only one ticket, and so did Qin Lan!
"You!! Buy me a seat."

Qin Lan suddenly pointed to a man in a suit standing next to Ling Yun and said.

"Why?" The man's eyes lit up when he saw such a beautiful woman as Qin Lan.

"I'll give you three times the price, and change places with me." Qin Lan said directly.

"No, I have money." The man said casually.

"You..." Qin Lan said with a look of urgency, "Then what if I, as the chairman of Yuexia Group, ask to change positions with you?"

"Are you the chairman of Yuexia Group?" The man was shocked when he heard Qin Lan's words.

"My name is Qin Lan, the chairman of Yuexia Group!" Qin Lan hugged the little guy, with the corner of his mouth curled up, and snorted.

"Yeah, yum, I'm the little boss." The little guy said in a childish voice.

"So it's Director Qin and Qianjin Ling, please sit down, please sit down, I was blind just now, I'm really sorry."

After the man knew Qin Lan's identity, he immediately changed his face, looked at Qin Lan obsequiously, and quickly got up to let Bai Jingna sit down.

"Thanks, I'll give you my ticket. You're here anyway, so you're not in a bad position." Bai Jingna directly gave her ticket to the man, and the latter left in a hurry.

He took a closer look at Qin Lan just now and found that he had actually met her there, so he no longer doubted her words. In fact, the latter did not lie!

"Thank you!" Qin Lan nodded!

"It's you! Brother Yun!!"

Just then, an exclamation sounded.

Ling Yun glanced away, and saw three familiar figures appearing here, it was Gao Feifei, Lin Yueyan and that Jiang Ning.

The three of them looked at Ling Yun and smiled, especially after Gao Feifei and Jiang Ning looked at the little guy and Beibei, their expressions suddenly became agitated.

"It's you."

Ling Yun looked at Gao Feifei and the others with a smile, but Lin Yueyan was directly ignored by him.

"Cousin!" Lin Yueyan pouted, and then went to sit next to Qin Lan. She asked An Qing for this ticket!

"Brother Yun." Gao Feifei nodded very politely.

"Are you in this row too?"

"A row behind!"

Jiang Ning secretly blinked at Ling Yun, winking at Ling Yun, making Ling Yun dumbfounded, then Jiang Ning took Gao Feifei and sat in the row behind Ling Yun.

Beibei and little Irene sat together, staring at the stage all the time, not knowing that Lin Yueyan and the others were here, with a concentrated look in their eyes.

"Uncle, who are those three people? Why do two of the women seem to be unclear to you? Could it be that you did something to them?" Bai Jingna looked at Ling Yun and said involuntarily.

"What nonsense are you talking about, let's go to the concert." Flocks of crows flew over Ling Yun's head, what is unclear?Don't talk nonsense!

Soon the entire Jiangbei University Gymnasium was full, tens of thousands of people gathered in this gymnasium, everyone held a fluorescent stick and a sign with the word "An Qing" in their hands, looking forward to the idol in their hearts Appear.

Then a host stepped onto the stage and said, "Welcome everyone to come here today to participate in our Ms. An Qing's Jiangbei concert. Well, without further ado, let's invite our protagonist today, Ms. An Qing, to come on stage." !"

In the blink of an eye, the lights of the entire gymnasium dimmed, and then countless white petals fell from the sky. An Qing was wearing a long white palace gauze dress with an ancient woman's hair bun slowly falling from the sky.

With the falling of the petals, it was like a fairy falling from the nine heavens. It was so beautiful that it stunned the audience as soon as it appeared.

"An Qing!"

"An Qing!"

There were bursts of roaring and tsunami-like sounds, resounding through the entire gymnasium, representing the popularity of Anqing today, and the new song is different when it is released.

"Aha... Mama, that's Mama, I'm Mama..." The little guy was very excited, bouncing around in Qin Lan's arms all the time!

"Wow... Aunt An is so pretty." Beibei said in a childish voice, her little hands clapping all the time.

Qin Lan said: "Be good, don't move!"

Lin Yueyan turned on her phone and was shooting a video. She touched the little guy's head and said, "Qi Qian, don't take pictures yet!"

Hearing this, the little guy is not jumping around, and now he is playing with Qin Lan's mobile phone!

An Qing slowly landed on the stage, and a melodious and ancient accompaniment sounded. An Qing's lips were lightly opened, long and melodious, like the sound of an oriole coming out of the valley, which made people feel intoxicated by it. Feel.

Qin Lan had listened to An Qing's song on the Internet before, and it was really infectious. This time, it was even more intoxicating than what she heard on the Internet.

In just half an hour, An Qing sang many original songs in a row, all of which were written by Ling Yun for her. Each song made tens of thousands of audience members intoxicated by the artistic conception of the singing, and there were even a few verses mixed in. Beautiful dance, too beautiful to behold.

However, Ling Yun's attention was not on An Qing's singing. At this moment, his consciousness swept away and he kept scanning the surroundings.

Soon he locked on a few people sitting in the distance. These people had a faint murderous look on them, and it was unknown who they were targeting.

They are the few people wearing masks I saw in front of the gymnasium just now! !
(End of this chapter)

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