Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1236 Proposal?

Chapter 1236 Proposal?

Ling Yun got up and walked towards these two people!
Immediately, figures appeared in front of them, without saying a word, Ling Yun lightly tapped these people with his fingers, immobilizing them all at once.

At this time, the audience at the scene were enjoying Zhou Xinyi's singing on stage, and they didn't notice this situation at all.

"I am the security guard here, you have been exposed, answer my question." Ling Yun said!


Several people trembled slightly and started to sweat profusely. No one can calm down when encountering this.

"Who is your target tonight?"

"Ah... what target? I don't know what you are talking about."

Ling Yun blinked, he seemed to have made a mistake, and in the next cross-examination, he realized that he really made a mistake!

Although these killers are killers, they are also star-chasers, and now they are here to see the concert.


Some of An Qing's fans are actually killers, Ling Yun's head is full of black lines!
"The killer is not on the right path. I don't think I saw this. If you think about it, change careers. Just like me, being a security guard is not bad." Ling Yun nodded their bodies, and they said thank you to Ling Yun!
Then Ling Yun questioned all the murderous killers in the gymnasium, but the results were all the same, it was bloody!

Ling Yun was silent and returned to his seat.

"What have you been doing?"

Qin Lan looked at Ling Yun and said involuntarily.

"It's a good thing to do." Ling Yun smiled.

"Papa, go brag!"

Ling Yun patted the little guy's head in a funny way, laughing.

An Qing on the stage suddenly cast her eyes on Ling Yun, and said after finishing a song: "Thank you everyone, I am very happy tonight, so I want to invite a man to sing a song with me."

"Wow... who is it!"

"who is it!"

The audience boiled again!
Qin Lan pushed Ling Yun: "You still don't go backstage!"

The little guy jumped up and down and said, "Papa, I'll go too."

"I'll be back later, look at Beibei, be more obedient." Ling Yun stood up and said, he didn't expect An Qing to arrange for him.

Beibei: "I am obedient."

The little guy is willing to let Ling Yun go backstage!

Bai Jingna said: "Why did he go there? Could it be that he is?" Then the corner of her mouth twitched, it was too shocking, even if she is handsome, she is still so strong, and she can still sing now!


Ling Yun appeared as the president, and Andy wanted to give him makeup or something, but Han Xiaoai said no, Ling Yun doesn't know how to wear makeup!
"You won't be angry, right?" An Qing stepped down and stuck out her tongue!

Ling Yun scratched the tip of An Qing's nose, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'll just sing and be a masked singer."

"Alright, I've chosen the song, you wrote it because of love."

"no problem!"

Sure enough, it's similar to what Han Xiaoai thought, you don't need to make up if you cover your face.

After a while, the couple walked onto the stage holding hands, and there was another commotion. Many male fans wanted to replace Ling Yun and hold the hand of their idol, who was their goddess!

If eyesight could kill, Ling Yun would have pierced through hundreds of holes at this moment.

"Aha, it's my papa, my papa!" The little guy jumped up again!
Bai Jingna looked as expected, the corners of her mouth twitched violently, she was extremely speechless, how could there be so many men!

Lin Yueyan smiled and said: "It's rare to see the two of them singing on the same stage, no, it's the first time!"

"I'm papa, I'm mama!" The little guy raised his two little hands and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a rather proud look.

"That's Brother Yun?" Gao Feifei blinked her eyes, she was speechless, she couldn't accept Ling Yun covering her face!
Jiang Ning said: "It's him, you can see that he hasn't changed his clothes."

An Qing on the stage introduced Ling Yun, she just thought he was a handsome man, and didn't say anything else!

"Everyone, please enjoy this song because of love!"

After more than five minutes, everyone was sad, thinking of her, yes, love is never sad!
The song has rendered most of the fans, because they have stories, who doesn't have a person who can't love in their hearts!

Next is Ling Yun, this masked singer has attracted much attention!
"Thank you for being able to come to my concert tour today, and I will continue to bring you wonderful music in the future, and thank all my fans for their support."

Because the song of love ended, An Qing looked at the audience and bowed, while Ling Yun left the stage with a slight smile.

For a while, the audience burst into thunderous applause again.

But at this moment, the lights in the gymnasium suddenly dimmed, and then a group of spectators stood up holding fluorescent signs.

Dozens of spectators stood up in an orderly manner holding signs. All of these signs had strokes on them, and when they were all combined, they were the names of Zheng Jiangnan and An Qing.

A pile of signs in the center are stacked up and down to form a red heart, indicating that the two of them are together.

Afterwards, countless colorful balloons floated down from the top of the gymnasium, there were tens of thousands of them, and then the lights focused on a figure.

It was a young man wearing an expensive suit, his eyes glowed with evil light, and he exuded a dandy temperament, walking towards the stage, the lights shrouded him all the time, making everyone in the audience look at him clearly .

"Isn't that Zheng Jiangnan from the Xiangjiang entertainment family?"

Gao Feifei in the audience looked at the young man with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"I heard before that Zheng Jiangnan has been pursuing Sister Qing, but I didn't expect it to be true. As the son of a wealthy family in Xiangjiang's entertainment industry, this Zheng Jiangnan actually made such a pursuit. It's really unbelievable." Jiang Ning muttered, eyes flashing Disdain, Zheng Jiangnan?Not as handsome as her idol Yun!
Lin Yueyan huffed: "Who is he? Rob my cousin!"

But at this moment, An Qing had a dull expression on her face, she didn't react when she saw the young man walking towards her on the stage.

Even most of the tens of thousands of people present didn't react, and they didn't expect that someone would make such a big commotion.

"Wow, is this a marriage proposal? It's so romantic and touching."

Many people in the audience spoke one after another, with little gold stars in their eyes.

"An Qing, do you like this surprise I gave you? I specially prepared it for you."

Zheng Jiangnan looked at An Qing with a playful smile on his lips.

Hearing Zheng Jiangnan's words, An Qing came to her senses, a look of displeasure flashed in her eyes, she frowned slightly, and said, "Senior Zheng, I'm sorry, I've already said it before, I don't have feelings for you, I'm sorry for troubling you gone."

After saying this, An Qing walked off the stage and headed backstage.

Zheng Jiangnan's complexion gradually became gloomy, his eyes narrowed, and a gleam of coldness flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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