Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1241 Winning 1 Block

Chapter 1241 Winning a Piece

Chen Chao's face was gloomy, and he could tell that the idiot Ling Yun was talking about was him!


Chen Chao snorted coldly, and then he didn't speak!
Ling Yun also continued to tease the little guy, and didn't care about the bidding conference at all. Qin Lan was speechless, saying that he was here to help her, but the result...

Then Zhou Qingyan, the mayor of Jiangbei City, and several leaders all appeared here and sat in front of everyone!
"Everyone, today is the bidding conference for the development rights of Xishan Resort. After unanimous review by our leaders and experts, the Chen Group, Yuexia Group and Ma Group stand out."

"Every capability meets our requirements for this bidding campaign, and the three bids in my hands belong to the Yuexia Group, the Chen Group, and the Ma Group."

"It shows their bid price for the development of this resort. According to regulations, the one with the highest bid price wins and has the right to develop the Xishan Resort."

That Zhou Qingyan got up and looked at the crowd and said something, then looked forward and looked at the crowd squarely.

"Now it's up to me to personally announce that the companies that have won the bid in this bidding conference will be closed first and their representatives will be on stage first."

Zhou Qingyan was still standing, his eyes swept over the Yuexia Group, the Chen Group, the Ma Group and others.

Qin Lan went up to the Yuexia Group, but the little guy insisted on her hugging, and kept yelling to go up to watch the excitement.

Qin Lan asked next Zhou Qingyan, who nodded and agreed that Qin Lan could carry the baby on stage. Now the little guy is famous and Zhou Qingyan can recognize him.

The Chen Group is Chen Chao on stage, he is standing in the middle, and the Ma Group is Director Ma!
Chen Chao is 1.8 meters, and Qin Lan is 1.7 meters. The former can see the latter's slightly open collar, and because of the twist of the little guy, the opening is opened a little more!
"Now, I announce that the winning bidder for this Xishan Resort Development Rights Bidding Conference is...?"

Zhou Qingyan was about to officially announce, and the audience listened with bated breath.

A smile appeared on Chen Dasheng's face, and he was ready to wait for the other party to say the words Chen Group, which meant that they had completely won the battle.

Director Ma smiled slightly, and was also waiting for Zhou Qingyan to say the words Ma Group.

Chen Chao's attention was still on Qin Lan's collar!
All quiet down! !

The little guy frowned slightly, and said in a childish voice, "Ma Ma, he peeked at you!"

As she said that, her little head lay on Qin Lan's collar, covering it, and her little finger pointed at Chen Chao!

The atmosphere... how embarrassing, Super Chen instantly became the attention of the audience, and everyone turned their attention to Super Chen.

Qin Lan looked down, subconsciously pressed the little guy's head again, and stared fiercely at Chen Chao who was on the side!

Chen Chao smiled awkwardly: "The kid is joking."

The little guy raised his head and said with a serious face: "No, no, Qianqian is a good girl, you just look here!"

She muttered and pointed at Qin Lan's neckline again!
Qin Lan was embarrassed, and whispered: "Sissy, don't talk about it, we know."

The little guy shook his head again, staring at Super Chen: "Quickly say you're not a good boy."

In Chen Chao's embarrassment, a glint of coldness flashed across his eyes. Now someone is filming him. He is the general manager of the Chen Group. It is a bit embarrassing for this to spread.

Ling Yun said: "Qi Qian, don't make trouble, he is that idiot, don't pay attention to him."

Hearing this, the little guy pouted, so this is that idiot!

"Fool, it's dead."

"Pfft..." Qin Lan covered her mouth and smiled, this child is too cute.

After Zhou Qingyan coughed twice, he was about to name the winning company again!
"Under the Moon Group!"

Chen Chao stood up immediately, and thanked everyone with a smile on his face.

This time the little guy was sure that Super Chen was an idiot, he laughed all the time, nestled in Qin Lan's arms, and couldn't help it.

"The winning company of this bidding conference is Yuexia Group. Congratulations to Ms. Qin from Yuexia Group for winning the development right of Xishan Resort!"

Zhou Qingyan said directly, and then applauded, all the bosses of the major companies present applauded one after another.

Everyone in the Yuexia Group screamed excitedly, their expressions were extremely excited, and Qin Lan also let out a deep breath, and his tense expression relaxed.

The inner ghost female members of the Yuexia Group were stunned, with a look of astonishment, and some did not respond.

As for the expressions of Chen Dasheng and Chen Chao, father and son, they froze directly and became completely stiff, especially after the latter came back to his senses, his expression was very wonderful.

" is this possible?"

"This is impossible!"

The muscles on Director Ma's face twitched violently, and he also looked astonished. Why was it not his Ma Group or the Yuexia Group? What went wrong.

Chen Chao suddenly walked up to Zhou Qingyan, and shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible."

"Master Chen, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Qingyan looked at Chao Chen.

"Mayor Zhou, this is impossible. How could the Yuexia Group win the bid? It should be my Chen Group. There must be something wrong with it!" Super Chen said unwillingly.

Immediately, Zhou Qingyan and the other leaders' faces darkened, and a look of displeasure flashed in their eyes.

What Chen Chao said obviously meant that there was an inside story about this bidding conference, and they, as the person in charge of this bidding conference, were naturally unhappy.

"Young master Chen thinks that we are playing tricks, deliberately let Yuexia Group win the bid?"

Zhou Qingyan's expression was deep, and he exuded a strong majesty. There were reporters at the scene. If Chen Chao said something like this, he was questioning them!

"I'm not convinced by the result, there's something wrong with it!"

Director Ma also stood up, he didn't believe that their bidding price would lose, they knew the price of Yuexia Group, how could they win!
"Mayor Zhou, please forgive me. Gouzi was a little emotional for a while, and he said something indiscriminately and wrongly. Please don't mind!"

At this moment, Chen Dasheng spoke quickly, and at the same time gave Chao Chen a wink. The latter gradually calmed down, but his expression was very ugly.

Zhou Qingyan regained his composure, glanced at Chen Chao, and placed the three bidding documents in front of him.

"Master Chen and Chairman Ma, although I know that you may not be in a good mood because your group did not win the bid, but I ask you to remember that our bidding conference this time is absolutely fair and open, and there will be absolutely no inside information. "

"This is the bidding document of your three companies, and the bidding prices of your three companies are marked on it. You can take a look for yourself, but I have to say that Yuexia Group is very lucky. Their bidding price is only one yuan higher than your company, and therefore Winning the bid."

Zhou Qingyan said lightly.

Both Chen Dasheng and Director Ma raised their original price one piece higher than Qin Lan's after knowing Qin Lan's bidding price, but Ling Yun added another piece instead!
One dollar!

At this moment, everyone in the bidding conference was stunned, and they all looked at Qin Lan. They didn't expect that the Yuexia Group defeated the Chen Group and the Ma Group by one yuan.

This is really unbelievable. It's only one dollar away. It's really wrong for the two of them to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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