Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1242

Chapter 1242
Immediately, the faces of Chen Dasheng and Chen Chao became extremely ugly, and there was a gloomy look in their eyes.

"One dollar? How is this possible?"

Chen Chao shuddered, showing an expression of disbelief. It should be that the bidding price of the Chen Group was one dollar higher than that of the Yuexia Group. How could it suddenly become that the Chen Group was one dollar lower than them?

Chao Chen hurriedly took the bidding document of Yuexia Group and took a look. When he and Director Ma saw that the bidding price above was indeed one yuan higher than their group, their eyes were filled with deep anger.


Super Chen suddenly raised his head and stared at Ling Yun on the seat, his expression was very gloomy. At the same time, he glanced at the female member beside him, unwilling to eat her. Pale, body trembling slightly, head lowered.

"You guys are cruel!" Director Ma snorted coldly, glared at Qin Lan, and then left, he was full of anger!

"Looks like we've all been tricked."

Chen Dasheng said something with a gloomy expression, while Chen Chao clenched his fists tightly with a ferocious expression.

At this moment, Qin Lan was holding the little guy, and she also saw the three bidding prices, and a look of doubt flashed in her eyes, and she glanced at Ling Yun, this is not the price she filled in.

At this moment, Chen Dasheng walked to Qin Lan's side, looking at her with a much more relaxed expression.

"Director Qin, you are really good at making Chen feel ashamed!"

"Chairman Chen, what do you mean? I don't understand!" Qin Lan looked at Chen Dasheng who was smiling slightly, with a dazed expression on his face.

"Miss Qin, I also admire you." Super Chen suddenly changed his smile. After all, he wanted to chase Qin Lan, and he had to be gentle and refined, so as not to leave a bad impression on the latter.

"If you don't have any means, don't you want to be played to death by you father and son? Now that the winner has been decided, shouldn't it be time for you to fulfill your promise?" Ling Yun looked at Chen Chao quite amusedly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth. smile.


Chen Chao turned his back to Qin Lan, turned his head to stare at Ling Yun, his eyes seemed to breathe fire, and the nails of his clenched fists were sunk into the palms of his hands.

Chen Dasheng laughed and said: "This young man, it's just a meal, it doesn't matter if you eat or not, let's forget it."


Ling Yun's face turned cold, and he snorted in a cold tone, "He called Ruhua, won't you eat it?"His plan will be invalidated, which is absolutely impossible.

And the company bosses all around gathered their eyes, watching this scene with great interest.

"You really want to fight against my Chen family, right?" Chen Dasheng's face darkened, his eyes flickered with a gloomy coldness, and his eyes swept towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun smiled indifferently: "Your Chen family? Are you worthy!!"

"You..." Chen Chao gritted his teeth, staring at Ling Yun with cold eyes, as if he was about to swallow the latter alive!
"Stop babbling nonsense, if you don't fulfill your promise, don't think about getting out of here today!"

Facing Chen Dasheng and Chen Chao's domineering shouts, Ling Yun exuded a terrifying aura that overwhelmed the audience, making people feel an inexplicable oppressive force, and their breathing became short of breath.

Especially Chen Dasheng and Chen Chao, father and son, felt a mountain pressing on them, making them breathless, and their complexions were a little pale.

Chen Chao said: "Isn't it just to have dinner with the person you appoint, go as soon as you go, you will die!"

Ling Yun smiled: "That's fine, hahaha!"

"It's just eating!" Super Chen calmed down, it's no big deal!

Ling Yun then made a phone call, and Ru Hua brought a group of actors along!
They were all carrying something in their hands. They didn't know what it was. When they passed by some company executives, the latter covered their noses.

When Super Chen saw Ruhua, he screamed inwardly. Want to have dinner with such an "excellent" woman?
In a moment!
Everyone was dumbfounded, this is... dinner?
In front of Ruhua are dishes, but on the opposite side are plates of excrement, which stinks to death. The little guy pinched his nose and didn't even look at it!
"Look..." Several leaders in the distance saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly, and they couldn't help looking at Zhou Qingyan.

"This is a matter between them, let's not interfere." Zhou Qingyan shook his head, and then communicated with the rest of the Yuexia Group!

"Boy, don't bully people too much. We agreed to eat." Super Chen looked at Ling Yun and shouted coldly. Now that there are so many bosses of Jiangbei Company gathered here, if he ate in public.

I'm afraid it will spread throughout Jiangbei soon, and his face, that of the Chen family and the Chen Group will be completely lost by then.

"Eat! This is your meal, don't dogs just eat Xiang!"

Ling Yun pointed at the few panxiangs, and said mercilessly, without any concession at all.

Chen Chao's face was gloomy, Ling Yun actually regarded him as a dog!

"Young man, you are really too much!"

Chen Dasheng couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a gloomy face, it's impossible for his son to eat Xiangxiang!
At this time, his personal bodyguard slowly came up, exuding a faint aura towards Ling Yun, and dared to show his acquired strength.

Among the bodyguards, only the old man Liu Zhiren and the young man Zhou Guozhi could see the strength, just a little, and they were also frightened by Ling Yun.

"I say it again, eat!!"

Ling Yun's tongue was like thunder, and his voice exploded in Super Chen's ears like thunder, and an aura full of murderous intent exploded.

A trace of terrifying killing intent invaded Chen Chao's body, making him feel as if he was in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. His whole body felt cold and his body trembled.

If Ling Yun let out a little more, Super Chen could get the lunch box!

Chen Chao couldn't bear it, but it was impossible for him to eat Xiang, and he would not eat it even if he died!
Ling Yun suddenly showed an evil smile, his eyes narrowed slightly, and an invisible halo burst into Chen Chao's eyes, and the latter trembled and was directly controlled.

Immediately afterwards he said: "Eat, I will eat!"

Chen Dasheng and the group of bodyguards didn't know why, and they couldn't stop Chao Chen who stepped forward, only the latter seemed to be really voluntary.

Everyone was amazed, and then they showed mocking smiles.

Some people even took out their mobile phones and snapped several photos of Chao Chen preparing to start eating, and some employees started a live broadcast.

Ruhua made a gesture of toasting Chen Chao who was opposite, and she did it first as a respect.

Super Chen directly picked up the one next to him... one bite at a time...

Everyone looked disgusted, some couldn't stand it, and left!
The members of the Yuexia Group, including Ling Yun and Qin Lan, had left here a long time ago. Ruhua just walked through the process, ate some food, and then left.

5 minutes later!

"Ah Chao, you're so stupid, why are you so obedient?" Chen Dasheng's body trembled, this time it was embarrassing.

"Master!" At this time, the old man Liu Zhiren and the young Zhou Guozhi stepped forward and slapped Chao Chen.

Super Chen's eyes were a little dull. He heard someone call him, and when he finished calling, his pupils became clear again, and he was startled when he saw his current appearance.



Chen Chao immediately vomited all over the floor, and quickly took the mineral water handed over by the bodyguard to wash it off!

"Boy, no matter who you are, you and I are at odds! You actually used tricks on me."

Chen Chao's blemishes were about to crack, his face was ferocious, his whole body was filled with terrifying killing intent and he roared, his eyes were blood red, and the anger in his heart reached a peak.

Today is definitely his most humiliating day!
It made him wish he could immediately skin Ling Yun and cramp his body to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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