Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1243

Chapter 1243 A Death Plan (Part [-])
As for that Chen Dasheng's face was also as ugly as if he had eaten shit, his complexion was bulging, his brows were filled with gloom, and his expression was full of gloomy vultures.

After Chen Chao finished his meal, his face was completely lost.

Qin Lan, who walked out of the business building, suddenly stared at Ling Yun beside him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Could it be that I have flowers on my face?" Ling Yun said speechlessly.

The little guy cast a glance at Ling Yun, and then said in a childish voice, "No, no!"

Ling Yun rubbed the little guy's head in a funny way, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Soon, what happened at the bidding conference spread throughout Jiangbei!

Ling Yun also knew the name of the ghost, Qin Lan's secretary Duan Wenwen, Qin Lan used the latter very much.

The young master of the Chen family, the general manager of the Chen Group, and the well-known young man in Jiangbei City, Chen Chao, actually ate him in public!

As soon as the news came out, it shocked the whole Jiangbei, and many people couldn't believe it, but when someone at the scene sent out the photos taken.

Everyone believed in this, and they all sighed that the Chen Group has suffered a big loss now.

Not only did he lose the right to develop the resort, but he also completely lost face.

But Chen Chao thought of a conspiracy, he had to get his face back.

After Ling Yun and Qin Lan separated at noon, they returned to the villa. The little guy was sleepy and wanted to sleep!

In the blink of an eye, night fell.

In Jiangbei City, in the luxury private room on the sixth floor of Yuexia Hotel, Qin Lan and a group of employees of Yuexia Group gathered here,

Among them, the general manager Liu Zhiyun, Fu Qing and others all gathered here, and Ling Yun and the sleeping little guy were naturally indispensable. Yuexia Group's winning the bid for Ling Yun was the biggest contributor.

"I'm here, where's my sister!"

A small figure ran into the door, she was Beibei, followed by little Irene chasing her, followed by An Qing and Andy, and Han Xiaoai went back to the Jiangnan Yuexia Entertainment branch this morning.

"Aha, sister is so slow." The little guy responded in a childish voice!

"Yeah, yeah." Beibei also felt slow, she could have arrived with a whoosh, but her Aunt Ann would not allow her to do that!

"Mama. Mama!"

Seeing An Qing, the little guy suddenly became restless!
"Oh, the little boss is here!" An Qing joked!


The little guy seemed to like being called her little boss, and kept smiling from ear to ear.

Seeing An Qing, many people asked to take photos and sign things. For An Qing, these employees all knew that they belonged to Yuexia Group!

Everyone started to eat, Ling Yun and the others were at the same table as Liu Zhiyun and the others!
An Qing put the little guy in Qin Lan's arms, and suddenly got up and walked out of the private room, preparing to go to the bathroom.

Five or six minutes later, An Qing still hadn't come back, Qin Lan couldn't help asking, "Why hasn't An Qing come back?"

Ling Yun couldn't help sweeping his consciousness, looking for An Qing's location, but his face sank.

"It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom too." Ling Yun was very calm, then got up and walked outside!

Qin Lan hummed lightly, and then brought food to the little guy and Beibei, and the others didn't notice anything unusual.

It turned out that An Qing was haunted by a drunk man!

Ling Yun walked over, and that drunk man still dared to attack my lord.

Oh open!

Dare to make a move!

The drunken man's punch was extremely powerful, like a cannonball bursting out, and the void air flow was blasted one after another.

He is obviously a master, and he is a person whose strength has reached Baodan, and his punch contains all his strength. His strength is injected with medicine, similar to a biochemical person.

Ling Yun shook his head, and kicked the drunk man out on the spot, hitting the opposite wall heavily, with a dull sound, the drunk man slipped and fell to the ground, with a mouthful of blood spurting out from his mouth.

There is no one in the entire corridor now, just when Ling Yun is about to use the Netherfire to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces!
A middle-aged man came out, Ling Yun's eyes froze, a strange color flashed across his eyes, and then the corner of his mouth smiled lightly, this is a young man who has become an old man!

Ling Yun kicked out again, knocking the young man unconscious.

He walked gently to the side of the middle-aged man, with the latter's aura, he grabbed his throat with one hand!

The middle-aged man really wanted to say that you are the king of the underworld. Just now, in a flash of his mind, he suddenly thought that the handsome man in front of him might be the king of the underworld. The current situation is enough to explain it!

Taking advantage of no one, Ling Yun choked the middle-aged man with one hand and put him into the black hole, facing the sea of ​​stars, a force exploded directly from Ling Yun's hand!

It was silent, there was no scum left of the middle-aged man, and there should have been a sharp pain before he died, probably not for a second.

The drunk remains.

Ling Yun walked over, a force shattered his internal organs, and then a trace of ghost fire flowed out from his fingertips, instantly devouring his body.

With a wave of Ling Yun's big hand, the blood stains on the ground disappeared immediately!

An Qing shook her head, walked over and took Ling Yun's arm, and the two walked up to the sixth floor.

Returning to her seat, Qin Lan rolled her eyes and said, "Why is it taking so long?"

An Qing suddenly laughed and said, "What? It's not okay to make an appointment!"

It's because Qin Lan can't control the little guy and Beibei!
The little guy kept asking Qin Lan to eat the chicken head. The reason was that the latter couldn't sing, and Qin Lan couldn't even push it away. With Beibei's divine assist, she almost wanted to eat it, with a grievance on her face.

Hearing this, the little guy frowned slightly and said, "Are you on a date? I'll ignore you."

"Sissy, they actually abandoned you. Tell me, who is this chicken head for?" Qin Lan blinked her eyes a few times.

The little guy pursed his lips, and immediately put the chicken head from Qin Lan's bowl into An Qing's bowl, and she said softly, "Here you are, here you are!"

Everyone laughed loudly, and the little guy also squinted his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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