Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1244 Yelang Restaurant

Chapter 1244 Yelang Restaurant (Second Change)

A party lasted for more than two hours before it ended, and everyone walked out of Yuexia Hotel one after another.

Ling Yun immediately looked at An Qing and said, "Take them back first, I have something to explain to Chen Li."


An Qing nodded, she and Qin Lan worked together to coax the little guy back.

Yelang Restaurant!

Chen Chao sat on the sofa with a gloomy expression, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and his eyes were filled with a gloomy gloomy light, which looked very scary.

Duan Wenwen walked in tremblingly, her complexion was a little pale, she looked at Super Chen, and after a long time she called out: "Young Master Chen!"

If it wasn't for the bitch in front of him, how could he have lost?

Eating Xiang in public, I can't even swallow this breath when I think about it now.

Chen Chao got up and walked in front of Duan Wenwen, with a grim expression on his face.

He slapped Duan Wenwen in the face and knocked her to the ground.

Immediately, he squatted down, and slapped Duan Wenwen again, making the other side of Duan Wenwen's face red, and the corner of her mouth was stained with blood.

A look of hatred flashed across Duan Wenwen's eyes, and she got up from the ground.

Super Chen and Zhou Guozhi on the side rushed towards Duan Wenwen like a sharp arrow.

As soon as Duan Wenwen's expression changed, she dodged to the side, but Zhou Guozhi's speed was too fast, and before she could dodge, he appeared in front of her, and he could only slap him out.

A muffled sound sounded, and Duan Wenwen flew out like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

She is just an ordinary woman, completely without any ability to resist, and completely lost her ability to resist under one blow.

At this time, Ling Yun had already arrived at the restaurant, and reached the highest floor, but was blocked by a group of big men in black.

"This is a private domain, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

The group of big men in black stared fiercely at Ling Yun and shouted, and began to drive the latter away.

Ling Yun sneered, and a lightning-like figure passed by, knocking a big man in black to the ground on the spot.

The remaining dozen or so black-clothed men all lay on the ground in less than three seconds.

Ling Yun went straight to the room where Super Chen was, and everything that happened just now was completely seen by his divine sense.

In the room, Chen Chao walked up to Duan Wenwen, grabbed Duan Wenwen's hair and walked towards the sofa.

That Duan Wenwen was pulled by Chen Chao's hair like this, dragged to the sofa, and thrown on it.


Chen Chao tore Duan Wenwen's white shirt with one hand!
He looked at Duan Wenwen with a ferocious expression, and then he looked up to the sky and laughed!

"Did I bother you?!"

At this moment, a playful voice sounded, Super Chen's expression was startled, he turned his head abruptly, and saw that Ling Yun appeared in the room at some time.

The old man Liu Zhiren and the young man Zhou Guozhi stared at Ling Yun with vigilance.

Everything is under Ling Yun's control.

Seeing Ling Yun's look of knowing everything, Chao Chen's expression was full of shock, and even that Duan Wenwen was stunned.

"You actually betrayed me a long time ago?" Super Chen suddenly turned his head, staring at Duan Wenwen coldly, and then slapped him again!


"I..." Duan Wenwen didn't know what to say for a while, even she didn't think that Ling Yun knew everything about her clearly, and following Super Chen's slap, she was completely unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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