Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1245 Sissi's Birthday

Chapter 1245 Sissi's Birthday (Part [-])

Super Chen reacted instantly, and kept looking at Ling Yun coldly. If eyes can kill, the latter is enough to be killed thousands of times.

It was extremely ironic to hear the big meal that Ling Yun said.


Feast! !
Big you grandma!
Facing their joint attack, Ling Yun sneered disdainfully.

"An ant is an ant after all!"

Ling Yun spit out these words, tapped his toe lightly on the ground, Zhou Guozhi was the first to be shocked to death, his eyes widened, his body fell down, and a pool of blood flowed from his mouth.

Liu Zhiren, on the other hand, spat out a mouthful of blood, then collapsed backwards, dying without a scream, and his internal organs were all shattered.

Super Chen stared wide-eyed, without the domineering spirit he had before, what was left was a bastard spirit, dead?His bodyguard was beaten to death by Ling Yun?really!

"Forgive me! Forgive me, I'll give you Qin Lan, I won't rob you."

Chen Chao immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, he didn't want to die, he was still so young.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Yun shook his head and smiled. That smile was the smile of Death. Why did Qin Lan belong to Chen Chao?Items, come and go!
When Super Chen saw Ling Yun, he was still unmoved, so he kowtowed all the time, his crotch was soaked, and he pissed in fear.

This kind of voice killed Super Chen in an instant. Blood flowed from the corner of the latter's mouth, then he stared at his feet and went to get the boxed lunch.

Ling Yun shook his head, this kind of rubbish, death is not a pity, not worthy of Qin Lan at all.

Back at the villa, the little guy was waiting in the front yard, sitting on the steps, Beibei and little Irene went to take a shower, An Qing didn't care about her either.

"Aha..." The little guy ran up immediately when he saw the black hole appear!

"Why don't you go to bed?" Ling Yun picked her up as soon as he came out, and let her go to the living room.

"Waiting for you." The little guy was very clingy!

"Go to sleep, you have to film tomorrow." Ling Yun walked up to the second floor, the little guy curled his lips, but she wasn't sleepy.

Ling Yun spent the past few days filming with the little ones, until the film was successfully completed, An Qing once again congratulated the film crew.

After Song Yili arrived, Ling Yun also fulfilled his promise and taught her alchemy in person. The latter is relatively talented, not stupid, and has achieved some success.

Time flies, and it will be the birthday of the little guy in the blink of an eye.

Today can be said to be the happiest day for the little guy. Ling Tianyang and Lin Qiuyan came to Jiangbei early in the morning!

An Qing went to the airport to pick them up, Lin Jinhu's family also came, almost all of Ling Yun's relatives came, the little guy really has face.

Jinling Long's family also came, and the Qin family from Qin Manor also came. I have to say that the little guy is leaning on Ling Yun, and the pomp is really big.

Those fans on the Internet sent her blessings one by one, and many who knew her address sent flowers and toys.

The three villas are all open, and none of them can accommodate so many people. Surprisingly, the little guy doesn't know that today is her birthday.

Everyone was asked to keep it secret by Ling Yun and An Qing. It was only after ten o'clock in the morning, and the little guy was wandering among relatives with a happy smile on his face.

Many relatives, such as Lin Jinhu, lived in the hotel in Jiangbei City, waiting for the evening party to come, and now they just came to see the little guy.

Many relatives gave Ling Yun the thumbs up, for the little guy actually built an aquarium here, incredible, too powerful.

The time is also very fast, the night is coming, the place arranged here is full of wine, drinks and fruits, and all kinds of food are provided by the chef of Yuexia Hotel.

From the moment of nightfall, the high sky has been setting off fireworks. To put it bluntly, there are fireworks, but in fact it is the starburst of Lingyun, and the night sky is very beautiful.

The little guy laughed and pointed to the sky all the time, shouting how beautiful it is.

The party started, and everyone sang birthday songs together, wishing the little guy. At this time, the little guy asked in an infantile voice in An Qing's arms, "Ma Ma, who's birthday is today?"

"you guess?"

"Aha, it must be Ma Ma, look, they have all looked over."

"Why don't you guess it's your father? Look at him, he's always smiling." An Qing patted her little head amusedly.

(End of this chapter)

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