Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1246 Pile of Presents

Chapter 1246 Pile of Presents
The little guy shook his head!

She replied: "No, Papa doesn't have a birthday."

"Ah... everyone has it, why doesn't your father have it?" An Qing blinked her beautiful eyes, her face full of doubts, how could her daughter say that.

The little guy curled his lips and said, "Birthdays belong to children and women."


An Qing couldn't help laughing!
After Beibei sang the birthday song, she ran down from the dragon and lion, holding up a small gift box, and said softly, "Sister, happy birthday."

Beibei asked Ling Yun early in the morning, what day is it today, so many people, and the latter didn't lie to her, just said it straight.

"Ah..." The little guy opened his mouth slightly, his beautiful eyes trembled, and his little hands kept scratching his head!
"Ha...Happy birthday Sissi." An Qing poked the little guy's face at this time, and also sent her blessings!

"Is it me... Is it me..." The little guy suddenly became excited, and his body kept swaying.

"Happy birthday Sissi!" Almost everyone said in unison!

Song Yili came in from the gate, followed by a lot of people, everyone was holding a basket of petals, scattered all the way, and the last few bodyguards carried a baby carriage, the latest model!

"Happy birthday Sissy."

Song Yili directly sent her blessings, and even asked someone to carry the gift in front of her. The little guy was very excited, and his little mouth opened very wide!

I don't know if Song Yili misunderstood it, thinking that the little guy liked her family's totem, so she painted the icon of the medicine king tripod on the front of the car, and the little guy got excited when he saw it.

Lin Qiuyan went up, kissed the little guy, and said to her: "Sissy, grandma gave you a gift!"

"What is it?" The little guy was full of joy, feeling that he was going to make a lot of money today, and his excited little palms kept clapping.

Lin Qiuyan smiled without saying a word, just handed her gift box to the little guy, and told the latter not to open it, the little guy um, um, nodded!
What she gave was a huge playground in Jiangbei. She bought all of them and gave them to the little ones as gifts, hoping that the latter would have fun playing.

Then one after another, they gave gifts to the little guy!
Jiangbei's daughter can help!

As the employees shouted at the end of a certain month, a group of mighty daughters at the gate came to present gifts for security, and the leader was Brother Qiang!
"Isn't that the Daughter Gang that has been in the limelight recently?"

"Yeah, why did they come here, can't they just look for trouble?"

"Probably not. There is Mr. Long here. If they dare to come quickly, they will die."

Many people are pointing and pointing at Brother Qiang and his party!

"I wish the little princess a bright future every year!"

Brother Qiang laughed, and then asked the people behind to put all the presents on the table, each one was there, and the gifts piled up like a mountain, of course the little guy couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear!

Many people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that brother Qiang was here to send blessings to Sissy.

"Sister, I'll give you a gift, and the baby has it too!" Little Irene ran over in a childish voice. She had been in the room on the second floor just now, what kind of gift to choose for the little guy!

To put it bluntly, she was just reluctant, unable to make a decision by herself, and felt that if she gave this orb, she would lose it, and she liked it very much!
"Huh... what is it?" The little guy's eyes widened again!
"Aha, look."

Little Irene put the small glowing Wan Da Mingzhu into the gift box, and handed it to the little guy with both hands, with a smile on her face.

Lin Yueyan and Gao Feifei are also here at the moment, and there are a few big fluffy dolls out of the trunk, which the little ones like to hug when they sleep.

Big Gold Tooth held an antique, and came here aboveboard. The first was to give the little guy a birthday present, and the second was to give money to them. The batch was sold, and he got a lot of money, all of which went into the little guy's pocket. , She was so happy.

The gifts from the relatives were basically given away, the little guy stared at An Qing, the latter smiled, and then whispered in the little guy's ear: "I can't do without you, I'll give it to you tonight, keep it a secret."

"Yeah...hmm." The little guy nodded, and then looked at Ling Yun who kept smiling in the distance: "Baba...baba!"

Ling Yun touched his nose, nodded, and then pointed to the sky. The little guy pouted, the fireworks in the this a gift?Ignore her dad! !

An Qing smiled without saying a word, and let the little guy sing a song to express her gratitude to everyone present! !

The little guy insisted on pulling Beibei to sing, and asked Lingyun to set off more fireworks, and asked Song Yili to sprinkle flower petals, the aura was even bigger than Anqing's concert! !

The little guy and Beibei have played all day, and they should be tired, so the party will continue, but the little protagonist will be missing.

It happened to be Qin Lan's birthday today, but she didn't come. She just called the little guy and told her happy birthday. She would give her a gift when she had the chance. The latter said a lot, probably to share happiness.

And Qin Lan hung up her mobile phone and just drank alone. She was in a private restaurant, and every shop was contracted by her, but it was so deserted!

After getting drunk, he didn't go crazy with alcohol, but quietly lay down on the table to sleep until Ling Yun's mobile phone received a call from the waiter of the store!

After Ling Yun arrived, he paid off the bill directly, and then carried Qin Lan back to the latter's home. After drinking, Qin Lan snuggled up to the bear like a docile little sheep!

"Qin Lan, happy birthday!" Ling Yun smiled bitterly, and then disappeared. There was a pair of exquisite high-heeled shoes next to her bed, which was Ling Yun's birthday gift to her. The glass of water beside the bed was yellow spring water, which can keep youth forever.

In the villa!
Seeing that it was almost time, Ling Yun asked Ling Tianyang to greet the guests, and it was time for him to give the little guy a present.

"Qiqian, are you happy today?" Ling Yun entered the room, and instantly picked up the excited little guy. As for why she was excited, it was because An Qing gave her a very beautiful dress.

There are a lot of gifts, and An Qing also knows that the little guy has a lot of treasures, most of which she doesn't like, it's just a moment of excitement, so An Qing thought of this novel gift after thinking about it.

"Happy, I have received a lot, a lot, a lot of presents." The little guy almost narrowed his smiling eyes, like two crescent moons!

"Then what gifts do you like most?" Ling Yun showed a smile, as long as the little guy is happy, he will be happy, everything is worth it!
The little guy pursed his mouth and rubbed his forehead, looking like he was racking his brains!

In a moment!
"Ma Ma and sister, and little Irene, I like them all." The little guy nodded vigorously!

Ling Yun subconsciously asked: "Then what gift did your godmother give you?"

The little guy laughed: "No."

"Didn't you say anything else?" Ling Yun asked back.

The little guy blinked and seemed to be remembering, while Beibei on the side said: "My aunt said, when my sister grows up, let her inherit the inheritance!"


Ling Yun was suddenly funny, he is so experienced in coaxing little guys!
The little guy scratched his head, and began to curiously ask what inheritance is. Ling Yun didn't want her to know so much, and then changed the subject!
"Did Sissy have any questions?"

"Hmph...bad papa, you don't even give me presents, it's dead!" The little guy crooked his mouth and wanted to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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