Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1248 9 Stars Lianzhu

Chapter 1248 Nine Stars Lianzhu
"Handsome, is Brother Fahai and the bald donkey grandfather from the God Realm on the same side?" Beibei asked with a puzzled face, looking straight at Ling Yun, looking forward to the latter's answer.

Fa... Brother Fahai?

Flocks of crows flew over Ling Yun's head, and he immediately replied, "No, what is Bei Bei thinking about?"

Seeing Ling Yun's outstretched hand, Beibei quickly covered her forehead, it hurts to touch her forehead!
Beibei curled her lips and asked what this place is. Lingyun said that the world of painting, that painting is even ever-changing!

After playing with them in the ever-changing painting for a while, Ling Yun took them out when they were tired. Since Ling Yun's room was locked, Ling Tianyang and the others didn't bother.


It was past four o'clock in the morning, and the three little guys were sweating all over, and An Qing asked them to take a bath first. The little guys muttered and yawned deeply!

She looked at Ling Yun with aggrieved eyes, the latter picked her up, and then told her, accompany her and tell her stories, she will be obedient!

Silent all night!
In the early morning of the next day, Ling Tianyang and the others were helping to clean up after getting up. Seeing An Qing's dark eye circles, Ling Tianyang told Ling Yun not to stay so late at night!
Ling Yun: "..."

At eight or nine o'clock, after the little guy got up, his eyes began to turn gray, and he followed Ling Yun all the time. Wherever the latter went, she followed him, even when he went to the toilet!

Lin Qiuyan saw that the little guy was so abnormal, and asked curiously: "Qi Qian, why do you always follow my son?"

Qianqian said: "He is my papa!"

"Then don't follow him all the time, he can't run."

Qianqian said: "He is my papa!"

Lin Qiuyan helplessly held her forehead: "..."

The little guy waited until no one was there, and couldn't help but ask, "Papa, where's the painting from yesterday?"

It turned out that she couldn't see where the ever-changing paintings were when she woke up in the morning!

Ling Yun blinked, pretending not to know anything: "What painting?"


Her father can't remember, angry...

"Grandma said, twist your ears." The little guy showed a fierce expression, quite cute and cute.

Ling Yun opened his mouth wide, and asked with astonishment: "Why?"

"Grandma said it." The little guy's eyes turned gloomy!

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore, that ever-changing painting is your birthday present, and it will be kept for you."

"Thank you, Papa."

"You're welcome, let's go play."

The little guy was very happy, so she didn't follow Ling Yun, she went to the underground passage of the aquarium with Bei Bei and little Irene.

Ling Tianyang and the others are all in the living room on the first floor, while Ling Yun is on the second floor preparing to draw a picture, which is the scene of the little guy's birthday last night!
The sky gradually darkened, and the little guy was making faces at the sea creatures in the passage, while Beibei was counting how many fish there were!

The originally cloudless weather turned dark in an instant, and the spectacle of a dog eclipsing the sun appeared. Ling Yun frowned and muttered to himself: "Nine stars in succession!!"

At the desert seal in his body, Ye Lingyun, who was full of demonic energy, laughed loudly: "Lingyun, don't you regret that you didn't kill me before? Your kindness is doomed to fail. Even if you have merit and karma at this moment, you can't wipe me out, haha Ha ha."

Ling Yun's voice came out: "Are you sure it surprised me? Are you running away like this?"

"What do you say!"

After Ye Lingyun finished speaking, several streams of devilish energy rushed out of his body, and the light bursting out from the nine stars seemed to be attracting Ye Lingyun!

After the halo merged with several demonic energy and returned directly, Ye Lingyun laughed loudly: "You lost, Ling Yun!"

"I'm looking forward to meeting you again. Before we leave, can you tell me?" Ling Yun was still very calm. Ye Lingyun is a defeated general, and it is difficult to make big waves. Even if he escapes, he will not appear in a short time. area!

Furthermore, Ling Yun knew very well that the brilliance that fell from the Nine Stars connecting Ye Lingyun did not belong to this universe, who knows where Ye Lingyun went!
"I thought you wouldn't notice it at first, but it seems that you still pay attention to me. As you can see, I am the strongest. I also escaped the seal you are proud of." Ye Lingyun shook his head and laughed , with an embarrassing look on his face.

"Nine Stars Lianzhu? How long have you been planning? By the way, how did you know that today is Jiuxing Lianzhu?" Ling Yun was still full of doubts, frowning.

"Hahahaha, because Jiuxing Lianzhu is not accidental, I will naturally tell you the next time we meet, the memory of the top ten artifacts in your mind was eaten by me, surprise!"

Ye Lingyun laughed wildly, now he has broken free from the seal in Ling Yun's body, leaving only a trace of consciousness, so he is not afraid of Ling Yun at all!
"I'm sure it's a surprise!" Ling Yun's figure emerged, the corners of his mouth twitching fiercely. He always thought it wasn't Ye Lingyun's hands and feet, but now it's too slapped!
"Next, you will be even more pleasantly surprised!" Ye Lingyun smiled mysteriously at Ling Yun, who frowned, it was the first time he had seen Ye Lingyun's smile like that of an aunt.

"Are you challenging me? Good! I accept your challenge?" Ling Yun also smiled, with an indifferent look, soldiers came to block him, water came to cover him, no one dared to be rampant in front of him!
The corner of Ye Lingyun's mouth twitched, who the hell said he wanted to challenge?

"Hahaha, you still have the same confidence, I don't know if you will be angry." Ye Lingyun said!
"You're courting death!" Ling Yun's tone was different, and suddenly he was sure that Ye Lingyun's words were not a joke!
How Ye Lingyun manipulated everything this time, if he didn't figure it out, Ling Yun would feel uncomfortable all over!

"Yeah, I want to die too, I really miss those days when I was beaten by you?" Ye Lingyun's eyes suddenly became evil!
"Get out!" Ling Yun yelled, and immediately rushed in to compete with Ye Lingyun as if losing his mind!
The seal in the desert is shattered, like a crisis in the last days!

Lingyun and Ye Lingyun are both testing each other, the former is exploring Ye Lingyun's secret, and at the same time knows why Ye Lingyun wants to force him to fight, so he will use his tricks!
And Ye Lingyun wanted to know Ling Yun's hole cards, the weaknesses in every move, it can be said that both of them have evil intentions, and each is plotting against the other!
Outside, Ling Yun's body remained motionless, as if he had been cast with a hold technique!
The three little guys know nothing about the outside world in the passage.

Suddenly!A ray of light from the Nine Stars Lianzhu illuminates the channel!

There was a burst of white light between the little guy's eyebrows, Beibei pointed to the little guy's brow, the latter frowned slightly, and then smiled and took out the Dinghai Shenzhu!

As soon as the Dinghai Shenzhu came out, the picture inside was Ghost Island, and the picture inside was three dragons chasing a figure.


There was a strange noise in the air, the void in the passage split open, and Dinghaishenzhu disappeared with the three little guys! !
at the same time!

The Jiuxing Lianzhu gradually deviated from its orbit, and the sky returned to normal. No one in the villa knew that the little ones had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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