Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1249 Returning to Ghost Island

Chapter 1249 Returning to Ghost Island (Part [-])
Ling Yun and An Qing knew nothing about all this, not even where they went!
Ghost Island!

This place is comparable to the doomsday, there are corpses everywhere, piles of bones, and countless ghost guards died tragically!

The sky of the entire ghost island suddenly seemed to be cracked, covered with terrifying spider web cracks, and bursts of white light shone from the cracks!

In a blank place on the ground, Dinghai Shenzhu brought three little guys to the ghost island, and the three magic dragons in the sky were fighting with the ghost Yasha, there was a roar everywhere, and the eyebrows of Sissy and Beibei flashed scarlet!
Suddenly there were three more babies. Some of the ghost guards and a group of white armors on the battlefield paused, then frowned.

A figure blasted down from the sky, and the falling direction was the little guy's side.

Sissy and Beibei were dumbfounded!
What about dolphins?
Where are the fish?
Where is this place!

Little Irene reacted the fastest, Twelve Domains!
Immediately turned into a dragon shining with a faint golden light, grabbed one with one claw, and kept away from here. At the same time, the roar of the peak immortal emperor burst out from her mouth, and the roar was full of flames!
The huge force shattered the ground, and the heat on the surface burned many people in white armor!
This group of armored men are the subordinates of the Pisces Emperor, and Guidao is already miserable, full of potholes!

Even with the Ghost King present, Ghost Island is still at a disadvantage. It feels like countless enemies are pouring in from the edge of the island! !
The magic dragon in the sky confronted Oni Yasha, whose whole body was covered with blood, and it was unknown whether it belonged to him or the enemy.

The ghost emperor is stopping the Pisces emperor in the main city. The latter is a pervert. He defeated the ghost emperor with ten moves.
Other ghost island masters, such as ghost prince, wandering ghost, ghost villain, etc., are all chased by enemies in different places!
This time, the Pisces King was really serious. He completely surrounded Guidao, and the joint formations emerged one after another. Guidao couldn't even transfer through the teleportation formation, and completely lost Guidao's original pride.

Little Irene's transformation stunned some people in white armor for a moment. They were ordered to kill all the people in Guidao, so they sent many people to pursue them.

The little guy and Beibei were still laughing. It was the first time that they were carried by little Irene, and they were still flying. Their eyes were full of potholes and smoke billowing near a certain ruined city on Ghost Island.

Little Irene found a safe place and put them down. Beibei looked around curiously, her eyes turned gray!
The two little guys felt that this was a bit familiar and fun, and they were so excited that they hummed a song!
"Aha, playing hide-and-seek with Papa, when will Papa find me?" The little guy muttered to himself, and began to look at the magic dragon flying across the sky!
Little Irene immediately turned into a human form, and then said in a childlike voice, "Don't be playful, it's very dangerous here."

At the peak of the Immortal Emperor, her spiritual sense is very sensitive, and she can completely cover the entire ghost island. The current situation is not obvious. They belong to outsiders. Maybe both sides are chasing them!

Little Erin doesn't know Ghost Island!
"Don't be afraid, I know how to punch!" Beibei shook her head, and immediately waved her small fists, her face full of arrogance!

"Ouch... my ancestors!" The sixth protector was woken up by the loud noise outside, and just took a nap, is it necessary!
As soon as he woke up, he suspected that the little guy and Beibei were playing tricks on him, but when he felt everything outside, he was in a turmoil!

Who will tell him why the two ancestors, big and small, came to the Twelve Domains, and it was still a war-torn Ghost Island! !

The current strength of the Six Protectors is not enough in Guidao, the Immortal Emperor is fifteen or six, that is a lot to catch, and the Six Protectors have such strength, they dare not help Guidao at all!

"Aha, sixth grandpa, I miss you so much." Seeing that there was a kind old grandpa beside her, the little guy smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Good boy, where's Lord Pluto?" The Six Protectors patted the little guy holding his feet under his feet, and the first thing he must have done was to ask where Ling Yun was!


"I don't know where Shuai Shumi has gone, I hate it." Beibei's eyes rolled round!
Little Irene was the most honest, she told Liu Protector everything, and the latter swallowed hard after listening!
Pluto is not in Guidao, so I'm afraid it will be difficult!
He took the three little guys alone, and he had to hide from those enemies everywhere. Now the Six Guardians know that the identity of the Supreme God has been exposed, and he has killed so many people in the God Realm. He is already a recognized enemy. Now he The daughter appeared, the result can be imagined!

"You follow the old man, I will take you to find the main force of Ghost Island!"

The best way right now is to find the Ghost Emperor and the others, seek temporary protection, and wait for Hades to pick up the three little guys!
That's why the Six Guardians decided in this way, but he has limited spiritual knowledge, and he doesn't know that the people in Guidao have been completely dispersed, so what kind of main force is there!
The ghost emperor is ready to be beaten to death!

The little guy and Beibei didn't understand what the six protectors said about the main force. It felt like an adventure. The fun was coming, and the two little guys were very excited!
The corner of Little Irene's mouth twitched, and she felt goosebumps all over her body. She wouldn't play here to death, would she?There is always a bad idea!

Especially when she showed her dragon body, the eyes of those armors in white looked at her, full of desire!

"Catch up, here!! The three of them are here, and the golden dragon is her, this is an opportunity!"

A man in white armor of Immortal Emperor Seventeen came from the air, followed by five or six people whose strength was similar to that of the Six Guardians!

The Six Protectors felt that the whole person was not good, and just wanted to leave quietly!
"Master Pisces will be very happy!" said the most powerful Immortal Emperor Shiqijianghe, staring at the three little guys.

Jiang He was a deputy general accepted by Emperor Pisces. When he attacked Ghost Island, he occupied the vicinity. It was his men who confronted Ghost Guard just now!
"Tsk tsk... no wonder so... that... damn... run!"

When he saw the faces of the little guy and Beibei, his face was livid with fright, and goose bumps all over his body, why is Pluto's daughter here! !

He ran away, and if he didn't run away, it would be nothing. Pluto is everyone's enemy, but if you don't want to die, don't mess with him!
However, his subordinates have never seen it, so they are looking at the little guys for no reason!
"What happened to Vice General Jiang?"

"who knows."

"Leave him alone, let's capture the dragon and claim credit from the Pisces Monarch."


Several other people looked at each other and smiled. To them, at this moment, the little guys are lambs to be slaughtered, with an old man beside them?

Ha ha…

The corners of the Six Protectors' mouths twitched, unexpectedly scaring away the most powerful one, this time they can also get out of the fight, the key depends on little Irene, Beibei is unreliable, let alone the little guy.

He didn't dare to command the little guy. It would be a trivial matter if one accidentally destroyed the ghost island, but being injured by her own power would be the worst!

(End of this chapter)

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