Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1253

Chapter 1253 Can't afford to provoke (second update)
Nice sword!

Unbelievable, visually it is an artifact!

After the light on the sword disappeared, Xu Lixun's eyes widened, and he clearly saw the true faces of the little guy and Beibei.

He hesitated at the corner of his mouth, trembling all over, and broke out in cold sweat. He is not stupid, aren't those two babies the daughters of Pluto!
I rely on!


"Run as far as you can, Pluto is here!"

With a voice full of fear, Xu Lixun turned his head and ran away, ignoring other people. It is better for others to die than him!
The other immortal emperors were dumbfounded, they didn't know what was going on, why were they afraid of the two children?Immediately, someone recognized it, and ran away without saying a word.

"Bad man!"

After Beibei finished speaking, the sword was already filled with lightning. She swung it fiercely, and the invisible lightning wave flashed into the void like a rocket!
There was a bright flash between the sky and the earth, when Xu Lixun was in despair, he turned around and slammed out the strongest palm, but it was useless, and suddenly several screams came from all directions!



Let them take the box lunch with a single sword, can they run away?Then there is such a terrifying Thunder Sword Qi!
"Let you catch little Irene, hum!" Beibei pursed her lips, then put away her sword and sat down. Now she has learned to be cautious. The last time she took out the cursed sword by mistake, it was taken away by others in an instant. This time Lesson learned!

Beibei asked the laughing little guy to drive the car into the pit, intending to see what happened to the people in the pit!
Gui Shisan, who was in the pit, immediately opened his eyes. He was beaten unconscious just now, what a failure!
not good!

Pluto's daughters are still nearby, they won't die, right?
Thinking of this, Gui Shisan shuddered violently. If the two little guys are over, Guidao will be over too!

"Come again if you have the ability!" Ghost Shisan jumped out of the big pit and roared!

The old woman also climbed up, and said in a small voice: "What are you screaming? It hurts to death."

She knew one thing about the basic situation, that is, when the Thunderbolt Half Moon Slash appeared, it killed everyone with a single sword. The one who could have this power was either Pluto or the two little guys who had masters around them!
After thinking about it comprehensively, the old woman suspects that there is a master. If Pluto is here, he will not fail to appear. Look at the little guy and Beibei, the clothes are also very dirty, similar to wild children, Pluto is eager to love his daughter, and he will be willing ?
"Huh... where are those bastards?" After Ghost Shisan came up, he looked around and couldn't see any shadows, so he suddenly became suspicious.

"Hahaha!" Beibei covered her mouth and snickered when she saw the miserable Ghost Thirteen.

The little guy said: "They ran away."

She only saw the dazzling light, but the body was gone, so she could only answer Gui Shisan's words like this!

The old woman chuckled: "Thirteen, don't look, they are all dead."


"Who did it? So awesome?" Ghost Shisan immediately widened his eyes and began to look around again.

"You don't have to worry about it, anyway, they won't see you again." The old woman replied lying on the ground, she was injured all over her body, it hurt her to death.

"Are you alright?" Gui Shisan became concerned about the two little guys after regaining consciousness, and the latter shook his head vigorously! !


There is something wrong with the two little guys. Although the artifact skirts are not there, their Supreme Divine Body is not vegetarian. The key is still useful, so I don’t know if they will stimulate it!
"Thirteen, does the old man treat you well?" the old woman asked.

"It's just normal, just like my old mother who passed away." Gui Shisan pondered for a while, and then replied.

"Give me a elixir, I can't stand up anymore." Hearing this, the old woman smiled slightly, looking very relieved.

"It's too bad, I'll give you half of it. I've used up the ones that the Lord Ghost Emperor gave me before the big battle. Where can I get more?"

"Stingy, only half a pill?"

"No? I saved half of it too." Gui Shisan rubbed his nose.

"Stop, you bastard." The old woman couldn't laugh or cry!
The old woman who took the elixir was barely able to walk, just like an ordinary person, she couldn't be beaten again, if she was injured again, she would be able to return to the sky and fully understand the box lunch.

Gui Shisan leads the way all the way, and the little guy and Beibei follow along in the car, singing when they are free!
The old woman is not afraid of anything now, as long as she follows the little guy and the others, she will be fine, but Ghost Thirteen is different, knowing that the Six Guardians are dead, and no one will take them with them, so please ask him!

With such a loud voice, it may not necessarily attract the enemy, he is upset.


The little guy's pram didn't leave, she scratched her head, looking dazed and confused.

Beibei said: "Why don't you leave, is it broken?"

"It's's doesn't move."

The little guy gave up after making sure that he couldn’t turn it on again. It wasn’t broken, it was out of battery, and without Lingyun’s transformation, those batteries can go so far. It’s normal to have no power.

Well now, the two little guys can only walk!
Ghost Shisan scratched his head, he didn't know what the problem was, he was unfamiliar with this thing, so he didn't dare to dismantle it randomly!
"Sister... Tired..."

After walking for a while, the little guy got up aggrieved, and Beibei was rubbing his head, thinking of a way!

The old woman in the back can't do anything, she is very lucky to be able to walk!
"Thirteen, don't go so fast, they can't stand it!"

What she said was obviously she was out of breath, and she pushed the reason on the little guy and Beibei.

Ghost Shisan said: "You guys wait here, I will go to the nearby woods to see if there are any monsters, and catch one as a mount!"

The old woman's eyes lit up, she gave a thumbs up, and waved her hand, telling Ghost Shisan to go quickly!
"Let you kid not accept a mount at ordinary times, regret it now."

"If you talk too much, I won't go."

The old woman raised her eyes and twitched the corners of her mouth. Why is Ghost Shisan still standing still?
Beibei repeatedly recalled what Ghost Shisan and the old woman had said, and suddenly her mind lit up. She remembered that Sissy had a puppet bone dragon in her hand!

It was the dragon burial place in the deathbed, Lingyun gave it to the three little guys, Beibei gave it to Long Yanran, and now only Qianqian has it!
"Aha, let me take a look." The little guy subconsciously took out his pocket, then curled his lips, not happy because he didn't wear the artifact skirt!
The puppet bone dragon was in the space of her palm. The little guy turned around for a long time, sweating profusely. If Beibei hadn't encouraged her, she would have given up long ago if there was a bone dragon.

"Aha, I found it! Aha!" The little guy's face was instantly covered with a happy smile.

The old woman on the side was stunned, staring at the little guy's palm, thinking in her heart that the palm is actually a space?She sensed a trace of space fluctuations!

At the same time, she also saw a black inscription on the palm of the little guy's hand, which was very strange, and there was a mysterious and powerful space inside.

(End of this chapter)

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