Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1254

Chapter 1254 Playing the same way (third change)
The little guy stretched out his little hand, a burst of white light appeared, and the puppet bone dragon appeared in front of the old woman!
This bone dragon has a long body and is majestic. Although it is a puppet, it does not affect its actions at all, just like it is alive.


The old woman was shocked, what the hell is this?She didn't even know it was a puppet.

Ghost Shisan heard the movement and then looked at it, and backed away straight away, thinking that the enemy was coming, and almost attacked.


The puppet bone dragon has the strength of the middle stage of the immortal emperor, which is very good.

The little guy pointed at the bone dragon, and said in a baby voice, "Get down!"

The bone dragon immediately lay still, very obedient, and she even started playing, the corners of Beibei's mouth twitched violently, isn't it time to play!
Ghost Shisan said in wonder, "How did this bone dragon get here?"

The old woman said: "Don't ask so many questions, now you don't have to walk."

After she finished speaking, she sat up with the little guy and Beibei. Ghost Shisan twitched her lips, and immediately sat down too!
A few people in a dragon soared into the sky and headed straight for a certain direction!

"Wow... there are still many people down here."

It turned out that Ghost Thirteen didn't stay where he was just now because a group of enemies approached in front. It was so dangerous, but fortunately there was a bone dragon!
"Shh...don't talk!"

The old woman whispered to the little guy, too loud will be found out!

"Aha..." The little guy covered his eyes and laughed, looking a little silly.

The old woman looked embarrassed!
Sure enough, the group of white armors underground immediately looked up and found this bone dragon flying across the sky!
"They are enemies, chase them!!"

"Quick, don't let them escape."

The man in white armor immediately stepped into the air, and a group of people chased the bone dragon. The little guy opened his mouth wide, feeling very amusing, and kept laughing.

Ghost Shisan turned pale with fright, but he didn't have the calmness and anxiety of the two little guys. It would be over if they were caught up.

"Thirteen, think of a way and catch up." The old woman trembled all over, everyone behind her was at the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, they were opponents, only Ghost Thirteen and a master who secretly protected the daughter of Hades ?

"Help, help!" Ghost Shisan also yelled anxiously, hoping that some ghost guards would hear it and come to the rescue.

"Aha, fly fast, I'm chasing you." The little guy was so excited this time, it was so much fun!
"It's fun, hahaha..."

Facing the strong wind, Beibei laughed and danced wildly with her beautiful hair!
"Don't run, stop for me." The pursuers kept shouting!

"Thirteen, the time has come for you to sacrifice your life for righteousness, queen!" said the old woman!

Ghost Thirteen was silent!
", can you make it go faster, if you catch up, you will be eaten!!" Gui Shisan said anxiously!

The little guy said in a baby voice: "Xiaolong, can you hurry up, if you are caught up, you will be eaten."

It is said that this dragon is twice as fast as the bone dragon, and it can throw the enemy far away in an instant!
"Phew... you scared me to death!" Ghost Shisan patted his heart, looking like a stranger without courage, which made the old woman speechless!
"Aha, fun."

Ghost Shisan and the old woman shook their heads and smiled wryly. If they could still laugh at this time, it must be the two little guys.

The bone dragon advanced at full speed, but it didn't last long, and was caught up by the one behind it after a while!
"Want to run? Hahaha, do you think we are vegetarians?" A certain immortal emperor laughed, his movements were not so fast, and they worked hard enough to catch up with the little guy, and they didn't hold back.

"Can you fly faster??" Ghost Shisan became anxious again!
This time the little guy shook his head, now it's fast enough, if it goes any faster, she'll be afraid!
Beibei stammered and muttered: "Sister, Bing... Bing... Bing..."

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and then a ghostly cold heart appeared in the palm of his hand, and he smiled at the corner of his mouth, thinking a little about Ling Yun!

"Master Ghost Emperor..." The old woman was dumbfounded, but he remembered that Guihan Bingxin belonged to the Ghost Emperor, so how could it be in the hands of the daughter of Hades?


The little guy was thrown away, and Guihan Bingxin flew away. From the moment he touched the first enemy, all the ones who caught up after them were left screaming!



Pieces of ice corpses in the sky fell down, forming a beautiful landscape!
"Little one, you're awesome!" Ghost Shisan laughed out loud, he was really stunned by that scene just now!
"Aha!" The little guy laughed, cute and cute, applauding himself!

Beibei blinked and said, "My sister will protect my sister from now on."

"Yeah, yum, I'll protect you." The little guy nodded his head with a smirk, very casually.

The old woman looked back at those ice corpses, covered in cold sweat, this little guy is so awesome?Can't afford it!
I dare say that treasures in emptiness would not be useful in the past, but this group of ghosts and Han Bingxin can kill many enemies by surprise.

"Damn it...chasing, I don't believe it, what cards do they have?"

A certain immortal emperor who was not frozen behind caught up again, and the anger in his eyes seemed to really pissed them off!

Ghost Shisan looked back, and his face suddenly changed. There are more than a dozen more, and they probably chased them while passing below!

"Sister, it's gone, it's gone!" The little guy's face was full of shyness, Gui Hanbingxin was thrown away by her all at once, it really made people speechless!
As the first frozen corpse hit by Guihan Bingxin fell, it contained most of Guihan Bingxin's power and exploded to the ground at this moment.

In an instant, it was frozen for tens of thousands of miles, and countless enemies were wiped out again. The power of the little guy's casual throw is so terrifying!
If she knew how to use the supreme demon lotus power in her heart, the ghostly cold and ice heart just now could freeze the entire ghost island!

"Don't be afraid, there's still fire!" Beibei winked, the little guy was startled, and immediately clapped his hands, it's time to play again!
With a scream from behind, a certain immortal emperor was hit by the strange fire thrown by the little guy, and he was very unlucky to get the boxed lunch completely!


The little guy can throw out the two balls in the palm of his hand, and it is a one-off. If you want to have strange fire again, wait for the cooling time to come!

The white flame in Beibei's hand, she knows how to use it, she sprinkled it once, countless flame seedlings scattered in the air, this time there were more screams, and the whole army was wiped out!


The old woman's eyes widened in shock, is this a strange fire?Such a young child actually has a powerful strange fire, how can she not be shocked, her heart is numb, Pluto's daughter is really amazing!
Ghost Shisan was so scared that he was trembling all over. He had been with the two little perverts for so long, but he was still alive.
(End of this chapter)

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