Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1255 3 Dragon Zun

Chapter 1255 Three Dragons

The little guy's strange fire was thrown away by her at once, the power is too strong, those flames fell on the ground, they were extremely hot!

They scorched the earth like magma, and quickly spread to tens of thousands of miles, two groups!Almost one-fifth of the land on Ghost Island was covered!
The heat collided with the ice not far away, causing a huge explosion!
Emperor Pisces frowned, and looked into the distance with his eyes, he also felt this force.

But the Ghost Emperor is right in front of his eyes, he has no ability to separate himself, and the latter is really wounded and desperately trying to kill him, he is really looking for abuse!
"Little princess, you are too powerful, do you have any more?" Ghost Shisan asked with surprise.


The little guy shook his head, the strange fire and ghost Han Bingxin were gone, he suddenly became embarrassed, Beibei didn't care, Huoyan was gone, and there were other things, her eyes were rolling around!
When she is not nervous, she can basically remember a bunch of bad ideas and those big moves, but she doesn't know if she will forget again when the enemy comes!

The old woman asked cautiously: "Little princess, where is Lord Pluto?"

"I don't know, Papa isn't here."

"Haven't you come yet?" Beibei frowned slightly!
Hearing this, the old woman sighed, Pluto is not here, who can save Guidao! !



There is a high-energy warning ahead, three huge dragons are fighting with Ghost Yasha, there is still an injured Ghost Lord on the ground, and not far away, a group of men in white armor are besieging the gigantic Ghost Evil!
"Thirteen, I need help!" The old woman said with her eyes narrowed. These natural subordinates of Pisces Emperor are too hateful.

Ghost Shisan saw everything in his eyes, and his heart was filled with anger, his eyes flashed with a cold killing intent!
When the three dragons saw the bone dragon, their eyes froze for a moment, and then they said, "Damn you, you actually refined our dragon clan into puppets!"

These three magic dragons looked good, and they knew they were puppets at a glance!
Is this dragon a puppet?
The corners of the old woman's and Gui Shisan's mouths twitched, the two looked at each other, and then smiled wryly!
The three demonic dragons immediately turned into human forms, in the appearance of three old men, the three dragon masters of the demonic dragon clan, each of them was evenly matched in strength, Immortal Emperor Seventeen!

Wang Longzun said: "Today we slaughtered Ghost Island. It can be regarded as revenge for it."

Oni Yasha gritted his teeth and said, "Even if I try to die, I will hold you back!"

He has been wrestling with the three dragon masters for almost half a day, and it is barely okay, but the further he goes, the more he falls into a disadvantage. To be able to resist for so long, it is considered that Oni Yasha has some skills.

"Go and kill those people on the bone dragon, and take down the puppet bone dragon." Li Longzun's eyes flashed, he knew that this bone dragon was very rare, and wanted to take it for himself.

Wang Longzun and Zhang Longzun nodded together, and then rushed towards the bone dragon!

The little guy pouted, not understanding why they wanted to kill them, Beibei beat the bone dragon a few times, and said in a childish voice, "Hit them! Hit them!"

The bone dragon was very obedient, one roared over, and the two dragon masters turned pale with fright, and they were knocked down together!

Ghost Thirteen smiled, and said, "Trash, you want our lives too?"

Immediately he asked the little guy to order the bone dragon to fly down, take a rest first, kill the three dragon masters in front of him before leaving!
When the ghost prince saw Qianxi and Beibei kneeling in fright, he trembled all over and said, " it...they??"

After so many years?If it is really Pluto's daughter, how could it be possible that she is still so young and won't grow up!

Ghost Shisan laughed loudly, he could see through the ghost prince's thoughts at a glance, then pointed at the little guy and replied, "Do you think so?"

The little guy blinked and blinked, he has a little impression of Lord Ghost, but he can't remember it, Beibei is similar.

However, when she saw the gigantic ghost in the distance, she immediately laughed: "It's you, it's you..."

Seeing ghosts and villains are right in front of them, they are actually several kilometers away, just because of their large size.

That skull is the symbol, there is no hair at all, and the body is still so big!

The ghost prince swallowed hard, thinking in his heart that Hades is here!
The old woman said: "My lord, why are you here?"

"Don't mention it, those lunatics chased me for a day, and the old man was almost forced to blow himself up. Fortunately, Ghost Yasha and Demon Dragon came just now."

The Lord Ghost's face became horrified, if it wasn't for the waves from the battle between Ghost Yasha and the three dragons that saved him, he would have already gone to get his lunch box, and he would still be standing here.

"Hey, Ghost Island has been scattered, and everyone has been scattered." The old woman sighed, her face full of frustration!
The ghost prince looked the old woman up and down and said, "Why are you so miserable?"

"It's about the same as you. I almost died. When I met this unreliable Thirteen, I took my life for nothing."

The old woman laughed, she said Gui Shisan, but she was really grateful to the two little guys in her heart, if it weren't for them, she and Gui Shisan would have died.

The ghost prince nodded, his eyes were fixed on the little guy and Beibei, he didn't understand why the old woman and the daughter of Hades were together!
Wang Longzun and Zhang Longzun attacked again, their whole bodies were full of murderous aura, and their eyes were flickering with a cold light.

"I'm careless, but this time the old man must kill you, wasting a lot of time." Li Longzun was so imposing that he stepped into the Immortal Emperor Eighteen!

"This... a breakthrough?" Ghost Shisan's eyes widened, his body trembling!

Just now the opponent didn't make a breakthrough, and he was still a little bit sure, but now it's different if he breaks through one, there is no chance of winning at all!

The ghost prince shouted: "Thirteen, you take them away, I want to cut off the queen!"

Hearing this, the old woman hurriedly said: "My lord, you can't stop them, let's calm down and think of a way together!"

Ghost Thirteen's eyes lit up, and he said in his heart: "Yes, there is still a way, the two little ones in front of me must have a bunch of treasures."

Lord Ghost shook his head, with a firm expression on his face, he said, "No, we are all defeated soldiers, so what can we do?"

The old woman chuckled, then knelt down and patted the little guy's head, and said, "Little princess, you are so cute, do you have the ability to kill them?"

Gui Shisan's mouth twitched, isn't this coaxing the child, it's too shameless.

In order to survive, shameless is shameless, the old woman doesn't care!
Hearing this, the little guy scratched his head, looking like a cute baby, his beautiful eyes blinked, as if he was trying to think hard!

Beibei said: "They are all bad people, so annoying, look at me!"

Word down!

The evil dragon element between her eyebrows burst out a golden light, which shot straight at Wang Longzun in mid-air. After he saw the evil dragon light, the latter ran straight away. He didn't want to die!


What's the matter with this baby?

Everyone was extremely shocked that there was such a powerful dragon element between the eyebrows!

Ghost Yasha and Li Longzun fought, and wanted to take the opportunity to bombard Wang Longzun who was fleeing, but he was kicked off by Li Longzun, seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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