Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1259 Take a short break

Chapter 1259 A short break (second update)

These words scared Ghost Shisan to drop the pill in his hand, subconsciously he picked it up again!

This action was so funny, the little guy kept holding his belly and laughed, thinking to himself: "Isn't this the sixth grandpa's rubbish pill? I ate the one with diarrhea!"

Beibei shook her head, she didn't know if it was, anyway, it was a pill, and she didn't know what kind of pill it was, just take it out.

The ghost prince stepped forward to take a look, sniffed the pill again, then frowned, and said: "This pill is Peiyuan pill, it is used to strengthen the body in the early stage of cultivation, it is useless for you to eat it, Not healing."

Ghost Thirteen's face turned black, luckily he didn't eat, what's the use of coming if he's not recovering from his injuries!

"Aha, it's fun here." The little guy stared at the ghost's skull, and the latter squatted down stupidly!
Ghost Yasha suggested to rest at the same place for a while, and prepared to go to the new city of Ghost Cry City. Ghost Shisan was not injured, so he was sent to the vicinity to see if there were any ghost guards alive!
Before Ghost Shisan left, he repeatedly confessed that the two little guys must be well protected, and the old woman patted her chest to promise that with her, even if she died, they would not lose a single hair.

In the absence of any healing elixir, Ghost Yasha and the others found a lot of medicinal materials in the ruins, used them to temporarily apply the wound, and at the same time meditated and performed exercises to heal the injury.

The little guy muttered and muttered: "Why isn't Papa coming, I'm hungry!"

Beibei said: "Hurry up, hurry up, here you are, half of each person!"

She took out a large watermelon and asked the old woman to open it for her. Beibei even gave a small piece to the old woman. It was the first time for the old woman to see a watermelon, so she asked for it out of curiosity!

After Beibei divided a small piece, she kept shaking her head and said softly, "Not much, not much..."

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched. They didn't want it, but a small piece of such a big watermelon?He didn't say much, which made them dumbfounded.

The little guy is holding the watermelon, still looks aggrieved, her father is just fine, there are hot meals to eat, now there is nothing, cold fruit, tired of eating!
After the old woman finished eating, her body injury showed signs of recovery. She was smart and immediately thought of that watermelon!
"Yasha, what they eat can heal injuries!" The old woman looked excited, watching the little guy drink the watermelon in Beibei's hand, her eyes were different!
Ghost Yasha shook his head: "What are you talking about, are you hallucinating?"

He doesn't believe that the fruit can heal the injury, isn't this a daydream, and it's not a spiritual fruit.

The corner of the ghost prince's mouth twitched, and he became silent. The old woman wants to eat and wants to go crazy, can she recover from her injuries?He doesn't believe it either!

The old woman became anxious immediately, it was true, it wasn't that she wanted to eat it!
"Really, really, look, the old man's previous injury was quite serious, and he couldn't even summon up any strength. Now he has recovered a lot."

In order to convince Ghost Yasha and the others, the old woman gritted her teeth and shattered the stones next to her with her palm.

What the hell!

The corner of Lord Ghost's mouth twitched again, it was real or not, who knew if the old woman had no strength before, anyway, he didn't believe it, and shook his head slightly.

Gui Yasha frowned slightly, he was a little convinced, and then stepped forward to ask the little guy: "Little princess, why don't you eat?"

"Don't eat, don't eat, bad papa, don't come!"

This child looks very cute when he is angry, and his cheeks are bulging, like a puffer fish!

"Is this good? I have a lot of spirit stones in my hand. How about buying this red fruit in your hand?" Gui Yasha immediately poured out a lot of top-quality spirit stones from the storage ring, which was enough Hundreds of it!

The little guy showed a little money fan's eyes, immediately nodded wildly, and then sucked it all into the space with the palm of his hand, smirking all the time!

Oni Yasha got his wish and took the watermelon, the old woman looked excited, that fruit is really a good thing.

Oni Yasha shared a piece with the old woman, and then ate it all by himself, not even letting go of the watermelon rind!
Beibei's head is full of black lines, did you eat that watermelon rind?Who are they!
After a while, the old woman smiled again, she guessed right, that fruit can really heal the wound!
Oni Yasha was even more excited. He ate the most, and the injury on his arm began to heal. He immediately meditated and practiced exercises to speed up the absorption, trying to recover from the injury as quickly as possible, and restore his peak strength!
"Hahaha, come on, this time we will definitely be able to reach the new city of Devil May Cry!" Ghost Yasha opened his eyes, his eyes were extremely sharp, and seemed to be able to penetrate the mind.

Lord Ghost rubbed his eyes, then asked uncertainly, "Really?"

Ghost Yasha nodded, and replied: "Why did you lie to you!"

"Damn it, you have any more? That red fruit?" The ghost prince immediately lost his composure, and ran to Beibei's side to ask!
Babe blinked!

The ghost prince was anxious, and couldn't wait to ask: "I also have Lingshi, are these enough?"

The ghost Yasha he took out from the storage ring was more than twice as large, Beibei laughed heartily, and after accepting the spirit stone, he shook his head lightly, watermelon?there is none left…

"I... I... I am too difficult!"

Flocks of crows flew over the head of Lord Ghost, and if they were gone, so many spirit stones had been tricked into him, but he couldn't care about so many in front of him, whether he would bring it to life or not, whether he would live tomorrow or not is still unknown!
The old woman secretly laughed, and then said: "My lord, forget it, this fruit is ordinary, how can it recover from the injury."

Ghost Yasha and Ghost Evilren laughed out loud, and the intestines of Ghost Lord Hui turned green.

"No, this is for you!"

Beibei suddenly took out a peach and handed it to Lord Ghost, the latter's heartbroken expression touched Beibei, otherwise she wouldn't have given it!

"Can this heal the injury?" Ghost Prince asked with bright eyes.

Beibei shook her head, she didn't know, she usually ate this kind of fruit, and the little guy said in a milky voice, "Yes, my dad planted it!"

Hearing this, the ghost prince's heart trembled a few times, Hades planted it himself?Even if the injury cannot be recovered, it is not a loss to buy these hundreds of spirit stones.

Ghost Yasha also came over to see what kind of fruit this is?It turned out that it was a peach, and he had doubts in his heart. Isn't this kind of peach ordinary, and it can also recover from injuries?

The fact is that the face is so slapped, the ghost prince really recovered from his injuries after eating, and now the ghost is looking at the little guy eagerly!
The little guy said: "Come here, let me knock your head!"

The ghost was overjoyed, and then he sat down and let the little guy bang his head!

dong dong dong...


After playing for a while, she had had enough, so she generously took out three peaches, Beibei curled her lips, she planned to get some more spirit stones, but it was a loss!
(End of this chapter)

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