Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260 The Dharma Protector Attacks (Third Change)

After a short rest, they recovered half of their injuries, and they already had the capital to fight!
"Attention, someone is approaching, hold back your breath!" Gui Yasha frowned, and began to signal everyone not to move, there is something wrong in the sky in the distance!

The little guy really got down on the ground, motionless!

The corners of the old woman's eyes twitched a few times, and she asked softly, "What is the little princess doing?"

The little guy immediately made a booing gesture: "Shh... If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move!"


The old woman couldn't help laughing out loud, this child is too cute, then the old woman was stared back at by Ghost Yasha.

The ghost prince said: "Yasha, what if a general comes, do we have so much time to fight with him?"

Ghost Yasha shook his head, he didn't know, the divine sense would definitely not work, once it was used, it would undoubtedly be exposed.

"I hope they come from a group of low-strength people, and don't let them discover our existence."

Gui Evil said: "I'll go and lure them away, or they'll be caught in the same pot."

The ghost prince rolled his eyes, what is a one-pot meal?It's not certain who wins the game!

"The universe is uncertain, you and I are dark horses!" Ghost Yasha also rolled his eyes again and again!

"Sister, did you see it?" the little guy asked in a low voice.

Beibei stood up at this moment, staring at the distant sky, the figure of the guardian Pisces slowly emerged from the mist, one black and one white.

"The ruins of the hospitality city are here. Is he really here? I can't feel any danger." Guardian Pisces White frowned slightly, and a pair of eyes flashed a cold light.

"The quieter the place, the weirder it is, he must be here!" said the Guardian Pisces Hei, his eyes began to circle around, exuding a sharp cold light!
At this moment, the two Pisces protectors were standing on a certain boulder beside the ruins of the hospitality city, looking at the huge ruins with unison, as if the ruins had been demolished.

Hearing this, Ghost Yasha swallowed hard, feeling a lump in his heart, this time it's over, the Pisces protector is here!

The ghost prince's face turned pale, they had only recovered from half of their injuries, and now the chances of winning against the Pisces protector are not high, it will take time!

Once there is a fight here, it will definitely attract many enemies, and then it will be doomed!
The corner of the Pisces Hei Guardian's mouth hooked up, showing a smile, and then said: "Go, force him to show up!"

He couldn't feel the breath, so he could only use his summoning power to drill soldiers with bull heads from under the formation. The upper body was a bull's head, and the lower body was soil!
There were dozens of them. They listened to the words of the Pisces guardian and began to destroy the ruins again, bombing all the places where people could hide.


There was a burst of roaring sound, the little guy immediately covered his ears, his brows were slightly furrowed, and he muttered that he was so disgusting!
"This place will be exposed sooner or later. Let's step back slowly to see if there is a way out." Ghost Yasha said, he doesn't want to fight anymore, the opponents are two perverts!
"Wait, I'll go over there and make some moves to attract their attention." The evil ghost left after finishing speaking. The IQ of these summoned monsters is too low, and he is sure to play around with them.

Seeing the Minotaur, Beibei immediately became excited. How could she have forgotten that there was such a move? She was excited and embarrassed at the same time, her little face flushed!

"Little princess, don't make a sound, or you will be discovered." The old woman's face changed suddenly, and her body was trembling slightly, which was a sign of being scared of being beaten.

"Yeah, yum!"

Beibei got down on the ground and immediately muttered with the little guy. The latter listened with a smile on his face, and couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

"Brother Yasha, what's the situation?" Gui Shisan came back, and he still appeared in the most awesome way, with a burst of golden light coming from his body!


At this moment, Gui Yasha wished to shoot these two guys to death. Didn't he see that the enemy was searching for them? His head was really flooded.

"Hahaha, where are you, Ghost Shisan? No, no, no, you should have some help." The eyes of the Pisces Black Guardian flashed with murderous intent, and they kept looking at Ghost Shisan.

If Ghost Thirteen was able to kill three Long Zuns, they wouldn't believe it, so there must be others!

Now that they were all discovered, Oni Yasha stopped hiding and stood up directly, staring at the Pisces Guardian with the same cold eyes!

The ghost prince cursed angrily: "Pisces bastard, you don't have a butthole when you give birth to a son."

"Looking for death!" Pisces Black Protector was full of murderous intent!
All the Minotaurs rushed to this side at once!
Ghost Yasha and Ghost Prince attack together, this group of scum is scum, vulnerable, but there are quite a lot of minotaurs, and they can't be solved for a while.

Beibei and the little guy had finished muttering, and a humanoid figure emerged from the ground. It was originally a native, but under their changes, it gradually turned into Lingyun's appearance, lifelike!
"Aha, that's right, that's it, it's like papa." The little guy clapped his hands excitedly.

Beibei covered her mouth and laughed loudly: "It's fun this time."

The old woman looked back, her feet were trembling with fright, Lord Pluto is here! !

She was so hesitant that she didn't know what to express, and Gui Shisan also looked back when she heard the movement, but she had the same expression, but her face was extremely pale.

"Master Hades!"

After Ghost Shisan came back to his senses, he knelt down directly. No one on Ghost Island dared to disrespect in front of Hades!
"Aha!" The little guy turned his head and snickered!
That fake Lingyun possessed a soul, but he listened to the little guy and kept silent, that's what Beibei did.

The fake Ling Yun was silent, and he was so handsome with a straight face!
Boom! !
Ghost Yasha and Ghost Prince have already solved more than half of the summoned Minotaur, and now they heard some movement behind them and stopped to wait and see!
"Lying trough..."

"He's still here!"

A smile appeared on Oni Yasha's face, this time Onijima must be saved!

"Big...big" Guardian Shuangyubai was sweating profusely, his entire body was shaking, and his face was bloodless.

"Damn it... I'll wipe it, I'll wipe it..." The Pisces Black Guardian keeps backing away, isn't this a death sentence!

No wonder the three Dragon Lords are dead, can they not die?It was Pluto who killed them, he was in the ruins, it was ridiculous that they still came to die.

"Brother... let's go!" Pisces White Guardian shivered, not even having the courage to look directly at the fake Ling Yun.

"Run? I want to too!!" Pisces Black Guardian shook his head and smiled wryly, while Pluto stared at them, who can escape?Die faster!
"Hahaha, if you want to run, stay here!" The ghost king is here relying on the Pluto, and the fox pretends to be a tiger, and his figure has already stopped in front of the protector of Pisces White.

"Master Pluto, don't go too far? This has nothing to do with you, does it?" Pisces Black Protector mustered up a lot of courage to say this sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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