Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1263 The Truth

Chapter 1263 The Truth
"What do you mean?" Ghost Prince asked while covering his heart, his face was pale and bloodless with scars on his face.

"Why do you want to destroy Ghost Island? At all costs? Don't tell me it's because of the ghost beads? Don't tell me it's for revenge, I don't believe it." Ghost Yasha stood up slowly, looking very unconvinced! !
The only ones who could stand up were him, Lord Ghost, and a ghost who regretted it. The old woman was still kneeling on the ground, begging Hades to help.

Beibei ran over, pulled the little guy up, and said to Yan Xuefei: "Sister and godmother, I will avenge you."

Concubine Yan Xue barely showed a smile, it was simply charming!
"You, hurry up and take Sissy aside, this is not a place for you to stay."


Beibei could only curl her lips and nod, looking very unwilling.

The little guy felt aggrieved, and then he and Beibei began to mutter again, their eyes rolling at the same time.

This Pisces protector is doomed, yet he dared to make the two of them angry.

"Ha ha ha ha ha…"

Guardian Pisces sneered for a moment, everyone glared at him, and after he finished laughing, he said in a deep voice, "You don't know? Ask her!"

Ghost Yasha and the others looked in the direction pointed by the Pisces protector. It was actually Yan Xuefei.

She has no idea!Did the guardian Pisces mean something wrong, how could it have anything to do with her!
Gui Yasha's eyes were startled, and then he immediately replied: "You made a mistake, the ghost bead is not on her body, nor is it on the ghost island, and there is nothing you want here!!"

Ghost beads?

The little guy's mind flashed, and he immediately laughed! !

"Yan Mama, it's here, it's here!"

The little guy yelled, and then the ghost bead appeared in her palm, a touch of deep green, which surprised everyone's eyes!

"Fuck, isn't the ghost bead in Devil May Cry's hands? Really it was given to the little princess?" Gui Yasha's mouth twitched, even if it was in her hands, she shouldn't have taken it out at this moment.

He always thought that Devil May Cry was accepted by Pluto!

The ghost prince's eyes widened, with a look of helplessness on his face. The ghost bead that Guidao was once proud of was now in the hands of a little child, and even took it out.

"Hahaha, it's really a ghost bead. The Pisces monarch failed to get it last time. I will dedicate it to him this time. It will definitely make him laugh for three days and three nights." , so that the Ghost Yasha on the side wanted to hit someone when he saw it!
"No, no, mine!" The little guy shook his head immediately, in a childish voice.

Beibei said: "Put it away quickly, it will be robbed."

Yan Xuefei said: "Qiqian, quickly take it back."

Ghost Bead was a little shy, and after flying around the little guy, her mouth moved slightly: "Ghost Island, after so many years, it's still back. What happened here? It's too miserable."

"Listen, you can talk." The little guy smiled and squinted his eyes, and his silly look was very cute and cute.

Beibei is speechless!

Guardian Pisces laughed out loud, and then cast a gloomy look in his eyes: "I must get the ghost beads, but you guessed wrong, it's not because of the ghost beads that the Ghost Island will be destroyed this time!"

"Why is that?" Gui Yasha asked!

The ghost prince said: "Don't tell me that the Nine Lives Cat has a crush on Concubine Yan Xue!"

"Her? No, no, no... Although Concubine Yan Xue of your ghost island is said to be the most beautiful in the Twelve Realms, our Pisces Monarch is not obsessed with ghosts." The Pisces protector shook his head and replied, looking at Concubine Yan Xue, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth !
"It's not her!" Hearing that, the ghost prince was relieved!

Oni Yasha frowned, thinking in his heart all the time, what is there on Oni Island that they must destroy, these years they have kept a low profile and never actively provoke others!

The battle with the Pisces Monarch ended early in the morning, why did they suddenly kill them on Ghost Island!
"Let me tell you, let you all know, the top ten ancient artifacts!" Pisces protector had a gloomy and cold face showing a trace of excitement!

Hearing this, Ghost Yasha and the others all stared wide-eyed, do they have ancient artifacts on Ghost Island?

Concubine Yan Xue felt a lump in her heart, and they finally found out that it was really herself!

More than half a year ago, when she returned to Wuhun Continent, in her study, her grandfather got a clue, that is, the medicine king tripod, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, appeared once in Wuyou Valley!
It was her grandfather who saw it with his own eyes. The medicine king cauldron could fly. At that time, the worry-free flowers were blooming in the valley. Those petals floated into the cauldron. Just one glance, and then the medicine king cauldron disappeared!
Her grandfather searched all over Wuyou Valley, only to see a young man passing by, who seemed to know nothing!
However, her grandfather is also a human being. In Wuyou Valley, there is a young man whose strength has become obsessed. This is unusual. The latter saw that he was still so calm, so he immediately believed that the medicine king tripod had a great relationship with the young man. !
In the study, her grandfather drew a picture with his own hands, the appearance of the young man, and the conversation between the two of them was overheard by a servant!

This person told the news to one of Pisces Monarch's subordinates, and that's how the crisis in Ghost Island came about. Let him not be tempted!
The most important thing is to spread rumors, the news that Pisces Monarch got is that the medicine king tripod is in the hands of Concubine Yan Xue!
This time, those who participated in the destruction of Oni Island were basically those who had feuds with Oni Island in the past, such as the Demon Dragon Clan!
"Concubine Xue...isn't it?" Ghost Prince asked uncertainly!
"I... I... I don't know if it counts!"

Yan Xuefei hesitated, not knowing what to say.

In her hand is a portrait of a young man, her grandfather must be related, that is also speculation, blame her, why did she take that painting at that time!

In the end, she didn't believe that the medicine king cauldron would be in the hands of a young man. A woman's intuition is that she wants to destroy Guidao just for a painting. The Pisces Monarch is really crazy!

"If you want to blame, you can blame her. The medicine king cauldron is presented, maybe the king of Pisces will give you a princess when he sees your beautiful face!" The guardian of Pisces stared at everyone, and smiled dismissively.

"Even if it is, we won't. The people on Ghost Island are all our companions, and I won't betray them." Ghost Evil was the first to shake his head, who can't keep a secret!
Even if Concubine Yan Xue had the top ten ancient artifacts on her body, they were still hers, and if others wanted to snatch them, they would have trouble with Ghost Island!

"That's right, that's right, Pisces bastard, ancient artifact? Come and get it if you have the ability, we will never give it to you!" The ghost prince also became angry, trying to use tricks to sow discord, it doesn't exist!

Ghost Yasha turned his head to stare at Concubine Yan Xue, then laughed softly: "Concubine Xue, take them away first, leave this place to us!"

(End of this chapter)

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