Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1264 Xiangyu 8 Punches

Chapter 1264 Xiangyu Eighteen Punches (First update)
He is very clear that Pluto is really not here, he has been deceiving himself all this time, if he had come out earlier!
Yan Xuefei shook her head, let her go?She can't do it!
"No, I'm leaving, you can't beat him!!"

"It's his goal that you stay. Once the Pisces Monarch gets the ancient artifact, it's over. We can't let him succeed." Ghost Yasha said to Yan Xuefei angrily, with an unquestionable tone!


She really wanted to say that she really didn't have any ancient artifact in her hand, the Medicine King Ding, but she wouldn't believe it if she said it, the explanation was just a cover-up.

"Take them away!" Ghost Yasha stared back!
Guardian Pisces laughed loudly: "Let's go? No one can go, just pray!"

Yan Xuefei gritted her teeth and immediately stood up, ready to leave here with Qianxi and Beibei.

But Beibei shook her head, she won't leave!
The bad guy in front of him is so bad, he must be taught a lesson!
The wings on the back of the Pisces Protector seemed to be moving, it was violently fanned, and then the blue light radiated from the wings on his back, and everything it went collapsed!
Boom! !
"let me!"

Seeing this, the evil ghost immediately turned into a huge body, using his flesh as a shield!

"Little Evil, stop quickly, or you will die!" The ghost prince shouted, and he only had half his life left!

Yan Xuefei gritted her teeth and said to the old woman who was kneeling on the ground begging: "Grandma, they are begging you to take good care of them."

She seemed to have made up her mind, since Guardian Pisces believed that the ancient artifact King of Medicine Ding was in her hands, she should make good use of it!
"Concubine Xue! No, they are your goddaughters. You protect them yourself and let the old man die with him!"

The old woman would have misunderstood it, and immediately burst into a fierce momentum at this moment, wanting to rush up and die with the Pisces protector.



The two of them stood still, and the fake Lingyun appeared again from the ground. This time, Beibei must not be careless, and it was confirmed that the voice was made by the man's soul!

"You're looking for death!" This time the fake Ling Yun's voice was right, full of seriousness.

Beibei in the back took out a golden girl sword in an instant, and Thunderbolt Half Moon Slash reappeared on Ghost Island. From an outsider's point of view, it was fake Lingyun's move.

Under a slash, the Pisces protector's wings acted as a shield, screaming in pain, and his body was cut off without a trace!
Concubine Yan Xuefei and the old lady stared wide-eyed, while Beibei behind her had a smirk on her face, holding the sword weakly, and was playing cool!

The corner of the old woman's mouth twitched, the so-called person who secretly protected them did not exist at all, it turned out to be Pluto.

Isn't this Pluto the Supreme God? The swordsmanship is new.

Although this sword is unparalleled in the world, if the swordsmanship was improved to a higher level, Guardian Pisces would have died long ago. Hearing the screams, Guardian Pisces was not dead!

Ghost Yasha and the others were stunned by the confrontation between the two forces, and they didn't know anything about it!
"Aha, that's amazing." The little guy jumped up and clapped his hands excitedly.

Beibei put away the sword, touched the little guy's head, and said seriously: "Sister protects you."

"Well, thank you sister."

Concubine Yan Xuefei stepped forward to check on the injuries of Ghost Yasha and the others immediately, and took out a few pills, and the old woman was able to recover from her injuries as she wished.

"The old man is going to be resurrected with full blood." The old woman laughed loudly, then meditated and practiced exercises to continue to recover from her injuries.

Ghost Yasha and the others woke up slowly, and then they looked shocked, Pluto?

What the hell is going on, why is this Pluto so weird!
"Ling Yun?"

Concubine Yan Xue tried to call out, but the fake Ling Yun looked serious and didn't smile!

"Thank you, Lord Pluto!"

Ghost Yasha and the others all knelt down together!
"Get up!"

This time False Ling Yun nodded and spoke, and kept in this state since then, looking into the distance with his eyes!

A figure in the distance, fiery red, Pisces Protector came back angrily again!
"Damn, he's not dead yet?" The ghost prince twitched his mouth, thinking that if Pluto made a move, there would be no scum left of the other party's death.

"Don't be afraid, we can defeat him."

Ghost Evil shook his head. Although he himself hadn't recovered from his injuries and his strength wasn't at its peak, it was still more than enough to deal with a Pisces protector who had been slashed by such a powerful force just now.

"We don't need to take action, Pluto is here!" Gui Yasha frowned, he always felt that the Pluto in front of him was not right, he was not himself at all, what the hell was it, neither was it a puppet, nor was it a clone.

"Hahaha, that's right...Master Pluto must be playing Pisces Protector." The ghost prince laughed out loud.

Gui Shisan was quite courageous, and looked at the fake Lingyun from a close distance, but he didn't find any clues, and suddenly his eyes were puzzled.

"You fake, you dare to show up, I'm sorry!"

The Pisces guardian spit as soon as he arrived. The sword just now was really strong, but it was still a bit weak. If it was the real Pluto, he would have died a long time ago, so it is even more certain that it is not the real Pluto.

Beibei's eyes are round and round, I didn't expect this bad guy to dare to come back?Then you can play more.

Fake Lingyun said: "What moves do you have, use them!"

Guardian Pisces was startled, he really heard it right, I thought he heard it wrong just now, the voice is not female, it really is too fake.

"Fake thing, you have a good look at it, this time it will kill you so much that you can't die anymore, whoever you are." A huge energy ball appeared in front of the Pisces guardian, which was always changing.

Ghost Yasha and the others swallowed their saliva together, this is too strong!
Concubine Yan Xue blinked her beautiful eyes, and she also suspected that Ling Yun was really in front of her, why did she look so unreliable.

"Hahaha!" Beibei laughed, then ran to the fake Lingyun, and said in a childlike voice, "Look at my Xiangyu eighteen punches!"

Word down!

The fake Lingyun followed her in all the moves, outsiders looked like the fake Lingyun was teaching Beibei how to move.

Suddenly there were several huge golden fists in the air, the little guy counted them, a total of eighteen fists were roaming all over the sky!


Guardian Pisces was terribly frightened, sweat began to appear on his forehead, and every fist made him feel terrified, as there was great power hidden in it.

"That's right, I just said, Master Pluto is playing with the Pisces bastard." The corner of Ghost Prince's mouth twitched, as he had guessed.

The little guy laughed aloud, because Beibei said Xiangyu Eighteen Punches again!

Everyone heard it this time, Xiangyu?What a strange trick!
Hearing this, the Guardian Pisces was furious and tried his best to enlarge his energy ball!
"Let's go a little further!" Oni Yasha immediately suggested, once the really powerful power erupts, everything here will be shattered again.

(End of this chapter)

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