Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1266 Blood Sacrifice Dafa

Chapter 1266 Blood Sacrifice (Third)
The Pisces monarch sneered, whoever she is, he will order the golden dragon blood!

"You've done a good job. My lord has fulfilled your request. Tell me!"

"My lord, I hope to be appreciated by you! I don't want to live an ordinary life in obscurity." Lu Changlong said excitedly, his eyes flickering with excitement.

"Hahaha, good, good, ambitious, as far as you are concerned, I will make you a general. It just so happens that General Zhengxi has fallen, and you will take his place in the future." A look of appreciation flashed in the eyes of the Pisces monarch.

"Really...Really? The monarch is not joking, is he?" Lu Changlong was so excited that his feet trembled. He could become a general after catching a little golden dragon. He never imagined that he would be able to have such a high position. as.

"This is the token. Pass the order down and send out the army immediately, led by our new General Zhengxi." The King of Pisces smiled, and a token floated out of his hand to Lu Changlong, who suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Yes, this subordinate will definitely live up to expectations." Lu Changlong knelt on the ground with a serious face.

"Your strength is a bit weak, but that's not a problem. This drop of blood is a reward for you. It's your greatest credit for catching her."

The King of Pisces took out a drop of blood from between his eyebrows, and gave it to Lu Changlong, who widened his eyes, what is it?The blood of Pisces Monarch!

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"This drop of blood can make your body stronger, don't let me down." Pisces Sovereign narrowed his eyes and sneered.

"The subordinates must live up to expectations."

Lu Changlong nodded in response, and then fused the drop of blood, and saw that his body seemed to be split open, and his whole body was red.

And he himself has been gritting his teeth, enduring the inhuman pain, sweating profusely!

With his roar, an invisible aura around him was shaken away by him, Lu Changlong's body underwent earth-shaking changes, and his weak physical body came together.

"Well, yes, make good use of it, my lord takes good care of you." The lord of Pisces nodded, feeling very satisfied.

Today's Lu Changlong's strength is not what it used to be, and he is on par with Li Longzun, evenly matched.

"Thank you again, my lord." Lu Changlong was excited, and now he got what others envied.

"Let's go, come and hang them both up." Pisces Lord smiled at Lu Changlong, then his face turned cold, and pointed to the ghost emperor and little Irene on the ground.

When Lu Changlong didn't know that the one who lost consciousness was the Ghost Emperor, he stepped back, both the Ghost Emperor and little Irene were put on a big round wooden stake, and the Pisces Lord looked at them with a smile.

"Wake him up!"


Following a certain subordinate's actions, the Ghost Emperor opened Zheng's eyes and woke up after tossing and turning.

"Dead cat, you will die badly." The ghost emperor glared at the Pisces monarch!

At this moment, he can't live but can't die.

Little Irene was crying all the time: " baby doesn't play anymore."

His little face is covered with tears, he has become a little tearful man!
"The notice goes on, no matter what happens, no one should come in."

The King of Pisces is going to launch the blood sacrifice method, absorbing the dragon blood of little Irene, and devouring the flesh and blood of the ghost emperor, so that he can break through the shackles of the twelve domains and reach the demigod in ancient legends!

"Hahaha, the entire universe will be mine at that time, and no one can fight me." The Pisces monarch became excited when he thought about it, and a beautiful picture came to his mind!
"Bad and lewd, laughing so wildly, do you want to eat this baby?" Little Irene's body twitched slightly, her teary eyes blinked and blinked!

"Little baby, why don't you cry? Just cry when you're afraid." The Ghost Emperor became speechless, and he was still crying just now.

"I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid..." While saying that her body was trembling again, it was obvious that she was afraid, the corner of the ghost emperor's mouth twitched!
Little Irene has a plan in her heart, and she is breaking through the blockade in her body.

On the contrary, the Pisces monarch was not in a hurry. He sat down and took out a book, and was repeatedly checking what to pay attention to in the blood sacrifice Dafa to make sure everything was safe.

This Blood Sacrifice Dafa is a secret book, which he obtained together with some strongest physical technique in the Nine Nether Abyss, and it is also signed by Ling Yun!

The Dafa of Blood Sacrifice, also known as the Sunflower Collection, is mainly about embedding flowers and trees, such as the ghost emperor's power, he can take all of it for his own use, ahem... the secret book says so.

"Awesome, this Ling Yun is really a genius, worthy of being the Lord of the Nine Netherworlds." The Pisces Monarch stroked his beard with an excited expression on his face. Every time he read this cheat book, he benefited a lot.

He practiced the strongest gymnastics book last time, which is the eighth set of radio gymnastics. After practicing for a period of time, his body flexibility seems to have changed a lot.

"This monarch is so smart, there is no reason why he can't understand the strongest physical skills. It is really too advanced, and the younger generation admires it."

"Hey...there are a few words here. If you want to practice this skill, you must come from the palace?"

The Pisces Monarch only saw these words on the last page, and it was actually hidden. No wonder there was no movement in his practice before, so it was like this.

"Damn it...wouldn't it be a woman who practiced it? I still have two lives for my lord. If this one is lost from the palace, the next one won't have any impact, right?" The Pisces lord began to mutter to himself, and gradually fell into deep thought. .

In a moment!
He finally decided that such a powerful person as the Lord of the Netherworld would not deceive the world, isn't he just from the palace, what a joke.

It's normal to have less body parts or something in the twelve domains, so the Pisces monarch doesn't care. In order to prove the demigod, he must cut off his children and grandchildren!

He didn't know, what Sunflower Book?That's why Ling Yun casually practiced calligraphy when he was bored.

The content of the background is probably that the Kun is so big that it can't be stewed in a pot... Such a profound calligraphy and a profound tone of voice, the Pisces Monarch firmly believes it.

Little guy here!
The group of them finally came to the new city near Devil May Cry City, and the journey went smoothly!

Now the Xincheng Devil May Cry City is surrounded by the subordinates of Pisces Monarch, because the Xincheng Devil May Cry City is guarded by the strongest formation of Ghost Island, they have no choice but to keep fighting!
Gui Evil said: "I'll go and lure them away, you can find the right time to go in, don't worry about me."

Oni Yasha shook his head, frowned and said: "No, we are together, we must go back together, Onijima will not abandon his companions!"

Ghost Prince and Ghost Thirteen also had the same idea.

Concubine Yan Xue looked at the two little guys sleeping soundly in her arms with a doting look on her face, while the old woman poked their faces!

"Mother-in-law, what are you doing?" Yan Xuefei was dumbfounded, she slept soundly, why wake them up!

"The two of them have a way, let them not fall asleep first." The old woman said truthfully, now it is the two of them who think highly of them!

The little guy rubbed his eyes, he didn't seem happy, he dreamed of something delicious and fun, and he was still sleepy!
(End of this chapter)

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