Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1267 Successfully rescued

Chapter 1267 Successfully rescued
Immediately, she frowned slightly, pouted her small mouth and looked at the old woman, who smiled awkwardly!
"Little princess, it's time to arrive."

"Qiqian, is there a way to get in?" Yan Xuefei pointed to the new city Devil May Cry City covered by the formation!
Beibei yawned deeply, and said in a childlike voice, "Godmother...Little Irene hasn't been rescued yet!"

"What, little Irene was taken away?" Yan Xuefei's beautiful eyes widened.

"Little Irene was taken away by the bad guys." If Beibei hadn't reminded her of the little guy's expression that seemed to be crying, she would have really forgotten it.

"Thirteen, do you know?" Yan Xuefei turned her head and stared at Ghost Thirteen, who lowered her head shyly, he didn't know.

"When I saw the two of them, there was an old man with a spirit who disappeared. I don't know about the others. That old man asked me to bring them to you." Ghost Shisan shrugged and said truthfully, his eyes flickering with helplessness. color.

"Then did you see that there is another child?" Yan Xuefei asked urgently.

"No, but the two of them kept saying that one of them was taken away."

"Lord Pisces!!" Oni Yasha said at the same time, it must be in the hands of Lord Pisces!

"Yan Mama, let's save little Irene, shall we?"

The little guy vaguely seemed to see the sound of little Irene crying, so it shouldn't be some illusion.

"How do I go? I also want to save her." Yan Xuefei was startled secretly, her face becoming more and more anxious.

"How about this, inform the Pisces Monarch and tell him that it's a child next to Hades, and he won't do her any harm after he knows." Ghost Yasha thought for a moment, his eyes lit up, this is a good way.

"It's a good idea. If you were the King of Pisces, would you believe it? It would definitely be useful to capture that child." The ghost prince said, and he thought of the key point.

Concubine Yan Xue even wanted to lie to the Pisces Monarch by exchanging some of the top ten ancient artifacts in her hands. Anyway, the Pisces Monarch always thought it was in her hands.

"Hahaha, I figured it out, wait for me." Beibei's terrifying consciousness suddenly searched for little Irene in a large area, her brows were tightly frowned.

And the little guy took out the Dinghai Shenzhu, and said in a childish voice, "Tell me where little Irene is!"

The corner of Yan Xuefei's mouth twitched, what is all this for! !

"Little princess, don't be stupid, how can it understand?" The old woman shook her head, thinking that a bead that I don't know what it is has such a powerful effect.


It was too embarrassing, just after the old woman finished speaking, the figures of little Irene and the ghost emperor tied up appeared in the Dinghai Shenzhu, and everyone was stunned.

"It's the Ghost Emperor!!"

"Oh my God, it's too bad."

"The Pisces bastard will die a terrible death."

"Master Ghost Emperor, hold on, we will rescue you immediately."

From the Dinghai Shenzhu, you can see the miserable appearance of the Ghost Emperor. Little Irene is sleepy and her face is very pale.

"Sister, look!" The little guy shouted excitedly.

"found it."

At the same time, Beibei's consciousness had also seen little Irene, and she was very angry immediately, while the Pisces monarch was leaving the palace at the moment, so painful that she didn't even notice it.

Now that he knows the direction, Beibei must be ready to open the door of thunder.

In the ruins of the main city!
Sovereign Pisces has already left the palace. Although he suffered severe pain just now, the pain is nothing, and he recovered after swallowing a few pills.

"Hahaha, you two are very honored to be the lucky ones for me to set foot on the demigod." Pisces Monarch said yin and yang, the corner of Ghost Emperor's mouth twitched, what's going on, why is this voice so motherly!
"Huh..." Little Irene blinked and blinked, thinking to herself, is this still the bad guy just now?

"Be my strength." Pisces Sovereign's eyes became fierce, and the blood sacrifice Dafa was activated!

I began to read those kuns were so big that they couldn't be stewed in a pot...


There was no reaction, Little Irene blinked, Ghost Emperor was dumbfounded, and Ghost Yasha and the others didn't know, so they looked at Dinghai Shenzhu one by one.

The Pisces Monarch persisted, and it would definitely not be effective so quickly, so the corners of his mouth kept reading.

"Fuck, the Lord of the Nine Serenities is really awesome, my body is actually a little hot!"

The Pisces monarch immediately said excitedly that the sky really changed a bit, and he thought it was a sign before the blood sacrifice Dafa was launched.

After the ghost emperor heard it, he couldn't hold back his smile, could he not be hot?He himself was sweating profusely, could it be due to the weather!

"Oh... No, no, I seem to have forgotten something important."

The Pisces Monarch muttered to himself, stopped immediately, then turned around and sat on the rock, took out the blood sacrifice Dafa and began to study it again.

Little Irene looked at the golden light pouring out of the ground, and immediately laughed happily: "Sister... sister... my sister is here, hahaha."

There was also a lot of laughter and other sounds from the opposite side.

"Hush!!" The Ghost Emperor turned pale with shock, why was he so loud, did he have to be noticed by the Pisces Monarch! !
Little Irene held back her screams immediately, and a burst of excitement surged in her heart!
And the Pisces Monarch was too obsessed with reading the Blood Sacrifice Dafa, and didn't pay attention to this situation at all. While reading, he fell into deep thought, and the scene of Megatron Twelve Realms in the future emerged in his mind!
The Gate of Thunder disappeared, and both Little Irene and the Ghost Emperor were rescued.

Monarch Pisces is still working on…

"I've been rescued, hahaha." Beibei burst out laughing excitedly when she saw little Irene, because she was too smart, and hugged Concubine Yan Xue.

"Bo... Beibei is awesome!" Yan Xuefei immediately gave a mouthful to the excited Beibei. The child was sweating and his small body was bouncing all the time.

"Sister... 555~ scared me to death." Little Irene immediately threw herself at Beibei after being unchained by Ghost Thirteen, who was instantly thrown to the ground by her.

"Godmother, quickly see if little Irene is okay."

"It's nothing, just a little blood loss, go back and eat more nutritious food, she will be fine." Yan Xuefei replied with a smile!

"Master Ghost Emperor, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Which of you has the elixir? I need to recover. I can't see my subordinates with this swollen face. It's too embarrassing." The ghost emperor said with his head down, and then everyone burst into laughter.

Concubine Yan Xue still has a few, so the ghost emperor's face has recovered, and the main force of Ghost Island has basically gathered together.

Concubine Yan Xue said: "I'm sorry, Lord Ghost Emperor, General Skeleton and Ghost...he..."

The old woman wept in a low voice. She didn't need Gui Yasha to continue talking. She could have guessed that the skeleton general must have fallen, but she didn't expect that even the lonely ghost died.

"Hey, don't worry, this emperor will definitely avenge him." The ghost emperor sighed, there are casualties in every battle!

Yan Xuefei said: "Now Guidao is isolated and helpless, we can only rely on ourselves."

"By the way, is he here?" Ghost Emperor's eyes lit up, there should be Devil May Cry here, but he has been leading Devil May Cry all the time!

Ghost Yasha and the others asked at the same time!
"Devil May Cry!"

"Lord Devil May Cry? Not here!" Gui Shisan replied directly.

What the hell!

If he is not there, Ghost Island is really over. The Pisces Monarch will definitely commit suicide later on. Thinking of the latter's terror, the Ghost Emperor trembles all over.

(End of this chapter)

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