Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1268 To Devil May Cry City

Chapter 1268 Back to Devil May Cry City

The ghost emperor pointed at the three little guys and asked a lot, why are they here?Isn't it brought by Devil May Cry!
Oni Yasha shook his head, he didn't know why the three little guys appeared on the ghost island, the sky was a little strange at that time, and he didn't pay much attention to it!

Ghost Shisan, who was the first to see them, shook his head even more.

"How did you get here?" The Ghost Emperor looked at them and asked!

The little guy hid behind Concubine Yan Xue, peeking out a small head to watch!

"I don't know, it came with a whoosh." Beibei shook her head at the same time!

"That exaggerated?" Gui Shisan's mouth twitched, he couldn't believe what the kid said.

In the end, Oni Yasha guessed that they should be naughty and sneaked in through the Thunder Gate, and Pluto probably didn't even know about it.

In fact, when Lingyun was fighting with Ye Lingyun, he found out that the little guy was not in the villa, but he didn't intend to look for it right away, but let them hone and hone, otherwise how could he rule the Twelve Realms.

and so!
Ling Yun smiled and said: "It's time to end!"

After fighting for so long, Ye Lingyun showed no flaws, and had no idea what the latter would do.

Ye Lingyun: "Yes, it's over, see you later."

He also responded with a smile, but he still couldn't figure out the details of Ling Yun's moves. As expected of the strongest man, this method won't work.

After saying that, Ling Yun used his meritorious deeds to extinguish Ye Lingyun's last trace of consciousness, and then sat on the sofa on the first floor, while Lin Qiuyan and the others looked for the two of them everywhere.

From now on, everything about Ghost Island will be under the surveillance of Ling Yun!

Devil May Cry Outside the New City!

Yan Xuefei finally wanted to know why they still didn't grow up, and she had many questions in her heart.

"Sissy, how old are you?"

The little guy said in a baby voice, "It's three years old."

As soon as his birthday passed yesterday, the little guy turned three years old, so she knew.


Hearing this, Yan Xuefei blinked her beautiful eyes, how could she be three years old?

It has been more than ten years since she saw Sissi for the first time. She didn't want to think about how many years. In short, it couldn't be three years old.

"Sister's birthday was yesterday. She is three years old. Beibei... Beibei is more than four years old."

Beibei side to help answer!

Concubine Yan Xuefei has black lines all over her head. One is three years old and the other is more than four years old. Is she dreaming!

"Three years old."

"Four years old."

The two little guys talked again, regardless of whether Yan Xuefei believed it or not, it was the truth anyway.

Concubine Yan Xue got a headache, every time she saw them, it was like this, could it be that they are growing up?

"Ling Yun, if you don't give me an explanation, I will never end with you."

Can't think of an answer, Yan Xuefei can only blame everything on Ling Yun, who is really shot while lying down.

"Aha, the baby can breathe fire now, this time I must burn his ass." Little Irene felt aggrieved when she thought of being sucked a mouthful of blood by the Pisces Monarch.

"Yeah, you can play again!" the little guy shouted immediately!

Yan Xuefei: "The three of you follow me carefully, and no one can run around, otherwise...or don't call me in the future."

Hearing this, the three little guys pursed their mouths together, and responded with a baby voice, children, there is no human rights.

After the ghost emperor recovered almost, they immediately took the initiative to attack.

With the ghost emperor leading the way, a group of people immediately rushed into the new city of Ghost Crying City. The morale of the thousands of ghost guards inside was greatly boosted, and they opened up formations to welcome them together with Gui Jianchou.

"It's not easy."

After entering the new town of Ghost Crying City, the Ghost Emperor sighed, so many people died on Ghost Island this time, it was worse than last time, and he cursed this damn Pisces Lord in his heart!

At this moment, there are only a few thousand ghost guards left in Xincheng Devil May Cry City. You must know that there were fifty or sixty thousand ghost guards in Ghost Island in the past.

"Master Pisces, why does he want to destroy Ghost Island at all costs?"

Gui Jianchou asked doubtfully, he looks like a middle-aged man, the Pisces Monarch is not afraid of other forces invading his lair if he makes a big move?

"It's one of the top ten ancient artifacts!"


"Impossible, impossible, our ghost island does not have the top ten ancient artifacts, it must not be." The ghost emperor immediately shook his head, he thought it was the blood sacrifice of the Pisces monarch just now!

"Ask Concubine Xue."

Gui Yasha pointed at Concubine Yan Xue, who looked embarrassed!

"No... no... I don't have an ancient artifact in my hand. It's Pisces Guardian who made a mistake. I'm just... just a portrait."

Then Concubine Yan Xue told the whole story about her return to Wuhun Continent, but everyone was speechless.

"At this point, we can only fight with the Pisces Monarch." The Ghost Emperor said with a chill in his eyes!

"Yes, I fought him to avenge my dead companion." Ghost Shisan clenched his fists tightly, looking murderous.

The ghost emperor's strength is not as good as before. Without Guihan Bingxin, he is not the peak strength.

Ghost Jian frowned sadly, then pointed to the sky, the formation guarding the new city of Ghost Cry City won't be able to stop for a long time, it's not good to sit and wait for death.

Oni Yasha suggested to kill the three generals outside before the Pisces Lord came. At this moment, the Pisces Lord is really just like a water fish, stupidly still studying! ! !

Led by the Ghost Emperor himself, there will be another big battle outside the city of Devil May Cry in Xincheng!
The three generals of the Pisces Monarch are at the gate of the city arrogantly at the moment!

"Come out and suffer death, dead dogs, dead dogs, ghost islands, they are all a group of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death." General Dongzheng Qu sat on his mount, his eyes flickering with disdain.

"There are a bunch of scum left, Old Qu, stop shouting, if you call a dog, they will get angry, but they are not as good as animals." General Xizheng Cheng jokingly said, his face was slightly startled, and his eyes were fixed on Xincheng Ghost weeping city.

"Hahaha, you are scolding well, you are right, they are a group of defeated generals, and now they dare not come out of the city gate, they are too cowardly." General Nanzheng Yang laughed loudly, his arrogance was impressive. want to hit him.

Ghost Shisan really couldn't bear their insults like this, and shouted urgently: "Let me go out, at least it will stop them from being so crazy."

"Make him crazy!"

The Ghost Emperor shook his head, now is not the time to go out, wait a little longer!
Hearing this, the little guy said in a childish voice: "Humans must be in trouble!"

Yan Xuefei covered her mouth and smiled: "You are the smartest." She said rubbing her head.

This time the little guy looked directly at her, and then asked with a smile: "Yan Mama, you are so beautiful, will Sissy grow up to be like you when she grows up?"

Concubine Yan Xue, who had changed her clothes, was simply the best in the world, even the little ones were attracted, the former was so beautiful that both young and old were fascinated.

Every step you take is like a fairy walking, and walking seems to bring a gust of wind.

"Sure, Sissy is the most beautiful, most beautiful and... fairy in the future."

Yan Xuefei pinched the little guy's face in a funny way, it was so pink and tender, it was so easy to pinch, she was reluctant to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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