Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1269 The Battle Begins

Chapter 1269 The Battle Begins

"Then I'm the most beautiful...the most about Yan Mama?"

"Me, I'm second best."

Hearing this, the little guy immediately retorted: "No, no, big sister is second...Little Irene is third...I am fourth...and then..."

She hooked her finger, as if it was gone, and then smiled and said: "Then you are fifth, no more."

"Okay, then I will be fifth!"

Yan Xuefei almost laughed, why is this child so cute, it's incredible, it makes her want to have one, it's so cute.

Beibei moved a small stool, climbed up clumsily, looked down on the city wall, and saw tens of thousands of densely packed troops ahead.

"Huhu, there are so many bad guys, what should I do if Shuai Shushu hasn't come yet?" Beibei rubbed her forehead, lost in thought.

Suddenly there was a small head next to her, that is, little Irene followed her. After being arrested this time, the latter decided to stay with Beibei for the time being.

"Brother, it must be here!" Little Irene blinked and blinked, with a firm expression on her face!

Beibei scratched her head blankly, has her handsome uncle come, why doesn't she know, where is it?where?

He is not here, but every move here is played on the TV in the living room. There is a huge recording crystal above Ghost Island, which is hidden in the thick clouds, like a satellite.

At this time, An Qing seemed to realize that the little guy was no longer here, so she rushed downstairs immediately, but she was dumbfounded when she saw this situation.

And Lin Qiuyan and the others were calling Ling Yun's mobile phone, and the latter said that Long Yanran took them to play, and she wanted to make up for Qianqian's absence on her birthday.

Only then did Lin Qiuyan and her husband give up their plan to search, and they were just as dumbfounded as An Qing when they returned to the villa!


The couple thought it was a movie and watched it with a smile all the time. They also asked An Qing when the movie would be officially released, and why there was no sound?

Ling Yun explained, this is silent, and it is still being perfected, anyway, the two elders don't understand, so they can only trust Ling Yun.

Little Irene is just relying on her feelings, she doesn't even know it!

Hearing this, Beibei curled her lips, she knew she hadn't come yet, and she was very hungry.

No one came out to fight in Ghost Cry City in Xincheng, General Dongzheng Qu insulted again: "Trash, trash, the people in Ghost Island are all trash, there are mothers but no fathers to support them."

No matter how ugly the words you say, you can hide from them!
Ghost Shisan screamed like crazy, and the ghost prince on one side held him down to stop him from being so impulsive. This is a provocative method.

"Sister, they are bad, scolding people!" The little guy said in a childish voice, his brows were tightly frowned, and he had a vicious look on his face.

"It's bad, they're going to beat us." Beibei responded, her eyes began to roll around.

"Are we going to hit them?"


The two little guys started to mutter, and the little Irene on the side laughed loudly when she heard it.

Ghost Yaksha said: "I'm going out now, let them have a look first."

Ghost Emperor nodded, agreeing with Ghost Yasha's approach, Ghost Shisan was speechless, why couldn't he go?Is the strength too low?

"Grandson, why are you calling grandpa out?" Gui Yasha smiled, and his figure suddenly appeared from the formation.

General Dongzheng Qu frowned. Why did he come out alone? He was a little disappointed. He thought that their scheme would make all the people of Guidao come out and die obediently.

"Grandpa, who is your name?" General Xizheng Cheng stared at Ghost Yasha coldly.

"Grandpa is calling you, my good grandson." Gui Yasha laughed loudly.

"You... are mad at me, come here, go and kill him." General Xi Zhengcheng said angrily, his eyes flickering with a cold light.

Immediately, dozens of men in white armor rushed towards Ghost Yasha!

Boom! !
None of these people were opponents, and they were wiped out with one move. General Xi Zhengcheng's face was very ugly, and he waved dozens of men in white armor to go up!
The cultivation base of these dozens of immortals is too low, but they are proficient in formations, and Ghost Yasha was entangled for a while.

Smoke and dust billowed from behind, Lu Changlong led the army as the general of the Northern Expedition, and quickly surrounded the huge new city Ghost Weeping City.

"Who are you?" General Dongzheng Qu immediately appeared in front of Lu Changlong and asked, his eyes fixed on him!
One of Lu Changlong's subordinates said: "He is the General of the Northern Expedition just appointed by the Pisces Monarch!"

"Oh... Where's the monarch?" General Dongzheng Qu frowned, he was a bit confused about Lu Changlong's cultivation level, a general appointed suddenly?What kind of strength will it be!
"The monarch? Hahaha, to deal with these shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the monarch needs to come in person. You are too incompetent." Lu Changlong shook his head, his eyes were extremely sharp, like the gaze of a poisonous snake.

"What a big tone, let's see how you capture the new city of Devil May Cry!" Hearing this, General Dongzheng Qu laughed instead of anger.

Little Irene saw Lu Changlong in the distance at a glance, and the little aggrieved eyes appeared again!

"The bad sister is him, it's him, grab the baby... beat him!"

Beibei said: "Yeah, I'll beat him up for you! Let him be so bad that he catches my sister!"

Obviously, she also recognized Lu Changlong in the crowd!

Just when she was about to unleash her mighty Xiangyu Eighteen Punches, a huge earth dragon suddenly appeared on the ground below, and Beibei's face turned black.

Didn't you just listen to her?The little guy is really messing around.

The little guy pretended not to know anything, and after imitating Ling Yun and snapping his fingers, he said in a childish voice, "It's none of my business, look... it's a big dragon, is it my daddy?"

Beibei's face darkened again, think she is stupid!


This huge earth dragon shuttled among the enemy troops, messing up the enemy's position, killing countless people in white armor, and screaming miserably.

"I'll go, what's the situation?" The ghost prince's eyes widened!

The old woman laughed and said, "Could it be the Pluto who has arrived, who has such means, probably only the Pluto in the whole world."

" comes!" Gui Shisan gasped, that giant dragon was really awesome, with such a powerful force, he couldn't do it in other places.

Concubine Yan Xue blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at the battlefield below, expecting to see Ling Yun's figure, but in the end she saw nothing except the dragon, and was very disappointed.

"Bite him, you bite him, it's him!" The little guy pointed at Lu Changlong excitedly, the latter kept hiding again and again, even the huge body of Tulong couldn't do anything to him.

General Dongzheng Qu said angrily: "Naughty animal, you are a fake. You have no dragon prestige at all, and I don't know how you got here."

With one palm, the huge earth dragon head was destroyed, and then the whole dragon body was shattered, and countless earth dregs fell down.

Even so, one-tenth of the enemy army died, which gave everyone on Onijima great confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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