Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1286 Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect

Chapter 1286 Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect
Are you angry?
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth sneered, and Ghost Emperor and the others were also very angry!
"Your strength can't do anything to us. To be honest, I'm surprised. Why is your strength so powerful?"

Doubts arose in Yiwei's heart. It was the first time that Lingyun in front of him could have such power in the Twelve Domains!

They haven't reached that level and they don't understand at all. They were summoned by necromancers, and they don't understand the meaning of the power in the body in the form of Ling Yun's first god.

"Want to know? Ask the dead." Ling Yun smiled playfully!
Ling Yun's figure emerged, and a ball of ghostly fire in his hand photographed a certain Huangquan guard, who disappeared in an instant, and disappeared in ashes.

The Huangquan guards and the others didn't realize at all that the soul that was killed by Ling Yun just now was wiped out, unable to possess him.

Ling Yun should have thought of it long ago!
"Handsome Shushu, ten thousand swords return to the sect! Ten thousand swords return to the sect!"

Beibei yelled excitedly, and even the little guy yelled along, insisting that Ling Yun should show it off.

"As you wish!" Ling Yun pulled out the next sword from the void. The whole body of the sword was black, and a power that shocked the soul suddenly shot up into the sky!

"What kind of sword, it's so terrifying!" This is the reason why Yiwei turned pale with fright, his soul was trembling with fear.

"It's your fear. Since you are possessed by souls, all you need to do is destroy your souls." Ling Yun smiled strangely, his eyes radiating a chilling light!
"What? Unexpectedly...unexpectedly..." Second Wei was terrified, and there were only twelve of them left after counting them.

"Escape...Leave first...After you get out, notify the evil king to interrogate your lord." Yiwei immediately turned around and flew away!

"Run away... run away... Shuai Shushu..."

"Can't run!"

Ling Yun crushed the ground with one foot, and the fire of the netherworld gushed out from the ground, forcing them to fly through the air. This is what Ling Yun wanted.

I saw the black ancient sword in Ling Yun's hand flying away, shaking violently in mid-air, and transformed into countless swords in an instant, breaking into the ground one by one, waiting for Ling Yun's call!
"It's too late, accept death!"

After the words fell, everyone didn't blink their eyes, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

At this time, there are countless sharp swords floating around the black ancient sword, all of which are exactly the same, exuding the majesty of sword intent, being scorched by those ghostly fires, they are extremely hot in an instant.

The power of this sword intent enveloped the entire ghost island, and its power soared to the sky.

The majesty of the sword intent made the Ghost Emperor and the Huangquan guards who were running away with all their strength feel their bodies tremble. A sword intent seemed to penetrate into their bones, making them feel fear from the depths of their souls, and looked at him with horror in their eyes. This scene in front of me.

The scene in front of them was extremely shocking, and everyone on Guidao shrank their pupils, their pupils flickering.

"This kid's talent in swordsmanship is really powerful. He can actually fuse ten thousand swords, hide ten thousand swords in his body, and reach the terrifying level of being able to use all the ten thousand swords at will. Is it true that ten thousand swords belong to the sect?" Ghost Emperor murmured to himself. , His eyes were stunned by the shocking scene.


Ling Yun spat out word by word, his eyes filled with endless sword intent.

As soon as his words fell, countless thunderclaps sounded in the void, and these countless flying swords blasted out towards the distance with terrifying sword intent.

Each sword is enough to kill a strong Immortal Emperor, and how terrifying the combined power of these thousands of swords is, it is unimaginable.

The scene of thousands of swords flying together shocked everyone present.

"It turned out to be the return of ten thousand swords, and Pluto really knows how to return ten thousand swords to the sect!" The Pisces Monarch's feet and hands were shaking, and his whole body trembled, it was so shocking!

Beibei and the little guy looked at this scene with shocking expressions on their faces, and there was a sparkle in their eyes, which were little eyes of admiration.

The endless sword energy light covered the sky, making it impossible for people to see the existence of black clouds.

Everyone in Guidao looked at this scene with dull eyes, completely shocked and unable to react, and everyone's expressions froze.

There were bursts of heart-piercing screams in the distance, and their souls were annihilated in an instant.

The Pisces Monarch's face is ashen, like a dead dog!
Huang Quan Jinwei is finished, his hope is completely gone!

Wan Jian Guizong has not finished its performance yet!

Immediately, the innumerable black ancient swords in the void were all fused together, and the thousands of swords were directly fused into one sword, and it goes without saying how terrifying the power of this sword is!
It's a bit more terrifying than the aura of returning to the sect with ten thousand swords just now.

The giant sword flew straight over, the Pisces Monarch's eyes widened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, that power alone made him despair!

Immediately, the sword's light was released again, the terrifying sword intent spread, and the void collapsed inch by inch, as if it was difficult to withstand the power of the sword.

The Ghost Emperor and the others also felt a strong sense of crisis. This sword brought them a very strong sense of crisis, and they felt like death was coming.

A sword ended Pisces Monarch's life without screaming. It happened too quickly. After the light disappeared, Pisces Monarch's body trembled. He was breathless. His chest was pierced by the sword energy, and his body was broken.

And that ancient black sword was still piercing the Pisces Sovereign's chest, Ling Yun retracted it with his left hand, and inserted it back into the void again!

The Ghost Emperor swallowed his saliva, looked at the Pisces Monarch's corpse, his gaze stayed, and he found that the wounds were all burnt!
The scene was so quiet, just as everyone was in a trance, the little guy immediately clapped his hands and applauded, Beibei couldn't even close his big mouth.


The Pisces Monarch's normal voice sounded, and his body returned to normal after a burst of golden light, the last life!
He thought that if he died, he would be free, and he would regain his last life in his Pisces Continent, how ridiculous it is now.

When the ghost emperor thought about it, he immediately understood that the main body of the Pisces monarch was the nine-life cat demon, and this made sense.

"The devil... the devil..."

The king of Pisces was terrified, seeing Ling Yun's half-smile, he was so frightened that he hid behind the stone statue all the time, the ridiculous thing was that his right hand was still imprisoned.

The Ghost Emperor and the others laughed at the Pisces Monarch, and then several people surrounded him. The new body must give him a beating.


The little guy ran over happily, and he didn't care about the Pisces monarch.

"Have you met yet?" Ling Yun picked her up easily.

From now on, the little guy was about to accept his test, so his tone was a little weak.

"That's amazing, does Qianqian want to learn too?" The little guy kept looking at Ling Yun, and his brows frowned slightly, because Ling Yun's face gradually turned pale, and Ling Yun had no choice but to lie to the little guy.

"You... are you okay?" Yan Xuefei was startled!
Now he is not only pale, but also has traces of blackness on his face, it looks like he has been poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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