Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1287 Ye Fei is making trouble?

Chapter 1287 Ye Fei is making trouble?

"I...I'm fine, don't worry." Ling Yun forced a smile, this old showman!
The little guy scratched his head: "Did Baba suffer from kidney deficiency again?"

Ling Yun: "..."

Beibei ran over, and said in a childish voice, "No... No... Handsome Shushu must be injured."

Hearing this, the Ghost Emperor came over to take a look at the first time, and was startled when he saw Ling Yun's face!
"Boy... how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, I'm a little weak!" Ling Yun smiled at the little guy!

The Ghost Emperor didn't believe it, but he was stared at by Ling Yun, and he held back his words!
The little guy lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking, Ling Yun was secretly happy, and finally fooled the little guy.

"Old boy, your ghost island is completely gone, that is, it exists in name only. What are your plans for the future?" Ling Yun said, taking the little ones to the side, and sat down to rest!
"Hey... What else can I plan, take one step at a time, and now I want to rebuild Ghost Island." Ghost Emperor said truthfully.

"Ghost Island can be rebuilt, but this place is considered abandoned."

Ling Yun's words are obvious, all the ancient formations on this island have been destroyed, losing the original ghost island features.

"I can only find another place. It's not easy! Whether it's manpower or financial resources, we need it! Boy, do you have any suggestions?"

Ghost Island originally exchanged treasures for ghost coins, but now that Ghost Island has become like this, where there are treasures, ghost coins are not recognized by the outside world.

So at this moment, the ghost emperor is jingling, and there are only a few companions left by his subordinates, ghost Yasha, ghost Jianshou, ghost evil man, old woman, ghost thirteen, and Yan Xuefei!

Guidao suffered heavy losses, and everything was the fault of Pisces Lord, who was beaten again.

"Fucking shit, you uncle, Pisces is a dead cat, I can't spare you!"

Thinking of how much he had lost, the Ghost Emperor was filled with anger, and looked coldly at the Pisces Monarch, who was trembling from his stare.

"By the way, how did your Ghost Island provoke this idiot?" Ling Yun asked curiously!

As for the Pisces Monarch, the latter wanted to cry when he heard it, but he was really stupid, so stupid that even he himself disliked it.

"Concubine Xue, tell your concubine!"

"Ahem...Old boy, you think too much, don't hurt her reputation." Ling Yun rolled his eyes again and again!

The ghost emperor smiled awkwardly, it turned out that he himself made a mistake, how embarrassing!
Concubine Yan Xue blushed, and immediately told Ling Yun everything. This time, Ling Yun was very excited when she heard the whereabouts of the Medicine King Cauldron, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times. It took no effort at all!

As for the little one and Beibei, both children started asking Yan Xuefei for it!The latter shook his head helplessly.

"So bloody, this idiot is worthy of the name." Ling Yun laughed amusedly, mocking the IQ of the Pisces Monarch.

Do not believe false rumors!
Attacking Guidao rashly without investigating beforehand is really a failure in life and deserves to lose!
Only then did the Pisces monarch know that he had been cheated.

"Ling Yun, I'll show you his portrait." Yan Xuefei immediately took out a picture, and as soon as the picture was drawn, two little heads stared at it!

"Not handsome at all!"

"Yan Mama, is this your concubine?" The little guy pointed at the man in the painting and asked in a childish voice!
The corners of the mouths of several people twitched, she already knew what it meant, why is she so smart, she just came into contact with this word!

Yan Xuefei glanced at Ling Yun and then lowered her head, she didn't need to look at the painting, but the latter put all his heart on the man in the painting.

"Are you sure that the Medicine King Cauldron, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times, has something to do with him?" Ghost Emperor asked, rolling his eyes. To be honest, he didn't believe it!
Concubine Yan Xue shook her head, she didn't know, the painting was drawn by her grandfather on the spot, she was there at the time, her grandfather meant that it was related, anyway, there were many doubts.

Ling Yun guessed that if there was a relationship, then this man was the spirit of the Yao Wang Ding itself, or he was recognized by the Yao Wang Ding.

If he is recognized as the master, this man will definitely be able to refine medicine by now, and the scope of searching for him will be much narrowed.

If not, it would be difficult. Qi Ling must be wandering around to find a suitable master to inherit the Medicine King Cauldron.

"Put this painting away, don't let other people know, why are so many people looking for the top ten artifacts of ancient times?" Ling Yun was puzzled, there were records from ancient times, but it was a frenzy at this time.

Concubine Yan Xue said: "I don't know, I heard that it was spread by a person named Master Ye Fei, and all the concubines who were killed were implicated, which led to Ghost Island..."

As she said that, she became depressed, it was all her fault, and it was Master Ye Fei's fault even more!
Ling Yun blinked, and asked with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, "Are you sure it's Ye Fei?"

"I can't be wrong, the frenzy he unleashed, I've heard, is definitely not the slightest bit false." Yan Xuefei nodded her head heavily.

"Oh...Yefei Shushu is so bad!" The little guy pouted!

Ling Yun couldn't figure it out now, why did Ye Fei want to disturb the Twelve Realms? Was it really to collect the top ten ancient artifacts?
"I don't know if the Ye Fei you are talking about is True Monarch Ye Fei." Yan Xuefei shook her head and said!
Can't go wrong!
According to Ye Fei's pissing nature, Ling Yun could guess that this name is so ugly, who else would use it if he didn't use it!

"Is he in the Catmull League?"

"I don't know, but many people around him are members of the Catmull League."

In this way, Ling Yun's guess was correct, Ye Fei was True Monarch Ye Fei, and this was the first time he had heard from him in such a long time.

Seeing Ling Yun's expression and the little guy's actions, Yan Xuefei knew that Master Ye Fei was someone they knew, and she was speechless.

"Handsome, don't beat him to death, he's so bad." Beibei suddenly pointed at the Pisces Monarch who had been kicked by Ghost Yasha all this time!

"Well, no, it's too cheap for him." Little Irene said in a childish voice, her little head was almost shaking like a wavy drum.

"Oh, then what do you think, three young adults?"

"It's stuck here!"

"Let him stay here all the time, starve him to death!"

"Well, you're right, it's the most pitiful thing if you can't eat hot food."

The three little fellows came up with these strange punishments one after another as they said what they said.

The Ghost Emperor said: "Is it dangerous to trap him here? If he is rescued by the other three monarchs, wouldn't it be a catastrophe?"

"Someone must watch over him! Just in case!" Yan Xuefei felt that the little guys' suggestions were good!
"Prison?" Ling Yun frowned!
"Get Brother Li's Linglong Pagoda so that he can't get out!" Beibei said!

"Okay, so he can't come out, and he can't be killed."

In the little guy's memory, the Linglong Pagoda was a very powerful magic weapon in the stories Ling Yun told them.

(End of this chapter)

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