Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1288 The Demon Tower

Chapter 1288 Demon Suppressing Tower (Part [-])
Especially Beibei has always wanted to see what the Linglong Pagoda looks like.

Ling Yun jumped into the pit this time, where did he get the Linglong Pagoda?

Seeing their expectant eyes, Ling Yun could only smile helplessly.

"Wait a minute, I'll borrow a Linglong Pagoda from your brother Li right away."

"Okay, okay."

Hearing this, the three little guys clapped their hands excitedly.

They all watched Ling Yun's movements without blinking their eyes, only to see him stretching his hand into the void, this action made the little guy's face black instantly!
When she is stupid?

But she rolled her eyes, watched quietly first, or waited for the result to come out.

On the other side of the void is the endless sea of ​​stars. Ling Yun's hand suddenly came out from here, and immediately began to temper a pagoda. For a person like him, it was almost easy to grasp.

There were piles of strange fires in the palm of the hand, and all the materials were used. Using the fastest method, a flawless pagoda appeared.

"No, look, I didn't lie to you, did I!" Ling Yun showed them to them as soon as he finished training!
The little guy's eyes widened, he really borrowed it, so fast, without talking, definitely not!

"No, no, this is Papa's." The little guy said in a firm tone!

Ling Yun: "..."

Embarrassing, I can't fool the little guy!

"Oh, Sissy is indeed a smart child, it belongs to me, but it's like some exquisite pagoda, look how exquisite it is!" Ling Yun patted the little guy's head and explained truthfully.

Beibei didn't know anything, and she almost believed what Ling Yun said just now, but when she heard Ling Yun's words again, she nodded her head heavily, but she didn't understand anything.

"Quick...quickly calm him down, like Brother Fahai." Beibei's voice was childish, her eyes sparkling! !
"Yeah, yum."

Little Irene also supported Beibei's words.

"Wait... I'll draw some more formations, inscriptions and so on, so that he will be tortured forever, and see if he dares to bully our cute little Irene." Ling Yun said, and began to play around in the pagoda!
After a burst of golden light, the pagoda seemed to be the same as before, and the ghost emperor with amazing eyesight immediately found the key!

I have to say, Ling Yun's move made the Ghost Emperor worship again!

"Papa is amazing, but why are they the same?" the little guy scratched his head and asked curiously, the front and back are the same!

Ling Yun explained carefully, he was so handsome when he was serious, Concubine Yan Xue didn't even dare to look at him, his willow eyebrows were raised slightly, his autumn eyes blinked, his face was a little rosy, crystal clear and could be broken with a finger.

With Lingyun rising, the pagoda rapidly grew larger, and immediately sucked in the Pisces Monarch imprisoned by the stone statue, and it hovered in mid-air non-stop.

The Pisces monarch heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly rejoiced in his heart. He finally got rid of that hateful stone statue, and now he is waiting for him to slowly regain some strength and escape!

After coming in to see the four weeks clearly, he was sweating profusely, from excitement to loss to despair, this place is a prison!

Surrounded by a desert, the ground is extremely hot, every step is very heavy, like carrying a big mountain on your back.

And he found that no matter how he tried to escape, he couldn't get out, as if there was no exit, and he had no strength at all, so he could only rely on his physical body to move. This was just the beginning!
Not long after, he felt the cruelty here, the wind would cut him, the weather would be cold from time to time, and there would be lightning on the ground that would shock him from time to time, and he was the only one without water or food!
This time the little ones stopped arguing and watched the Pisces Monarch quietly in the tower. From a certain tower window, you can really see the activities of the Pisces Monarch inside.

This pagoda was erected by Ling Yun in the main city, locked with five iron chains, and a lot of formations were arranged outside to prevent others from entering, it looked like a Linglong pagoda!
But the little guy insisted on changing his name. After discussing with Beibei, she decided to call it Yuexia Town Demon Tower, and decided to send all the big shots caught in the future!
"Pisces villain, you will stay here from now on, reflect carefully, if you behave well inside, I will let you out." Beibei said in a milky voice.

It is said that the Pisces Monarch does not take it seriously, he will not admit his mistake, what good behavior?Go away, one day he will go out with his strength, firmly believing that someone will come to save him.

"As long as you know your mistakes and can correct them, you are a good boy." The little guy said!
Little Irene has no objections either!

Ling Yun nodded and said: "Dead cat, you can thank my daughter, and your record will be remembered by this tower in the future. If you behave well, you can reduce your sentence and avoid some pain."

The Ghost Emperor is absolutely unwilling, he always wants Ling Yun to never let him out!
"Lord Pluto, think twice." Gui Jianchou and the others knelt down, adoring Ling Yun's expression in their eyes.

"Don't go your own way."

"Needless to say, this is not up to me to decide." Ling Yun shook his head and laughed!
All of this is the meaning of the little guy, this tower has been regarded as their own by them!

The ghost emperor hesitated to speak, he wanted to speak again, but was stopped by the old woman, and pointed at the three excited little guys!



"what happened?"

"In the future, when we catch bad guys, don't kill them if we can. Throw them inside and let them out after they are obedient. Is that good?" the little guy asked in a childish voice.

Concubine Yan Xue was so comforted, her goddaughter was so kind, she didn't know if it was right!
"Listen to you!" Ling Yun smiled, this is a method, and the little guy will understand in the future that it is best to kill the heinous people, such as the Pisces Lord in the tower!
"Well, then..." The little guy rubbed his forehead doubtfully!
Ling Yun blinked, and immediately guessed what she wanted to say!
He took out another tower from the void, which was exactly the same shape as the Moon Town Demon Tower. The Ghost Emperor and the others were dumbfounded, there were so many secret treasures!

People are more popular than dead people!

Ling Yun said that in the future, if he catches bad guys who don't want to be killed, he will use this small pagoda to store them in. After passing through the space, he will put them into the big pagoda on Ghost Island!

The little guy is holding the little pagoda, showing the little crescent moon and smiling from ear to ear. Listening to Ling Yun's explanation, a mother and a child are so funny.

Since this place is used as a place of imprisonment, it is necessary to make good use of it and strengthen the formation around Guidao, whoever enters will be sent to death.

After some repairs, Ghost Island doesn't seem to have changed much, but otherwise, there are murderous threats everywhere, and there are fortresses one after another. If someone accidentally enters, what awaits him is death.

During this period of time, the little guy ate and drank enough and watched the fireworks, and finally he was happy to take a bath.

It was the first time for the little girl to spend the night on Ghost Island, and she didn't plan to go back to Blue Star, which was exactly what Ling Yun wanted, and the latter planned to implement the plan tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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