Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1289 Plan

Chapter 1289 Intention (Second Update)

Concubine Yan Xuefei and the old woman were bathing them, but the latter unexpectedly didn't ask Ling Yun to come in or tell a story.

"Sissy, is the ideal an empress? It's so big!" Yan Xuefei asked curiously, secretly thinking that at such a young age, she actually understands everything.

"Yeah, just like Aunt Yaoyue, wearing a crown, empress!" The little guy replied in a childish voice!

Beibei laughed and said, "It's the Queen, not Queen Eight!"


Concubine Yan Xue covered her hands and laughed, she was really dumbfounded by the three of them!
"Sister's dream? It's so great." Little Irene said in a childish voice!
"Yes, what great dream does little Irene have? Is she also the queen?" Yan Xuefei asked curiously, she has all three of them, she already knows about Sissy and Beibei, and little Irene is the only one!

"Baby wants to have a tiny house."

"House? What kind of house, such a low dream."

"Baby's ideal house, the roof is ice cream, the chimney is barbecue, the bed is peaches, the pillows are all watermelons, the rain is raisins, the snow is lollipops, the front yard is Wangzai, the river The ones that float in the river are full of peaches, the ones that swim in the river and fly in the sky are all edible, and the baby will automatically line up and jump into my mouth after drinking, and the clouds in the sky are still cotton candy.”

Little Irene finished speaking in one breath, and the faces of the little guy and Beibei turned black, but they both gave a thumbs up.

"Wow...Little Irene is such a great ideal."

Their baby voices are all in unison!

"Is it all food?"

Hearing this, Concubine Yan Xue was completely speechless, this is a snack, what dreams are you telling her!

After a while of busy work, the little one finished washing, and Ling Yun was making plans!

He lay on the ground first, feeling weak and pale!

"Papa, what's wrong with you." The little guy ran over and pushed him!
"I am fine."

Ling Yun forced a smile.

The little guy shook his head in disbelief. He had already discovered that something was wrong with her father.

Concubine Yan Xue felt a lump in her heart, feeling inexplicably sad, she looked at Ling Yun's pale face and asked, "Ling Yun, are you poisoned?"

"What nonsense, there's nothing wrong with it." Ling Yun replied feebly, trying his best to cover up something.

Yan Xuefei suddenly had a sore nose, and turned her head to wipe the corners of her eyes!

"Hey, I'm sick, I'll be fine soon!"

"How long will it take?"

"I don't know, I heard that there is an elixir that can cure Dad."

"Huh...where is it? But...isn't it okay to eat that kind of black elixir? I have a lot of it in my hand." The little guy replied innocently. In her impression, her father's elixir was nothing. unable!
Ling Yun shook his head and said: "It's not the same, Qianqian don't ask so many questions, go to sleep now!"

Beibei said: "Don't be so handsome, I'll help you buy the elixir, you'll be fine after taking it, your waist won't hurt, your legs won't be sore, and your kidneys will be very good!"


Ling Yun himself laughed.

"Hmmmm, where is the elixir?" the little guy asked.

Concubine Yan Xue also pricked up her ears to eavesdrop!
"It's in Wuhun Continent."

Ling Yun has already planned, let them start in the Wuhun Continent, the first thing is to conquer that continent, and at the same time, they must find out the real situation of the Medicine King Cauldron, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient times.

"Let's go right away!" The little guy started to grab Ling Yun's hand, trying to pull him up from the ground!

"No hurry, no hurry, let's do it tomorrow." Ling Yun was full of relief.

Yan Xuefei said: "Is there any elixir in Wuhun Continent that can save you, tell me, I am still familiar with it."

"The poisonous weed!"

"It's it!"

A hint of disappointment flashed in Yan Xuefei's eyes. The poisonous weed has been recorded in the Wuhun Continent for a long time, but it only lasts for ten thousand years, and it has never been heard of in recent tens of thousands of years.

Seeing Ling Yun's haggard face, Yan Xuefei gritted her teeth: "Don't worry, I will find it for you, no matter what!"

"Thank you!"

Ling Yun laughed lightly, then got up, and coaxed the three little guys to sleep, but Concubine Yan Xue sat on the ground blankly, she was destined to have a sleepless night tonight, too many things happened.

late at night!

The largest sealed land Demon God Haili!

In the area where the evil king questioned, several black-robed subordinates waited anxiously at the entrance of a certain cave, and after a while, two paths came out of the cave!

"What disturbed this king?" Xie Wang frowned in displeasure, staring coldly at the black-robed subordinates in front of him.

"My lord, something is wrong." A black-robed subordinate said with a look of astonishment.

"What's the matter?"

The necromancer frowned, quite curious! !

"Master Necromancer, your thirteen Huangquan guards are dead, and the yin talisman paper burned by itself."


Hearing this, the necromancer's face was extremely shocked, and his eyes widened.

The evil king asked the crime: "How is it possible, that is immortal, unless..."

"Unless... you also know, but he is the only one who can kill them, that brat, Hades!" The necromancer smiled wryly!
He had heard about Ling Yun's deeds in ancient times!
Jiuyuan Mingze is his ancient name, and many people like to call him Mingshen.

The evil king yelled frantically when he asked the crime, he was angry with a look of disbelief!

"Have you found Master Yinfeng?"

"Not a single drop."

"Keep looking for me!!"


Several black-robed subordinates retreated in fear! !

The necromancer said: "Are you still sending people out?"

"No, no, no, he is very powerful. You know the things in ancient times. Now, after so many years, he is no longer what he was back then. Those who are sent out are all sent to die, which is meaningless."

All of a sudden, the evil king's questioning of the crime was as if he had seen it, and he was not as reckless as before!
"I'm just afraid that you will be filled with anger. In fact, we are not absolutely sure to kill him outside. If he has a godhead, he can only be sealed."

Said the necromancer!

"Impossible, the ancients destroyed everything, and his godhead must have been taken away. Strength is nothing more than strength."

"Hope it!"

"How to seal it? Same as us?" Xie Wang asked.

"Yes, let Jiuyuan Mingze come to the Demon God Sea, and we will seal him together, without waiting for Lord Yinfeng, who is too powerful. If he is born, you and I must know that the Demon God Sea belongs to him, and we are all subjects."

"Here comes the question, how did he come to Demon God Sea on his own initiative?" Xie Wang asked, frowning and rubbing his chin.

"Didn't you say that he has a daughter? Hehe...Children...There is always curiosity. Besides, if you kill her, the angry Jiuyuan Mingze will naturally find you desperately."

The eyes of necromancer magic radiated this cold light.

"I'll listen to you for the last time, keep a low profile this time, send a smart person to approach them, and find the right time to do it."

The evil king asked the crime to agree again!

(End of this chapter)

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