Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1290

Chapter 1290 Make it clear (third)

"I will make arrangements, Lord Xie Wang, don't worry." The corner of the necromancer's mouth sneered, his eyes radiating a cold light.

The evil king smiled satisfied when he asked the crime!
Between Ling Yun and Ling Yun, they are already endless. To tell the truth, if they don't win the game, he will not accept it.

Ghost Island!

Ling Yun told a few stories to the little ones, and they fell asleep peacefully, while he turned around and walked out of the tent, looking at the sky!

In the tent in the distance, Yan Xuefei came out, and the two of them looked at each other unexpectedly as if they had made an appointment.

Ling Yun sat down after walking a few steps, with a smile on the corner of his mouth!

Yan Xuefei said: "Are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine, I will trouble you in Wuhun Continent in the future."

"No way, it's just the poisonous weed you need. I'm afraid I have nothing to do, so try to find out." Yan Xuefei said.


The two stopped talking after that, and lay quietly on the ground, looking up at the starry sky!

I don't know how long it took, Yan Xuefei frowned slightly and said, "The mysterious woman who suddenly appeared today, why does this concubine feel a sense of familiarity?"

"Just like her, you have the special martial soul of the immortal blood phoenix. To be precise, the immortal martial soul in your body belongs to her." Ling Yun said truthfully.

"Ah... the immortal blood phoenix is ​​hers?" Yan Xuefei's eyes widened immediately.

"That's right, she made it with the essence and blood in her body."

"It's unbelievable, how did you know, she told you?" Yan Xuefei had some doubts in her heart, it seemed that the mysterious woman didn't know Ling Yun.

"That's right...she told me." Ling Yun's mind suddenly recalled the past, and the corner of his mouth smiled!

It could be seen that Ling Yun didn't really want to talk about the past, so Yan Xuefei didn't ask any more questions.

"That woman is the daughter of heaven, you'd better not mess with her, don't look at her cute surface, sometimes when she goes crazy, she will be the same as me."

"Heaven's daughter... daughter?" Yan Xuefei's beautiful eyes widened again!
Immediately, Ling Yun told her about the origin of the Goddess of Life. The latter's mouth was wide open after listening to her, and his forehead was dripping with sweat.

Such a terrifying woman actually existed in ancient times, but why is she willing to do nothing, with all her strength, and not uphold justice!

However, Concubine Yan Xue looked at Ling Yun in front of her, and she was speechless immediately. What is justice and injustice? This guy is the target of the ancient human beings.

For the first time, she learned from Ling Yun's mouth that there are levels above the cultivation of the Immortal Emperor, and the Goddess of Life is a god. No wonder she behaved today...


She thought of something, and her face turned pale!

Is the goddess of life a god?

So what is Ling Yun who repelled her today?
"Don't think too much, I'm just an ordinary person." Ling Yun smiled and guessed what Yan Xuefei was thinking!
Yan Xuefei rolled her eyes: "Yes, an ordinary person pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

"Look here, I'll go back and explain something, it's a little sudden."

Ling Yun stood up, came here from Blue Star, he hadn't told his parents about it yet, it would be difficult to explain if asked.

"How long will it take?" Yan Xuefei asked.

"I can come back tomorrow."

According to the time, he would not be able to come back until dawn on Guidao at the earliest.

"Then you go, I can coax them when they wake up tomorrow."

"Okay, please!"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, she unexpectedly gave Yan Xuefei a hug. The latter's beautiful eyes were stunned, and she was in a daze. She didn't know when Ling Yun would leave.

Ling Yun returned to Blue Star, mentioned the Twelve Domains to his parents, and left a formation in the room, telling them that if they reached the Nascent Soul stage, they would go to Yuexiaju to find him!
The two elders didn't know what language to use to speak, and they were extremely shocked. There is so much more in this world besides this world!
After explaining clearly, Ling Yun asked An Qing to go to Wuhun Continent with him, the latter shook her head, she asked Ling Yun to accompany Qianqian to go first, she was dealing with some things in Blue Star, so she will be there later!

Ling Yun kisses An Qing goodbye!

Ghost Island!

Concubine Yan Xue sighed, and was about to go back to rest, when she felt a familiar feeling, and she was shocked!

She quickly walked into the largest tent, and she found that mysterious woman, the goddess of life!

"Don't...don't hurt her."

Seeing the goddess of life picking up the little guy, Yan Xuefei panicked to the extreme! !

"This is Pluto's daughter. She is so cute when she is sleeping quietly. It is amazing to have such great power at only three years old." The goddess of life smiled and teased the little guy's face with her fingers. , Pink and pink!
"You don't mean to..." Yan Xuefei asked uncertainly, she suspected that the goddess of life came to kill the little guy!Just because she is the daughter of heaven, Pluto is a sinner!
"Don't be afraid, I came here to apologize. I scared her today, but my purpose will not change, but the method will change. As long as I defeat Pluto, I can purify the power in her body." The goddess of life said bluntly!

The Supreme Demon Lotus is too scary. After she was forced back by Ling Yun, she couldn't understand why the heaven allowed their two children to exist!

The little guy immediately frowned slightly, and then cried without opening his eyes!

"Oh...I'm crying...I...I..." The Goddess of Life suddenly panicked, and Yan Xuefei hurried forward to hug the little guy!
Comforting: "Sissy don't cry, mom is here!"

Hearing the familiar voice, the little guy sucked his little finger, stopped crying, and fell asleep again, without opening his eyes during the whole process.

The corner of the Goddess of Life's mouth twitched, did she not like her?
"Where is Pluto?"

"You missed it, he's not here anymore."

"Are you a step late again? Damn it, did you avoid me on purpose?" The goddess of life's nose was crooked, and she stomped her feet angrily!

"What do you need to ask him? It's not important, I can pass the message on your behalf."

"It must be important, otherwise I would be sick and come here in the middle of the night without sleeping." The Goddess of Life rolled her eyes, she looked like a girl!


Concubine Yan Xue felt so embarrassed, didn't she ask the question knowingly!
The Goddess of Life smiled: "You are my heir, tell me where his weakness is, and I will defeat him!"

Concubine Yan Xue shook her head, Pluto's weakness was the little guy in her arms, but she would not betray her daughter, nor would she betray Ling Yun.

"What? Are you interested in him? I've calculated it for you. You have nothing to do with him. You should be determined. I have to tell you something. "

"What do you mean?"

Yan Xuefei frowned slightly, looking at the seriousness of the Goddess of Life, it didn't look like she was joking!
"Even if you inherit my immortal blood phoenix martial soul in your life, you will still die because of him. You'd better stay away from him."

(End of this chapter)

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